The Lord of Reincarnation

Chapter 178 Survivor

If it is said that the world where Shiraishi was located before, most of the areas are ordinary dungeons, and the most bizarre is a difficult dungeon, this strange world is powerful, and there are hell-level dungeons everywhere! Very unfriendly to ordinary players!

The key is that there is no way to go back!

"If our world doesn't have hidden institutions, or natural disasters are often weird, it will be like this in the end..."

Looking at this scene, Jia Wei's thoughts in his heart became firmer: "All of this must be stopped, it really can't, and the invasion of this world must be stopped..."

They came as a death squad with the biggest goal of destroying the source of strangeness.

If not or can't do it, at least try to separate the two worlds and stop the weird things from growing, so as to save their world.

At this time, Fang Xian sensed something and slowly walked into the city.

"How to do?"

Shiraishi made a gesture, asking if he wanted to take this opportunity to separate.

"Let's follow."

Jia Wei gritted his teeth and followed Fang Xian into the outskirts of the city.


"Sure enough... the 'robbery' of this world is very strong!"

Fang Xian did not forget his main purpose. At this time, he was in a strange world, and he could almost feel the surging calamity of the void, pouring it into his body.

"If alchemists practice here, they will definitely advance by leaps and bounds. After all, it is the destruction of a world, a huge doom! If you absorb this kind of 'doom', you can gain power! Wait... Why do I feel something is wrong..."

Fang Xian's expression changed: "The way of the alchemist is to actively pursue disaster cultivation, but in the eyes of other people, wherever the alchemist goes, disasters will happen... Wherever the alchemist passes, disasters must occur for people and disasters for the country. Disaster?"

At this time there is no way.

He walked into this dead city according to the feeling of his own alchemy.

"At the moment, I don't seem to conform to the strange laws of natural disasters in the city center, so I didn't alarm it...and..."

walk around a corner,

Fang Xian saw a small motorcade.

Many unkempt scavengers seem to have formed a team of explorers and are constantly carrying supplies to the car.


"You must leave before darkness comes, or never want to leave the city!"

"The voice is small, don't provoke other weirdness!"


A purple-haired woman was standing on the front of the car and commanding.

Of course, Fang Xian at this time couldn't understand what she was saying, but he had his own way.

Fang Xian's eyes flashed with color, and he had noticed a scavenger and pulled him into a dream.

The master of the sleeping city masters the abilities related to dreams.

- Weaving dreams!

In the dreamland he weaved, the scavenger passed his life quickly.

When I was a child, I learned language and characters, and when I grew up, I faced terrible disasters, fled the city, and took shelter in a camp of wild survivors...

It was as if he had replayed his entire life.

What's more ingenious is that in the dream, the concept of time is distorted, and it seems that it is only a blink of an eye in the outside world.

In the blink of an eye, Fang Xian learned the language and characters of this world.

- Eat dreams!

"What happened to the old black?"

"Not good... He was attacked, at least in the third shape!"

Although Fang Xian prided himself on doing it skillfully, this 'abnormality' was immediately discovered by other scavengers.

Especially the purple-haired woman in the lead, when she raised her hand, a beam of purple light shot towards Fang Xian like a laser.

Everywhere he passed, all buildings were eerily evaporated.

How fast is the speed of light?

Before Fang Xian could speak, half of his body was swept away by the laser and completely melted away.

"This is... a strange ability?"

Javi's eyes flashed, and he was startled.

He has a hunch that if he is swept away by this purple light, he is afraid that he will die immediately, and the strange body will not be saved!

Because of the opponent's ability and terror level, he completely crushed him!

His consciousness will definitely be annihilated!

But he knew that Fang Xian would not die.

Because the other party is a more terrifying 'natural disaster'!

The next moment, the surrounding scene was a little hazy.

Half of Fang Xian's body resurfaced, and he said to himself, "You're very alert, you deserve to be a survivor!"

The power of his dreams can already penetrate into reality, distorting reality and illusion.

Therefore, any injury and death can be turned into a 'dream', which is an illusion!

This is a weird kind of immortality!

It is also a unique ability of this body.

"Wait a minute, don't do it!"

At this time, the purple-haired woman suddenly said, stopping the other scavengers: "It's not weird, it's... human! The king of the fourth form! The king of weirdness!"

She jumped off the front of the car and knelt down directly to Fang Xian: "Great powerhouse, please forgive Zi Tao's offense, no matter how you plan to punish me, I am willing to bear it!"

"The fourth form?"

When the other scavengers heard this, they also knelt down and pressed their foreheads to the ground.

"Killing decisively, when encountering an enemy that cannot be confronted, it is also very refreshing to admit counsel... Is it worthy of being a survivor in the apocalypse?"

Fang Xian touched his chin and waved his hand: "Forget it, get up... After all, it was me who moved first."

"Thank you sir!"

Zi Tao stood up and looked at the ground, only daring to look at Fang Xian and the others with curiosity.

"What's going on? Why did you suddenly stop fighting and the enemy knelt down?"

Shiraishi was ignorant and could not understand the languages ​​of both sides.

And Jia Wei's eyes flashed, and he was even more sure that Fang Xian came from this strange world. Didn't he see that the two of them could communicate without obstacles?

Fang Xian's eyes flashed with the color of glass, and he pulled Jia Wei and Baishi into a dream, temporarily instilling some knowledge to prevent them from revealing their contents.

He glanced at the other scavengers in the convoy and nodded.

There is no ordinary person in this scavenger team!

It's not even a swordsman who has turned on resonance, but an existence similar to Javi!

In other words, if Shiraishi came here, I'm afraid even the kid who was picking up the trash on the road wouldn't be able to beat him!

"Strange road... Sure enough, my deduction is correct."

"The reason why humans in this world can survive is that they have become weird by themselves!"

Fang Xian nodded and asked, "Where are you from?"

Zi Tao hurriedly replied: "We are from a nearby survivor camp called Redemption. It's just a small stronghold. It's normal for adults to have never heard of it."

"The three of us just came to this area, do you mind going to that camp together?"

Fang Xian smiled and asked.

"My lord's will, we are willing to obey."

Although a few scavengers were worried, Zi Tao agreed immediately.

Because she knew that she couldn't resist at all.

"Very good, I like smart people!"

Fang Xian patted Jia Wei's head in the back: "Why don't you go and help?"


Jia Wei and Shiraishi looked at each other, feeling a little confused.

How can a language that was originally incomprehensible suddenly become understandable.

'Is this also a strange ability? ’

Jia Wei glanced at Fang Xian and had a guess in his heart.

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