The Lord of Reincarnation

Chapter 165: Tribulation Power

Nick City.

In a corner drink hall.

"Sir, the scotch tea you want!"

A girl in a black and white maid outfit served tea and desserts, and couldn't help but glance at the customers.

Black hair, black eyes... a bit rare, but... so handsome.

Especially between the five senses, the indescribable perfection and harmony, can such a person really exist in reality?


Fang Xian, who was wearing a black priest's robe, thanked him. He seemed to have recovered from watching the black notes and smiled.

"'re welcome."

The female clerk had two red glows on her face, and ran down quickly with the plate in her hands.

'It turns out can't eat because you are handsome...but you can do whatever you want! ’

He took a sip of the mellow milk tea with a nostalgic look on his face.

"Thinking about it this way, I seem to have lived for a long time and have been reincarnated in many worlds..."

"But... my determination to pursue a higher level and a more beautiful scenery has never changed... and I have a small goal... I want to become an existence that stands at the top of any world!"

"In Taoism, it may be... Da Luo!"

The feeling of being reborn as a human makes Fang Xian full of emotion, and he wants to keep this emotion in his heart forever.

"In addition... Although this world is weird, but the technology is advanced, it is almost the same as my first world... Maybe you can relax a little..."

Fang Xian's eyes were full of nostalgia.

After eating the dim sum, he stopped the passing maid clerk: "Excuse me, may I ask..."

"Please say..."

The waitress' voice unconsciously became more gentle and sweet, thinking in her mind that if the other party asked for a phone number, she should hold back and give it, or give it immediately.

"I love this city and want to settle down,

Are there any recommended places nearby? "

Fang Xian smiled and asked politely.


Nick City is a big city in the Kingdom of Gru, and it has a strict management system for the foreign population.

A person like Fang Xian can only be regarded as a black household. If he wants to live a fair life, or even run a business, he must have a lot of trouble.

But he didn't care about that.

After getting some information, I went to visit the officials who manage this area that night.

Using strange abilities, tampering with files and even their memories, and stuffing themselves in, it can basically be seamless.

Not long after, on Deke Street, a storefront was taken down and transformed into a small rental bookstore.

The owner is a very young guy, claiming to be from the coast, a travel enthusiast, and he likes the environment of the city, so he chooses to settle down.

Fang Xian slightly modified his appearance, not so special, and over time, he became familiar with the neighbors.

As for his bookstore, there is nothing to say, the business is half-dead, purely for entertainment.


Three years passed in a flash.

Nick City, in a book rental house named 'Cat's Eye'.

Fang Xian closed the store early, holding a black notebook, seemingly reading a book.

His expression was ignorant, and after a long time, he came back to his senses, and there was a ray of light in his eyes: "So..."

The next moment, sarcomas appeared on his body one after another, and they exploded violently, turning his whole body into a pool of pus and blood.

The blood was stirring, and one of the human figures slowly emerged, outlining a human figure.

On top of the human form, the facial features and limbs grew out one after another, and finally turned into the appearance of Fang Xian.

After possessing this new strange body, Fang Xian's endurance has been greatly improved. After three years of adaptation and repair, he finally has the confidence to read the "Dongxuan Secret Record" once!

This time, what he was looking for was the root of power.

At this time, I sat down and recalled, and a lot of information and insights emerged:

"Different worlds have different rules, so many extraordinary systems cannot be universal!"

"For example, the monks in the Immortal Dao world come to this world, I am afraid they will not become ordinary people immediately!"

"And among many worlds, there are also some similarities, such as... life and death, the existence of the soul, the concept of disaster, etc... The extraordinary power built on this foundation can be exchanged for other worlds, although there are weakened, but as long as the cornerstone of the world remains, it can still exert its power.”

"Besides that, there is another way, just like Xiandao Daluo, after being promoted to a very high realm, he will travel to many worlds, adjust the source of power, remove the rubbish and save the essence, and constantly adapt himself to the rules of other worlds. Over time, it may be possible to achieve Da Luo..."

"All time and space, eternal existence, is for Daluo, but it is not suitable for me today..."

"My current realm is not high enough, but I have to reincarnate in many worlds, and I should take the road of universal cornerstone..."

"In this regard, the starry sky giant eye of the interstellar world has similar authority, and it is for the 'power of disaster'! Any world has disasters, and the decay and decay of the world itself is an irreversible process... This is also a catastrophe!"

"My way of detachment, maybe I can learn from the power of the giant eye of the starry sky, and start with the power of disaster... But you must not use the mechanism, so let's name it 'Jie', Jie Li! One of the forces of the world's essence! "

Fang Xian is determined to create a path of detachment, and now he finally sees the dawn, and he can't help but be very happy.

As for the "Dongxuan Secret Record" as the basis, there is no way to do it.

With his current strength and knowledge... If he wants to create a big road on his own, even with the help of the attribute column, it is almost a joke.

And the giant eyes of the starry sky undoubtedly have this ability.

There is no way to learn from the barbarians to control barbarians.

"As long as the 'Jie Li' is cultivated, I will be weakened at the most when I reincarnate in other worlds. There is no such thing as becoming an ordinary person... and I don't have to start over every time!"

Fang Xian thought lightly: "No matter how much time it takes, we must sort out its prototype and strive to lay the foundation in this world..."

In addition to the strange power of invasion, this world can be called a 'magic-free environment' or a 'land of absolute spirit'.

If the power system he created can be used without hindrance in such a world, it can basically be considered to withstand the test and have the prototype of Daluo.


A few days later, Fang Xian was lying on the easy chair, looking at the notebook, when a footstep sounded.

He frowned and saw a boy with glasses walk in with his head lowered, giving him a sense of cowardice and cowardice: "Old... Boss, I'll return the book."


Fang Xian nodded and recognized him.

This little guy called 'Kui Shi' is a child of a nearby family. He is rather cowardly and addicted. He has also seen this little guy being blocked by gangsters for blackmail.

However, in terms of borrowing books, it is very reputable.

"Let it go, what do you want to see this time?"

Fang Xian nodded, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

"Big Star Wars!"

Kai Shi answered without hesitation.

"Find it yourself!"

Kui Shi nodded, came to a row of bookshelves skillfully, and saw the row of "Big Star Wars", his eyes lit up.

Suddenly, he saw an ancient book next to him: "What is this?"

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