The Lord of Reincarnation

Chapter 171 Counterattack

Tick ​​tock! Tick ​​tock!

In the office area, the environment becomes even more eerie.

Drops of fresh blood dripped from nowhere, and gathered into a large pool of blood. It seemed that some of the bodies with severed limbs were struggling and trying to climb out.


Nighthawk's exasperated voice sounded: "Do you really dare to do it?"

"You know, I hate people taller than me the most..." Aisharo said without hesitation: "I'm going to chop off your long legs!"

Nighthawk's pupils shrank, knowing that Rakshasa was telling the truth, and quickly took out his own strange thing, a bone flute, and put it on his mouth to play.

" two...cough...stop..."

At this time, a gloomy cold suddenly exploded.

Whether it was Shura Field or Nighthawk's flute, they were all suppressed.

A pale man, who seemed to have lost too much blood and was about to die in the next second, walked into the office.

This is the last executioner of the Yefeng Organization, Bai Guan.

"What's the matter? You two actually came to my place together?"

Aisharo rolled her eyes and asked.

"If it wasn't for something, who would want to come here as a lunatic..." Nighthawk frowned, extremely dissatisfied.

"Woman, do you want to die?" Asharo growled.


After Bai Guan said another sentence, he kept coughing, as if he was going to die in the next second because he couldn't breathe, but Aisharo glanced at him, and he was really quiet.

"This time, not only our 'Yefeng', but also the 'weird research institute', 'sisterhood', 'Tekken group', who have all come to me..."

Bai Guan said slowly: "This is probably the first time that our high-level leaders have met, except for the last time when there was no light that would be destroyed!"

"Simon of the Wuguang Society is a fool. It is said that he did some dangerous experiment, which caused the destruction of the headquarters.

High-level rebellion, playing with himself to death..."

Aisharo snorted: "The words of those organizations were found by people, what's the matter?"

"We say that we are a well-known organization in the dark world, but in fact, they are all mice in the shadows...cough...cough...from time to time, we have to worry about the encirclement and suppression of secret agencies... Fortunately, in recent years, there has been a large-scale outbreak of strange things, and they have no time to spare. Taking us into consideration, we have contained a number of Sealed Artifacts in one go, and it is only a little bit better...cough..."

Bai Guan sat down on the table and said weakly: "The leaders of several organizations met and felt that the secret agency could not be better, and suggested that we join forces to raid one of the other's branches, destroy the sword-wielders there, and seize the other's Weird thing..."

"An act of revenge?"

Aisharo rubbed her little fist, and said with some bloodthirsty: "I like..."

"But... just for this reason, I'm afraid it's not enough?" Nighthawk said.

"Naturally, it's not just revenge. The branch this time is very unusual, the level of confidentiality is very high, and the news was leaked with great difficulty. After confirmation... There is still a big secret of a secret agency hidden there, what is it, and what is it? To be confirmed, anyway, it is definitely not the place where the natural disaster grade is sealed."

White Road.

"If there is a strange place where natural disasters are sealed, I will turn around and leave without saying a word... Do you want to let everyone die together by releasing that kind of thing? The destruction of the world will not benefit us either!"

Nighthawk rolled his eyes.

"Don't worry, I'm more careful than you in this regard. I've used the Sealed Artifact for divination. There's absolutely no natural disaster-level weirdness sealed there...cough..."

Bai Guan said at the end, he had already started coughing up blood.

"In this case, you can take revenge severely."

Nighthawk was already inclined to agree. After all, some time ago, their organization was severely suppressed by secret agencies, and they had blood feuds with each other.

"Then, it's settled."

Bai Guan got up and said: "The weird things we got in this operation, our major organizations will be distributed according to the credit after the event... Prepare, and act in three days."

He walked out the door, and the figure slowly disappeared.

"Then, I'm leaving too."

Nighthawk didn't dare to stay with this crazy woman, and said quickly.

"Are they all gone?"

Aisharo looked in the direction of the door, suddenly sighed, and a figure appeared in his mind.

She will never forget that day a few years ago when she just passed by a bookstore, stopped for a while, and met her current teacher.

Such a handsome, smiling teacher.

In addition, he also taught himself extremely practical alchemy.

When dealing with strange things recently, that kind of strange alchemy has already shown an extremely terrifying auxiliary effect.

Only a fool like Kui Shi would feel that alchemy is weak.


Thinking of Fang Xian, the face under Aisharo's mask couldn't help but become gentle: "Be a normal person with peace of mind, I will protect you."


Inside the cat's eye rental bookstore.

On Fang Xian's body, strange lines appeared one by one.

Many black lines gathered together to form a black chain, which exploded suddenly, turning into a dreamland with various colors.

"Well... as expected of a natural disaster grade body, it is very valuable for research..."

"When I saw this chain, I thought of Shiraishi... The chain in his heart probably belongs to the way of spiritual existence in the Sleeping City..."

At this moment, Fang Xian's expression changed, and he opened the attribute bar.

"The option of active reincarnation is finally lit?"

A happy expression appeared on his face, accepting this message, and at the same time knowing that he wanted to go to that weird world, it was really just a thought.

"But... it's too wasteful to use an opportunity to escape from the world...isn't there a breakthrough in research in the secret agency? You can go for a ride..."

Fang Xian thought consciously without any evildoers.

As for the location of the experiment, he had already figured it out.

After all... when he created Jia Wei, he secretly prepared for the backhand, leaving a little blood of the opponent and recorded it on the notebook.

For so many years, the other party seems to be free, but in fact, just like Bei Kuo at the beginning, he has been under the supervision of Fang Xian.

Therefore, the secret agency plans to send an elite team to counterattack the strange world. He is also aware of it.

While thinking about it, Fang Xian started to pack his things, looking like he was going to go out.

"Huh? Teacher, what are you going to do?"

At this time, Aisharo jumped in. Seeing Fang Xian's appearance, he asked curiously.

"Nothing, I'm going on a trip, what's the matter with you?"

Fang Xian showed a gentle smile again.

"It's nothing... I just wanted to tell you that I'm watching over things over Hui Shi's side, so you don't have to worry."

Asharo blushed and replied quickly.

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