The Lord of Reincarnation

Chapter 187: Reason

The pointer is obviously unwilling to be restricted, but it is obviously unable to resist the alliance of the two strange kings.

Five minutes passed.

Ten minutes passed.


On the surface of the roulette, the bright red color began to slowly fade away.

The huge roulette wheel and clock tower began to collapse inward, turning into the figure of a woman in green clothes.

She opened her mouth and made a human voice: "Duanmu, a strange powerhouse...Thank you. I'm fine..."

"never mind!"

Fang Xian retracted his palm and landed on the ground, watching the barriers around the city disappear.


Si Yu ran over with tears in his eyes: "Fortunately...fortunately you are fine, we almost..."

"No need to mention the past."

Wen Renxiu said to Duanmu, "Let's do disaster relief first."

"it is good!"

Duanmu gave her a deep look, and then looked at Fang Xian: "Thank you, the new king of weirdness... I'm sorry, I've never heard of a young strong man like you before."

"grown ups!"

Gu Tong hurried over and wanted to report something.

"These are not important, your actions show your kindness, and it is worthy of the most sumptuous banquet!"

Duanmu waved his hands.



The bustling city during the day suddenly regained its calm.

The survivors of the City of Dawn seem to be accustomed to life and death, and they are very calm about it.

There was no wave that demanded Wen Renxiu be responsible.


Even if they asked, Wen Renxiu probably wouldn't care.

The only thing that needs to be done is to send some benefits to the faction in Duanmu.

In the center of the City of Dawn, in the conference hall, a grand banquet is going on.

Fang Xian was holding a drink, looking at Si Yu and Gu Tong who were still fighting during the day, and now standing together awkwardly, it was very interesting.

'Today's Wen Renxiu, I don't know what happened, and suddenly lost control... The City of Dawn has fallen... These two groups of people belong to the expedition team that went out, and they got some information and started to fight...'

'As a result, Wen Renxiu was rescued by me, and the bosses said they would not fight, no matter how big the grievances of the younger brothers were...'

'interesting! interesting! ’


Disaster relief and banquets are not the most important things.

At the end of the banquet, Fang Xian, Shiraishi and Jia Wei were taken into an office.

Duanmu and Wen Renxiu were the only two strange kings of the Dawning Club, who were waiting there. When they saw him come in, they smiled and said, "Your Excellency Fang Xian, thank you again for your help during the day. Where are you from? The purpose is to for what?"

Fang Xian looked around, smiled and said, "We come from a different world...another world that has been eroded by weirdness, and we want to find a way to break this curse!"

As soon as the words were spoken, Shiraishi was stunned, and a piece of barbecue in his mouth fell to the ground.

Jia Wei also stared at Fang Xian with a look of surprise, unable to understand why he suddenly sold them.

"No lie!"

Duanmu looked solemn, looked at an hourglass on the table, and said.

‘Spooky thing that detects lies? ’

Shiraishi and Jia Wei's pupils shrank, and they were a little fortunate.

"Sure enough... is there another world?" Wen Renxiu murmured.

"This shows that our philosophy is right, don't fight the weird, but avoid them... a whole new world, great!"

Duanmu was a little excited.

"Sorry...but I have to say that our world is also suffering from strange erosion, and if we want to travel through it, it is very difficult! It is almost impossible, we have no hope of going back, and the reason why we came to this world is just to Find a solution to the root cause!"

Jia Wei opened his mouth and looked at the two strange kings opposite him with hope.

"Sorry... the weirdness can't be completely solved, otherwise how can our world be destroyed? You don't have to worry about me lying... The effect of this hourglass is for everyone. Once someone lies, it will pass quickly..."

Duanmu smiled bitterly and replied.

Jia Wei and Shiraishi looked at each other, and their hearts sank.

Facts have proved that the strange appearance of their world is not the deliberate exile of the people of this world, and there is no way to completely solve it.

Because this is the closeness of the two worlds, their strength simply cannot reach that level, let alone influence and separation.

"If you say that, you don't know the reason for the strange appearance?"

Jia Wei took a deep breath and asked the most crucial sentence.

"No... I may know... The leader of Wusha also holds this idea." Wen Renxiu replied.

"Don't insist on your idea anymore, isn't it because of this idea that you are out of control today?" Duanmu interjected in dissatisfaction.

"I believe in the leader!"

Wen Renxiu replied firmly: "He disappeared when he was looking for the 'original weirdness'... He believes that all weirdness has a source, and as long as the source is resolved, everything can be repaired!"

"'Original weird', that's just a legend!" Duanmu frowned.

"No, I got confirmation today that it really exists... and it is indeed the source of all the weirdness!" Wen Renxiu sighed: "This is why I lost control today..."

"Sorry... we don't understand a little bit."

Fang Xian knocked on the table at this time: "Can you two explain it to us?"


Wen Renxiu sighed: "Our leader—Wu An! Before the cataclysm, he was just an ordinary office worker who accidentally encountered a strange incident... This is what you all know, but what you don't know is , The first strange thing he encountered was very terrifying, if it weren't for luck, it would have been impossible to survive, but from that strange body, he got a strange thing, which is the foundation of his future rise."

"We don't know what the body of that strange thing is, but the only certainty is that it has the ability to 'rewind time'!"

"It is precisely because of that strange thing of time that the dark leader died several times and resurrected, began to rise, and even explored a strange path. In the end, when the cataclysm came, he chose to establish the Dawning Society and open the extraordinary system to the world. …”

"The leader is a very charismatic man. We gathered under his command, surrendered to him willingly, and wanted to fulfill his dream of saving the world..."

"The leader has always believed that there is a certain law in the appearance of strangeness, which can be traced back to more than a hundred years ago. He was crazy about that period of history and wanted to find the original strangeness. He called it 'original strangeness'. It was the appearance of the other party that led to a series of strange appearances, which opened the prelude to the beginning of the end... In the end, after a dangerous experiment, he disappeared..."

"After the leader disappeared, several strange kings fled, and the city of Dawning declined... Among those who will survive the Dawning, there are also two factions. I think we should inherit Wudang's will, find the original strangeness, and destroy it! And Duanmu They think we need to avoid the weird and create a true eternal refuge..."

Hearing this, Jia Wei glanced at Fang Xian with a strange look.

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