The Lord of Reincarnation

Chapter 186 Out of Control

In the strange world, the last hope of mankind, the legendary leader of the Dawning Society - Wu An, is missing?

There is a series of halo around him.

The savior, the person who announced the strange road, the first to be promoted to the strange king...

However, such a powerful leader who has repeatedly created miracles has disappeared?

After he disappears, Dawn will naturally fall into civil strife, and several strange kings run away to re-establish the survivor camp.

Even if there are only a few remaining people, they are divided into two factions, fighting each other endlessly.

After learning about this, Ashu almost collapsed.

In fact, he was able to persevere without losing control of his rationality, Fang Xian felt that it was the result of his mental toughness.

"I can't think of...the truth of the City of Dawn, it turned out to be like has long since fallen..."

Jia Wei and Shiraishi also sighed: "Why is there such a broadcast?"

"This is our new leader's decision, and we can't kill the last hope." Si Yu said solemnly, and pointed at Gu Tong: "And they are the traitors who destroyed everything!"

"It's not that I'm disrespectful to Lord Wu An, it's that you misunderstood Lord Wu An's last concept... We must be flexible in order to survive."

Gu Tong bowed deeply to Fang Xian: "Sir, we are the strongest faction in the City of Dawn, and this woman's side has fallen..."

"How to do?"

Shiraishi approached Jia Wei and gestured with his eyes.

Jia Wei waved his hand and looked at Fang Xian.

At this moment, Fang Xian said with a chuckle: "We didn't come here to help a certain faction in the Dawning Club engage in infighting. Have you forgotten our purpose?"

"so what……"

Javi asked in a dry voice.

Gu Tong and Si Yu's body suddenly tightened, knowing that the moment to decide their fate had come.

"Actually... I'm very surprised. According to the previous broadcast, even if the City of Dawn is in decline,

But at least a fragile balance has been maintained, and there will be no real fight. It should be that a major event has occurred recently, which has destroyed the original balance and made the balance of power between the two of you unbalanced..."

Fang Xian asked, "What's the matter?"

Si Yu's expression changed drastically, and Gu Tong said triumphantly, "Your Excellency guessed right, the leader she followed, Wen Renxiu, the king of weirdness, is out of control!"

Si Yu gritted his teeth, but did not refute.


Shiraishi and the others took a deep breath.

A strange king is out of control, that is, a natural disaster grade strange eruption.

And looking at this situation, maybe it exploded inside the City of Dawn, no wonder it messed up everything.

"So, this woman's faction is the sinner of Dawn City!"

A trace of hatred flashed on Gu Tong's face. In the City of Dawn, there are still his family and friends.

"Understood, let's go."

Fang Xian's eyes flashed, and he got up and said.

Gu Tong and Si Yu looked at each other with a puzzled look on their faces.

"We... how do we do it?"

Shiraishi asked.

"It's very simple, go to the City of Dawn and see, if that Wen Renxiu is not saved, kill her... If she can be saved, save her and restore the balance, which is the best choice for us. Is not it?"

Fang Xian looked at Gu Tong: "Each extra king of weirdness is a huge guarantee for the safety of the city. Don't your factions think so too?"

"Lord Wen Renxiu... has lost control of reason..."

Gu Tong's expression changed, but he immediately replied with a wry smile.

"How do you know if you don't try it?"

Fang Xian stretched his waist: "You either follow me or keep fighting."

"My lord, I am willing to follow you."

Si Yu immediately said that if Wen Renxiu could be rescued, it would undoubtedly be the best outcome: "I'll lead the way for you!"


City of Dawn.

This small city, the situation at this time is a bit strange.

A layer of reddish film enveloped the city's periphery, isolating entry and exit.

The survivors trapped in the city all had solemn expressions, staring at the center of the city, and a clock tower suddenly appeared.

At the top of the clock tower is not a bronze clock or a mechanical watch, but a huge roulette.

No matter which direction the roulette wheel is from, you can only see the front of it, and the surface is soaked in a layer of bright red, like blood smeared.

These reds account for nearly 60% of the roulette wheel, and in addition, it is a piece of green.

At this time, the roulette wheel is in the middle, and a pointer is constantly spinning.

Soon, it stopped and randomly pointed to a red area.

"Not good! It's a dangerous area!"

In the City of Dawn, the faces of the survivors tightened and they exclaimed.

Cuckoo! Cuckoo!

The roulette wheel was dripping with blood, and suddenly the center was sunken, and a doll head of a red-nosed clown emerged, facing the city below, showing a strange smile.

Almost in an instant, on the street, in the room, in every corner... ghosts appeared in an instant, and the killing game began.

The survivors of the city encountered a catastrophe immediately.

Five minutes later, all the ghosts disappeared, and the huge roulette wheel started to spin again.

This time, it fell into the green zone.

In the city, it became calm again.

"My lord, Wen Renxiu has gotten even more out of control... On that roulette wheel, green stands for sanity and safety, while red stands for madness and danger... Now, more and more areas are stained with red."

At the nearest position to the clock tower, a survivor knelt on the ground and spoke to an old man in a purple robe with a straight nose.

"If it continues to develop, the entire City of Dawn will be finished."

The old man sighed and took one step: "But my shot is not enough to limit her, but it may stimulate her to lose control further... Try it!"

The next moment, he suddenly came into the air and stretched out his hand, trying to grab the pointer that started to spin around again.

As if feeling the danger, the pointer turned faster, and there was a whistling sound around, causing a large number of wounds to appear on the old man's body.

On the surface of the turntable, the crimson color began to frantically erode the green area.

The old man's face was expressionless, his palms became extremely pale, an invisible curse was released, the speed of the pointer was reduced, and he firmly grasped it and pressed it towards the green area.

It all happened very slowly, as if pressing the slow release key.

But judging from the dignified expression on the old man's face, this must not be an easy task.

When the pointer reached the boundary between red and green, it began to move frantically, and pointed to the red area frantically.

"I'm sorry... old friend... I can't pull you back from losing control. In order to prevent you from causing more damage, I can only banish you and stay away from this city!"

The cloak behind the old man was cracked, and there were surging darkness and strange eyes.

The surrounding space is somewhat illusory, wrapping the entire clock tower.

At this moment, the old man's expression changed and he looked at the outside world.

A dazzling dream, I do not know when it appeared, began to invade the City of Dawn.

A black-haired young man emerged, also reached out his hand, grabbed the pointer, and pressed it firmly on the green area.

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