The Lord of Reincarnation

Chapter 188 Convocation (Congratulations to @我是人神@ Alliance Lord!)

"Your understanding is wrong. The ambition of the dark leader is to protect the remaining human beings and find an absolutely safe refuge for them..."

Duanmu said slowly: "I think Wu An disappeared when he was looking for another world, but since you said there is evidence... I would like to take a look."

"I... used that strange thing to perform a dangerous divination."

Hearing people show.

"Sure enough... have you forgotten how dangerous it is? The dark leader disappeared after using it. How dare you open the seal?"

Duanmu's face twitched.

"But I got confirmation that 'Original Weird' does exist!"

Wen Renxiu said unceremoniously: "I have already determined the location of its existence, and I have also determined that it is the source of all the weirdness. As long as it is destroyed... just as the leader of Wudang said, everything will be restored!"

"The weirdness can't be completely eliminated. You might have forgotten this in your mind."

Duanmu sneered.

"Then extract the trait, seal it, and seal it permanently." Wen Renxiu gritted her teeth.

"Cough cough... You two continue, I'll take my leave first."

After getting the desired information, Fang Xian coughed, interrupted the quarrel between the two, and walked out of the office slowly.

Behind him, Jia Wei and Shiraishi looked at each other with solemn expressions.


late at night.

Outside Fang Xian's room, there was a sudden knock on the door.

"Come in."

Fang Xian opened his mouth, and when he saw Jia Wei pushing the door in, he couldn't help but startled: "What are you doing here?"

"I've had my suspicions for a long time, you don't look like a real weirdo!"

Jia Wei closed the door and said softly, "You don't kill people for no reason. That's what happened when you were in a notebook, and... with human emotions and thinking, you're more like a human than something weird!"

"so what……"

Fang Xian asked with some humor.

"But at the beginning, you did exist in the form of a notebook... After you got the body, why did you come back? Come back to this world? Why do you want to help humans, help us?"

Jia Wei took a deep breath and said, "There is only one are Wudang!"

Fang Xian felt fortunate that he didn't drink water, otherwise he would have snorted: "I'm... Wu An? Your brain circuit is very strange, boy? Why?"

"Don't deny it, otherwise why do you want to come back, why do you want to come to the City of Dawn? What you pushed at the beginning was not the original plan to destroy, but the escape plan!"

The more Jia Wei said, the more he felt that his reasoning was correct: "This world is no longer safe, so you want to go to another world and try to open up a passage between the two worlds... As for why it exists in the form of a notebook, perhaps it is through Something went wrong, but you are the king of strangeness, so you are not dead, your consciousness exists in that notebook, so you are looking for your body everywhere!"

"Your move to open up the world has allowed the weirdness of this world to invade our world!"

"After you have finished investigating there, you choose to return to this world, and you want to lead the Dawning Club again and transfer to our world, so you took me and Shiraishi all the way back here at risk, right?"

Jia Wei finished his thoughts and stared at Fang Xian: "No, I can't explain your position!"

Fang Xian brought them to this world, and he has been helping them, he has long felt that something was wrong.

"Uh... Excuse me, is your surname Ke?"

Fang Xian rolled his eyes and was speechless.

But if you think about it, it's really possible!

'Wait a minute... What was the state of the notebook before I didn't have my primordial spirit? Why can it carry my thinking? Is it because it carried another consciousness before, which is no darkness? I'm sure I'm not him...what about his soul? Broken by me? No... I didn't see any residue at first...'

Looking at the overconfident Jia Wei, even Fang Xian touched his chin suspiciously and recalled his experience.

But he is very sure that the purpose of his coming to this world is to absorb the power of robbery and achieve the perfect foundation of the alchemist.

As for coming to the City of Dawn, it was just out of interest and wanted to travel.

"Don't worry, I won't reveal this secret." Jia Wei seemed to be relieved and said seriously: "Let's cooperate and save the two worlds together!"

Fang Xian: "..."

After Jia Wei left, he shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Excessive brain supplementation is the most deadly... But... save the world?"

He came to this world, but not for this purpose.

What's more, the operation of the Daluodong Mystery View made him not see the slightest possibility of saving the world.

But even so, on the second day, when Wen Renxiu and Duanmu reached an agreement and invited Fang Xian to deal with the "primitive strangeness" together, Fang Xian agreed.

He does have a great interest in that 'original weirdness', the source of all weirdness.


a few days later.

The City of Dawn, the large conference room.

Fang Xian occupied a position, with Shiraishi and Jia Wei standing behind him, watching the people in the venue.

Wen Renxiu and Duanmu were both there, besides them, there were two others sitting.

A man with an ordinary appearance and no features at all was called 'Suotai', and the other was a hot girl in black tights, called 'Gong Si'.

These two are the real king of strangeness, the powerhouse of the fourth form!

They were originally members of the Dawning Society. After Wu An disappeared, they ran away due to disagreement with their ideas. They each established a new survivor camp, which has the potential to develop into a city.

At this time, I don't know what method Wen Renxiu used to invite them all over.

Five strange kings!

In the strange world, it is also an extremely terrifying power.

After all the staff arrived, Wen Renxiu stood up and said in a heavy voice: "Without the ambition of the dark leader, you all know that I have found traces of the 'original strange', I hope everyone can take action together to eliminate or seal this strange This is also to save our world!"

"It was weird in the beginning... This is the weirdness that the boss of Wu An has been looking for for a long time and can't find it. How did you find it? Did you use that sealed artifact - 'honest lie'?"

Gong Si leaned on the chair and trimmed his nails lazily: "I have to remind you that strange things like divination and wishing are extremely dangerous, not immediately life-threatening, but let you step into a trap unknowingly, Even... create traps for yourself! And 'honest lies'... like to lie the most!"

"I am very sure."

Wen Renxiu said: "And... you were also the one who supported the eradication of the original strange idea... and Suotai... If you help me, I can give you twenty resource points in the Eastern District."

"Say it earlier!"

The ordinary-looking man smiled: "What kind of ideals should we talk about with people like us? It's enough to talk about interests... Twenty resource points, I will do something weird with you, I promise!"

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