The Lord of Reincarnation

Chapter 172 Attack (Congratulations to the leader of Satan under the moonlight!)

Golden desert!

It is located in the northwest of the Gru Kingdom and is a huge no-man's land.

In the depths of the desert, in an oasis, huge rolling buildings were built.

This is the branch of the secret agency, where a research institute is located.

The bottom line of the secret organization is much higher than that of a dark organization like the Wuguang Society, and it will not place dangerous experiments in crowded places.

"One two, one two!"

Outside of this institute, there is also a training camp.

Kui Shi was wearing a short white shirt and blue knee-length trousers, and was doing leapfrog exercises.

Joining a secret agency does not immediately become a swordsman, but also requires various trainings.

Fighting, psychology, emergency therapy...

Strange source analysis, various case speeches...

He was very happy and felt that he had been exposed to the 'reality' of the world. He showed 200% enthusiasm every day and won unanimous praise from the coaches. He felt that he might be the best seedling in this class of trainees.

In fact, if Kui Shi knew that the death rate of new recruits who leave the major training camps every year was so high that he didn't know what his expression would be.

After a day of training, all the rookies gathered in the auditorium.

Lao Huang, who they privately called the 'Devil Training Officer', came to the stage and said loudly: "Today, we are going to have a special class, and a former senior of yours, who is also the chief of the training camp, will introduce you to dealing with strange things. The experience of the thing, everyone applauds and welcomes!”

Hui Shi's eyes lit up and he applauded vigorously.

The next moment, he saw a capable man in his thirties walking onto the podium with a low voice: "Hello everyone, my name is Shiraishi... Do you have experience dealing with weird things? It should be luck! After all, everyone is ordinary people. , bad luck, if you say you die...for example, I and the former second seat, we once worked together to deal with a strange event, code name...weird rain...I just watched her disappear in front of me ...So, any experience is bullshit, luck! Luck is the most important! Intuition comes second, and other conditions come third at most!"

"Ahem... Let's once again give a warm applause to Shiraishi for his speech."

Lao Huang hurriedly let Baishi be put down,

Embarrassingly rounded the field.


After Shiraishi walked to the auditorium, he silently lit a cigarette.

"You still have the face to mention the ivy?"

In the darkness, a human-shaped silhouette slowly emerged, with a thin body and a hoarse voice.

"Javi, are you here?"

Bai Shi shook the cigarette case: "Want one?"

He immediately smiled bitterly: "I know, you hate me a little bit, but why haven't I hated myself over the years? This time I'm sharing my experience with these rookies, I just don't want them to detour, that's all."


After a long silence, Shiraishi said slowly, "I have signed up for this volunteer team, and so is Captain Mei Li..."

Javi's dead gray eyes moved.

Ordinary people who participate in that kind of experiment have a high probability of dying directly.

Shiraishi and Mei Li, are they tired of living?

"I'm too lazy to care about you..."

Jia Wei turned around and slowly walked into the darkness: "I really don't want to team up with you."

Shiraishi, who stayed behind, could only smile bitterly.

He and Mei Li are already well-known holders of the 'Tuan Extermination Halo', and no one knows it among the sword holders.

Basically, few swordsmen dare to team up with them now!


late at night.

Novice training camp, in the dormitory.

Kai Shi suddenly opened his eyes, and a strong sense of danger surged.

"not good!"

Just as he was about to open his mouth to warn, he heard the sound of an explosion in the research institute not far away.

The huge shock wave shattered the windows and shattered glass.

Many unfortunate people who were still sleeping were tragically attacked and stabbed with blood on their faces.

Long before the shock wave arrived, Hui Shi rolled over and hid under the bed, so he was unscathed, just looking at the fire in the research institute not far away, his head was a little foggy: "Our secret agency, isn't it Gru's strongest organization? How could it be attacked?"

But at this time, it was too late to think about it.

Although the enemy's target is definitely the research institute, the novice training camp next to it may also be within the attack range.

They are a group of little rookies with bare hands, I am afraid they can't beat any swordsman!

"Enemy attack!"

The door of the dormitory was opened, and the figure of coach Lao Huang appeared, shouting loudly: "Do you remember the emergency training? If you can still move, immediately support the wounded and go to the shelter!"

Whether it is a novice training camp or a research institute, it involves strange things, which may get out of control. Of course, protective measures must be taken.

The so-called 'sanctuary' cost a lot of money to build, and the walls can isolate the invasion of strange forces, which may be the only way to survive at this time.

"Hold on."

With a male student on his back, Wei Shi just walked out of the dormitory door when his body suddenly trembled uncontrollably.

The Daluodong Mystery View is running, telling him to go to the refuge, he will die!

But if you stay here, you will also die!

It seems that no matter what he chooses, it is difficult to escape the end of death.

This is the limitation of this alchemy. It recognizes the danger, but the body does not have the ability to resist the danger, and it can't even react!

If Fang Xian was here, the feeling that Daluodong Mysterious View gave him would definitely be... that everything around is safe, just wander freely.

Even Aisharo can find a way to break through.

But for ordinary people, Kui Shi, Aisharo's way of breaking out of the siege is a dead end!

He felt like he was in a corner!

"Don't...don't go to the shelter..."

Wei Shi struggled, and just as he shouted this sentence, he heard a violent vibration from the ground.

Lao Huang's expression froze: "We have a traitor! Did he blow up the underground shelter?"

"Be careful!"

At this moment, a cold feeling, like a thin needle, stabbed the center of Wei Shi's forehead.

He couldn't help roaring, and saw a figure in a white dress in the darkness.

That figure appeared like a ghost, suddenly appeared, suddenly disappeared, and when it reappeared, it came to the back of the old instructor.

Among so many students present, he is the only instructor who possesses strange things, and is of course the first target of the enemy's attack!

After all, Lao Huang was an experienced retired sword holder, and when he flipped his palm, a lighter appeared.

The silver-white metal lighter suddenly turned on, revealing a crimson flame.

But the next moment, the lid of this lighter was suddenly closed by a pale palm.

It's the ghost of the woman in white!

Her level of terror far exceeded the strange things in Lao Huang's hands, and she directly suppressed it!

The turbulent blood water emerged from Lao Huang's body, and the waterfall generally poured around.

Kai Shi's face was full of despair.

He had a premonition that the next target of that white-clothed ghost would be himself!

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