"Actually, Javi himself is a good bait..."

Fang Xian is very sure that the existence that created the nightmare city, like himself, exists in the form of idealism and needs a body.

Javi of this pathway, for it, is also a very delicious food or a useful puppet.

In other words, once Javi entered the sleeping city, his fate was already doomed.

"Furthermore, the other party also manipulated the Fountain of the Dead to suddenly riot. Even if it was suppressed, a large number of strange items were sent over... Probably to reorganize the body..."

A body composed entirely of traits is much better than Fang Xian's own idea.

After all, there are only a few traits in his hand that are easy to use, and things like Jia Wei can only be thrown away, or become part of the reorganization.


"In the city center?"

Jia Wei murmured and asked the scavenger next to him: "What's your name and how much do you know about the situation in the city center?"

"My name is Zihe... You want to go to the city center, are you crazy?"

Zihe looked horrified: "You don't even know... how dangerous it is there!"

"I know, I understand too..."

Jia Wei took a deep breath: "But... there is no other choice, is there?"

The call in the dream made him clear that even without the 'order' of the book of trade, he must come here, perhaps this is his destiny.


At this moment, a slender limb fell from the sky and beat Zihe into meat sauce.

Jia Wei wiped the blood from his face and looked up.

I saw a monster similar to the previous spider monster, but a thousand times larger than it, just like a hill, silently staying above him.

Those concrete buildings can't even reach half their height.


Jia Wei used the strange ability in his body one after another, but was shocked to find that the monster on the opposite side had a very high resistance.

Whether it was black and white light or blood, it didn't have the slightest effect on the opponent.

In the end, he was grabbed by the countless palms emerging from the arthropods, came to the monster, and stared at a huge twisted head opening its mouth.

'Are you going to die...'

Jia Wei looked at the motionless notebook and closed his eyes.

next moment.

He opened his eyes.

The sky was bloody, and the earth was dry and cracked.

Javie found himself pinned to a wooden frame, watching it all in silence.

"Another dream?"

"Or... a deeper nightmare?"

He found that he couldn't understand the strangeness of the sleeping city at all.

Not far away, several erect rat-like monsters found him and ran over excitedly, their mouths creaking.


After 'death' again.

Jia Wei's consciousness became more and more blurred, and he came to the third floor nightmare.

It's an extremely cold hell!


'vice captain……'

Shiraishi clenched the chain on his hand and followed behind Mei Li: "It's a natural disaster, what kind of horror is there?"

Mei Li's expression was extremely solemn, and she never forgot to observe her surroundings.

Those dead buildings, like monsters with big mouths, surrounded their team, making her shudder.

Hearing this, the voice answered without any emotion: "The most bizarre feature of level III and above is that it is incomprehensible! Within the scope of their influence, space is reversed, time is disordered, dead and resurrected... Anything can happen. .


"Time and space disorder? How to seal... it?"

Shiraishi widened his eyes.

"The natural disaster grade is weird... There has never been an example of a perfect seal."

Master Delin, who was walking at the forefront, said: "We can only limit...limited limits, and like a sleeping city, terror will break out at no time...if we can't suppress the situation, our world may will be destroyed..."

"Natural disaster grade..."

Shiraishi muttered to himself, and began to understand the true meaning of the term. It was like a natural disaster, and it was almost impossible for manpower to fight it.

Although the Sleeping City has not shown the slightest abnormality so far, the entire city is like a dead past, and at most, the mummified corpses of people and animals are seen on the road.

"It's almost downtown, everyone be on guard!"

Delin's voice was solemn.

A group of sword-holders moved forward slowly, and suddenly found that the scenery ahead was completely different from before.

It is no longer a city built of reinforced concrete, but a huge square.

The ground is paved with black and white pebbles, polished to a very smooth surface, and there are various incomplete and strange sculptures around, with an exotic style of beauty.

"Is there such a square in the sleeping city?"

Mei Li took a deep breath, quickly thought about the file, and realized that the strangeness began to interfere with the surrounding environment, and the ring in her hand was ready to release the curse at any time.

The group walked into the square and came to the center.

A layer of white mist, I don't know when, has spread all around.

In the fog, a heavy human figure emerged.

They are derivatives of the Uncanny Fountain, from those who have been slain.

At this moment, one by one, their faces were expressionless, their actions were so rigid that they lined up in a line, throwing strange objects into the pond in the middle of the square.

There seems to be a layer of colorful water in this pond.

A violin was thrown down, and it was blown to pieces in an instant, and a dark brown characteristic emerged and merged into the pond.

The idealistic existence behind the door is on the same level as Fang Xian Yuanshen, and it is these strange high-level manifestations. Of course, it has the ability to smash ordinary strange things!

If Fang Xian was here, he would definitely know that his divination and speculation were correct.

The existence of this sleeping city is smashing a large number of strange things, purifying its characteristics, and forming a perfect body.

"found it!"

The black goat head scepter in Delin's hand paused, and his expression became unprecedentedly solemn:

"We are hidden in the dark and have no honor!"

"We swear to protect this world and fight against the weird!"


Reciting the sword bearer's oath, Mei Li suddenly felt that her body had gained some strength, and she was able to meet such a strange scene.

The next moment, she saw several figures, carrying a huge wooden frame, and came over.

The one who was tied to the wooden frame was obviously Javi!

With a confused expression, he looked over at this time, his eyes finally awake slightly, and he murmured, "Have you also entered this ninth-layer dream?"

"What? Dreamland?"

Delin's ears moved, and his expression changed slightly: "This is obviously the real world!"

There was no movement on Jia Wei's dull face.

The constant sinking in the nightmare has made his perception of the outside world very dull.

On the other hand, Fang Xian had a different feeling.

"This group of people is right, they are in reality, but here, reality and dream meet!"

"Walking in reality, walking into a dream, distorting the space?"

"The existence of idealism here is really terrifying."

"But I've been hiding in my notebook and didn't make a move. I'm just waiting for this moment!"

The intersection of reality and dream, and it is no longer possible to distinguish between reality and fantasy, is a huge horror!

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