"Kid, I'll help you!"

Shiraishi and Javi secretly winked a few times, and decided to play the natives and integrate into the team to gain information.

Bai Shi smiled and stepped forward, helping the youngest boy to pick up the garbage on the roadside: "What's your name?"

The little boy looked only fifteen or sixteen years old when he suddenly glanced at Shiraishi.

Shiraishi felt a chill all over his body, as if he was being targeted by some beast.

'This feeling...Javi...he seems to be just like Javi. ' In his heart, a storm surged suddenly.

At this time, the young man finally spoke slowly, with a low voice:

"How can someone as weak as you and your companions be with such an adult?"


Shiraishi rolled his eyes.

He has been the strongest among his peers since he was a child, and the chief of the training camp. When he became a swordsman, he began to practice resonance.

This is the first time I've heard such an evaluation.

"You are not even the first shape, and that companion is only the first shape. How did you hug the fourth shape of the big guy's thigh, teach me!"

The young man said seriously: "Teach me and I will invite you to eat meat!"

It seems to him that this is a very generous reward.

Shiraishi thought quickly.

'First form! It seems that Jia Wei's previous guess is not wrong. Wei Wei really has a promotion path. He is already in the first stage, and Fang Xian is in the fourth stage. This is also the level of the natural disaster grade Wei? There is so much difference, no wonder we are facing the strangeness of the natural disaster level, and we feel that we can't fight it at all... There are four stages behind...'

Shiraishi immediately felt very valuable: "This... We are just coincidental, we encountered a strange thing together... I invite you to eat candy!"

He took out a candy, the sweet taste from another world, instantly conquered the boy's taste buds, making his eyes narrow.

Shiraishi took the opportunity to talk a few more words and learned that the boy's name was Ashu, an orphan adopted by the camp.

Recently successfully promoted to the first form,

must come out to find food and other supplies for the camp.

"The way you use strange things is only used by women and children in our camp. A true warrior, the first form is the minimum, my wish is to become the third form like the leader of the purple pottery, Can shelter a small camp!"

Ashu got another candy, and after thinking about it, he was reluctant to eat it, and stuffed it into his pocket.

'Well...it turns out I'm really weak! ’

Shiraishi secretly burst into tears, and asked about the promotion, and got a blank eye from Ah Shu.

"Are you a savage? 'One quality restrains the other, and the three combine to form an extraordinary foundation'... Even children will memorize the laws that will be passed down by the dawn! You don't know?"

"Dawn will, of course I know..." Shiraishi felt that the young Ashu had begun to doubt him, but he felt that killing Ashu would never be expected, so he simply continued to ask.

Through sporadic information, he knew that this world was plagued by strange things about a hundred years ago. More than ten years ago, it broke the limit of human endurance and almost destroyed the entire civilization.

Many cities were reduced to ruins, and only scattered survivor camps in the wild remained.

The Dawning Society is the most famous salvation organization.

Not only has the method of becoming an 'extraordinary' been widely shared, several bizarre paths that humans can use, but also a city of last survivors has been established.

It is said that there are multiple fourth-shaped warriors sitting there, and there is even the legendary fifth-shaped! It is the last hope and fortress of mankind.

Their small camp once wanted to relocate, but the road was too dangerous and there were many strange obstacles, so it couldn't succeed.

While they were chatting, the team had completed today's task and started to set out on their way home.

Although the sky was still gray, the visibility continued to decline, presumably the night of the world had arrived.

Fang Xian sat in the car, only Zi Tao accompanied him.

He knows more information than Javi and Shiraishi.

For example, the survivor camp is very small, with only a few hundred people. No matter how many people there are, it will attract the attention of the natural disaster level. It is a disaster that they cannot fight.

Because, Zi Tao is the leader of this camp!

And she has only the third form!

"I was originally a young lady from a big chaebol family, but now, the experience of more than ten years feels like a dream..."

Zi Tao poured a drink for Fang Xian, with reminiscence in his eyes.

"You can devour and fuse twenty-seven strange things and advance to the third stage, you are already amazing."

Fang Xian comforted.

He understands that the strange road is not so simple.

Weird traits can't be swallowed up indiscriminately, and there must be choices and methods of identification.

The three qualities restrain each other, and after swallowing and merging, they are the warriors of the first stage.

As for the second stage, nine qualities are required.

The third stage is also the limit he stays on the notebook, requiring a full twenty-seven kinds!

The fourth stage is the real 'natural disaster', which can fight against those idealistic beings and needs to devour eighty-one different strange things.

Therefore, there are very few top powerhouses in this world.

And this fourth form is also known as the king level! The meaning is the king of strange!

It's just that these studies came from the Dawning Society, which made him very interested in this organization.

"In retrospect, it's really difficult, it's mainly luck!"

Zi Tao tucked her hair together with a silent temptation.

Perhaps in the eyes of the survivors, it is only natural to rely on the strong.

"I understand, it's really hard for you. It's very painful to live like this, isn't it?"

Fang Xian felt Zi Tao's inner struggle and pain, and said softly, "Just take a nap, just take a nap!"

Zi Tao's eyes were hazy, and he actually fell asleep.

When she woke up, she seemed to be in a much better mood.

At this time, a scavenger also knocked on the door and said, "Leader... the camp is here."

"Sorry, my lord..."

Zi Tao looked at the neat clothes on his body, feeling a little disappointed and a little flustered, and said to the other party, "I may have been too tired recently..."


Fang Xian got off the car and saw a small valley.

Inside the valley, there was a simple camp, and when the convoy returned, the people on the watchtower burst into cheers.

Jia Wei followed the convoy and approached the fence, suddenly feeling that something was wrong.

Those dark wooden stakes seem to have some kind of strange ability, which can suppress strange things, which is a necessary defensive measure.

Shiraishi couldn't even feel this, but when he walked into the camp, he saw a seven or eight-year-old girl holding a doll in her hand.

The doll stared at him indifferently, making him suddenly feel a danger.

"This is... a strange thing, let the children take charge of it?" He thought of Ashu's words and couldn't help muttering to himself.

Ashu rolled his eyes at him: "At least...she can use the ability of items skillfully, increasing her chances of surviving in the face of danger!"

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