The Lord of Reincarnation

Chapter 167 Involvement

Beru University, Fighting Club.

Kui Shi walked into the door, and the members on both sides immediately bowed: "President!"


At this time, Kui Shi did not have the cowardice he had when he was blackmailed by the gangsters. Instead, he was full of the temperament of a high-ranking person. He first observed the training of the members, and then called up a few important members, and said, "For the next International Fighting Championship, we will Form a team, what about Xiaole and Ayan? Didn't I say, during this time, do you have to train me here? Huh?"

Kui Shi was a little arrogant, but the other members trembled: "President... Xiaole's family has something to do. A Yan is Xiaole's boyfriend. I went with him. It hasn't been resolved yet. It seems to be more troublesome..."


Kui Shi frowned, Xiaole forgets it, he is just a substitute, but A Yan has good strength and is a very qualified striker.

If something happened and he couldn't participate in the international competition, it would be a huge loss for him.

"What happened to Xiaole's family? They are all from the same university. Let's help her solve it." Hui Shi asked.

"I don't know!"

Several members looked at each other and looked at each other. A girl immediately ran out to make a phone call, and then trotted over: "Xiao Le hasn't come to school for two days. Something must have happened. Her home is in Anning Community!"

"An Ning Community?"

Hui Shi touched his forehead, turned around and walked out of the fighting club.


An hour later, outside the An Ning community.

Hui Shi got out of the car, looked at the sign of the community, and walked in.

As soon as he walked in, Wei Shi suddenly felt something was wrong.

A creepy feeling suddenly appeared in my heart.

Danger! Danger! Danger!

He almost didn't even think about it, he was about to step back.

However, just as he was about to step out of the gate of the community, Hui Shi felt another terrible message: "If you step out, I will die!"

He stopped abruptly,

Watch carefully.

The streetscape outside becomes a little off, giving it a 'fake' feel.

The taxi driver who had just brought him smiled at him, but the smile was so unmoving that it made the scalp numb.

It was as if everyone outside had lost their original expressions in an instant.

"It's not right, it's very wrong, why is the sky so gloomy? It's not the weather just now, and the scenery outside is not right... I seem to have entered a strange place, and I will face even more terrifying things when I go out..."

The frequent mental warning signs made Kui Shi, who practiced the 'Daluo Cave Mystery View', couldn't help but change his expression.

It was the first time he had sensed the danger of this level since he practiced the Way of the Alchemist with his teacher!

If Fang Xian was here, he would definitely hit him on the head with a paper tube, scolding this stinky boy for not being good at learning, and daring to help others rashly.

Being involved in a strange incident, even if it is a world fighting champion, it is not much different from ordinary people.

As for the cultivation of the 'Daluodong Mysterious View'?

Although this alchemy is exquisite and mysterious, and it also integrates some of the magical powers of the 'Eye of the Profound' and the 'Blood Spirit Divination', at most, Hui Shi has cultivated a fur.

In other words, the ability to extract information from the surrounding environment is too poor, otherwise, you should turn your head and leave at the gate of the community, and you will not be aware of it after falling into this danger.

On a higher level, once you have the idea of ​​coming to the community in your heart, you will perceive the danger!

It will not be so embarrassing or embarrassing, only to find out that it is wrong after stepping into the trap.

Of course, if it is an ordinary person who still doesn't know anything at this time, that is, he doesn't even know how to die.

If the alchemy of 'Daluodong Mystery View' is cultivated to its peak, it is no different from 'Omniscient', and omniscient is omnipotence, and it may become a god on this planet.

It's a pity that it's basically impossible for Hui Shi to reach this stage. Even if his ability to extract information suddenly increases to an unbelievable level, the possibility of his brain exploding is greater than that of becoming a god.

"At the moment, it seems... the gate of the community is a trap. If you go out, you will really die... There is still a way to live in the community!"

Kui Shi took a deep breath and walked to an apartment building.

He didn't know the family, just grabbed the doorknob.

The door was not locked and could be pushed open easily.

Hui Shi pressed his eyebrows, did not open the door, but slowly stepped back.

On his forehead, a pea-sized cold sweat has emerged.

What he didn't know was that behind the door, there was a dark figure standing there silently.

After he left the apartment building, he breathed a long sigh of relief: "If I opened the door just now, I would definitely die! What the hell is going on in this world?"

Kui Shi felt that the world had suddenly become so unfamiliar.

In fact, this is also his level is not enough.

Otherwise, you will probably be able to come into contact with the weird content, and you will be mentally prepared after getting involved in the weirdness.

His biggest mistake was that he didn't climb to a high enough level in this world.

"Go to Xiaole first. I remember her house number. If she is still alive, she may know what happened..."

Wei Shi thought for a while, then walked through an aisle with great vigilance and came to the door of Xiaole's house.

Pressing between his eyebrows, he focused on capturing the 'dangerous' information in the void.

The results show that it is fairly safe here.

Of course, it is also possible that the target level is too high, and he simply cannot capture that kind of information, which is to die.

"At this time, we can only fight."

Kui Shi gritted his teeth and grabbed the doorknob.

Can't open, the door is locked.

At this time, there was a sound from inside the house, as if something fell to the ground.

Hui Shi's eyes flashed, and he said, "Xiao Le, is that you?"

A click.

The door was cracked open, revealing the face of a beautiful young girl.

"President... come in."

Xiaole pulled Wei Shi into the door, and locked it again: "Why did you come here?"

"I see you have something to do. I'm going to come and see if I can help you..." Wei Shi looked around and found that there was no one else, so he couldn't help asking, "Where's Ah Yan?"

"In order to protect me... woo..." Xiaole's bewildered deer-like eyes suddenly flashed a sparkle: " not the community I live in at all!"


A look of surprise appeared on Kai Shi's face.

"President, didn't you find out? Everything here is reversed... It's like the scene in the mirror..."


in the real world.

One to support the Swordman Squad and gather around the Anning Community.

The leader looked pale and cold, and his eyes revealed a grayish-white lustre that only dead people had: "The objective of this mission, code-named - The Weird Mirror, it has been confirmed that it is disguised as the gate of the community, and will randomly pass people who pass through it. Pull into a world in a mirror!"

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