The Lord of Reincarnation

Chapter 166 Alchemy

A whisper seemed to be heard in Hui Shi's ear.

"Pick it up!"

"Pick it up!"

"Who... who is talking?" The voice was low and hoarse, definitely not the voice of the bookstore owner.

Wei Shi was startled, and then he felt that he had auditory hallucinations.

But after thinking about it, he still couldn't hold back and pulled out the ancient book.

The book is almost falling apart, the cover is yellowed, and there are moth-eaten marks on the corners.

On the cover, the title of the book is very clear - "Secrets of the Alchemist"!

"Boss, what book is this?"

Kui Shi held up the "Secrets of the Alchemist" in his hand and asked Fang Xian.

"Oh, an ancient book, have you heard of ancient warriors? It's almost something similar, a kind of ancient martial arts..."

Fang Xian is very indifferent.

"Ancient martial arts?" Hui Shi blinked.

Although he knew that ancient martial arts had already been defeated by science, and that no matter how high his martial arts skills were, he would be shot down with a single shot, but the little boy still had a passion in his heart.

What's more, he, who is often bullied, has the illusion of becoming stronger.

"I borrowed "The Great Star Wars", and this one!"

Wei Shi thought for a while, then raised the ancient calligraphy in his hand.

"Benefit 20 yuan!"

Fang Xian answered without raising his eyelids.

"This... the pocket money I just received..."

Hui Shi struggled a little.

"Oh... little guy, don't you spend all your money, are you waiting to be robbed?"

Fang Xian smiled meaningfully.


Kui Shi touched his chest,

There was a bruise still aching: "I'll rent it!"


In a blink of an eye, many years have passed, inside the small bookstore.


The door of the store was pushed open, and a young man walked in and saluted respectfully: "I'm here again."

"Old rules, one psychological counseling, 5,000 yuan!"

Fang Xian did not lift his head.

"It's really expensive. If I hadn't won the championship of the city youth fighting competition, I really couldn't get it..."

The young man took out a stack of money in pain and handed it to Fang Xian respectfully.

He knew very well that without Fang Xian's guidance, perhaps he would still be the cowardly person who was bullied by gangsters in the past.

This young man was actually the former Kui Shi.

But now, he has undergone earth-shaking changes.

It's not that the body has become like a bodybuilder, but the vitality and confidence radiating from the face.

Compared with the previous him, it was a completely reborn change.

"Well, sit down!"

Fang Xian's eyes flashed a strange color, and shouted.

Kui Shi immediately sat cross-legged with his five hearts facing the sky.

"I teach you fighting, mainly for psychological training. Don't think that the power of the mind is mysterious. In fact, it is a science!"

"The so-called ancient martial arts, don't think that they are outdated, some of its theories have not been falsified by science!"

"Especially this set of martial arts that I taught you, you have mastered it, and you are invincible all over the world..."

Fang Xian added in his heart while teaching hard: 'In the circle of ordinary people...'

"Everything has its own frequency and fluctuation, and all matter has electromagnetic waves, which can be regarded as a kind of 'information'... The kung fu I teach you is to use meditation and psychological hypnosis to 'overclock' your own spirit and accept it. This flow of information!"

"You know, as soon as your enemy is hostile, the endocrine in the body will inevitably change, and the corresponding 'pheromone' will be emitted. If you capture this 'pheromone', it means that you have captured his hostility, and even his next move. It's all clear, this is invincible!"

"This is also the way of sincerity in ancient martial arts, which can be explained scientifically by previous knowledge!"

"If two sincere masters fight, it is the process of hiding their own information and capturing each other's information. It is like a hacker war on the Internet. Once one party obtains the real information of the other party, it will be clear about the opponent's plans, strengths and moves. , so there is victory without defeat!"

"This theory spreads, that is, everything has 'information', such as a plane, if a part is damaged, there will be corresponding information dissemination. Before you come to the plane, you have captured this information, and you know that there will be an accident in the plane. , will choose to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages!”

"Of course, you are still too far from this realm. The overclocking of your thinking is all because of my hypnosis... It will degenerate soon, you must cultivate yourself, at least you must reach the level of 'body like a bodhi tree, mind like a mirror platform, Always wipe hard, don't let the dust 'realm'... you are considered a master!"

"It is your great luck that I teach you the way of an alchemist. You must practice well."

Fang Xian said leisurely.

"Come on...Teacher, I've played all over the city, and I don't have a master you mentioned..."

The youth quickly got up, his eyes seemed to become more crystal clear, and said, "My coach said that I have the level of an international champion!"

'Of course, because this world, apart from the weird invasion, has no other extraordinary power...' Fang Xian rolled his eyes secretly.

This Kui Shi, and this set of theories, were the results of his exploration of the first-level Daluo. Kui Shi was considered a guinea pig.

This set of theoretical and practical techniques was named 'Daluodong Mystery View' by him, which is a kind of 'alchemy'!

The alchemist, the magic created by Fang Xian, is also a magical magical power that can be used in any world!

For example, the 'Daluodong Mystery View', such techniques, if they are in a world without demons, are simply magical.

Can clearly perceive human hostility, and even predict danger.

If you go further, you will realize that the world is also a realm of huge information, even if it is a natural disaster, you can capture the information and avoid it in advance.

Such a person is almost invincible in a demon-free world!

And those who use alchemy can be called 'alchemists'!

Fang Xian has great ambitions, and he is already preparing to set up a new one called 'Fang Xian Dao', whose purpose is to explore the secrets of Daluo!

After all, his strength alone is limited.

If among the 100,000 disciples, there is a person of extraordinary talent, it is enough for him to progress together.

'Maybe in the future, the name of the alchemist will be rampant in the heavens, echoing in thousands of worlds...'

Of course, Fang Xiandao today is just a grass-roots team, he is a bare-handed Taoist master, and he brings a few guinea pigs.

'Alchemist, cultivating power, casting alchemy... I can only deduce an entry level at present, the others are blank... even the level has not been drawn...'

'Jie Li, it's easy to say, but it is very difficult to lay a foundation for it...'

'The most perfect way is to participate in a huge disaster... The greater the catastrophe, the better the foundational effect... For example... the destruction of the world? ’

Fang Xian thought about it, of course he would not destroy a world just to lay the foundation for perfection.

However, if it is to go to the kind of world that is about to be destroyed, it seems extremely feasible.

After all, he still has a golden finger of reincarnation.

"No, maybe this time, you don't even have to use the golden finger. Isn't that world suitable?"

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