The Lord of Reincarnation

Chapter 190 No body

"Just kidding... how could I just die like this?"

The translucent tentacles carry a terrifying suppression that even the King of Weirdness cannot break free.

Just when Duanmu was about to be swallowed, he had a grim expression and tore off a necklace around his neck.

The chain of necklaces consisted of skulls, obviously a strange thing.

After the suppression was removed, the skeleton heads proliferated rapidly, and in a blink of an eye, they turned into behemoths dozens of meters high, like a throne of white bones, slamming down.

Originally, many strange eyes stared at the huge throne composed of skulls, and there seemed to be a terrible vortex inside.

The huge throne was instantly suppressed, decomposed into white skulls, caught by tentacles, swept back, and devoured constantly.

But taking advantage of this opportunity, Duanmu's figure blurred and appeared around Fang Xian.

"Quick... Before my Skeleton Throne is completely destroyed... I won't have a chance if I don't do it." He looked anxious and called out loudly.

No need for his reminder, other strange kings have already taken action.

Suotai's body exploded, turning into dark chains, which were connected to huge torture instruments at the end.

These tortures have iron nails, decapitation knives, iron claws, iron cages, etc... Suddenly falling from the air, each of them nailed a tentacle precisely, and they are connected with each other by chains, forming a huge cage. Set the original weirdness in place.


Gong Si's laughter echoed around, her body continued to divide and proliferate, and there were hundreds of people in the blink of an eye.

Everyone took a step forward, stretched out their palms, and pressed one eye on the meatball.

Supported by Wen Renxiu, the three strange kings joined forces, and it seemed that they were finally able to maintain a tie with 'Original Weird'.

"Suppress it, the next step... is to find the strange root of the core and seal it!"

Duanmu shouted loudly, and a pitch-black long sword appeared in his hand.

When Fang Xian saw this long sword, it was as if he had seen the original 'No Thought Demon Dagger', and the sense of danger was even stronger. It was obviously an extremely powerful Sealed Artifact.

"Wait a minute!"

At this time, he pressed his eyebrows.

The practiced alchemy - 'Daluo Cave Mystery View', began to frantically warn: "It... is not right!"

At the same time as the warning signs began, Fang Xian released a dream, distorting the boundary between reality and illusion, and a hazy light enveloped him and Jia Wei behind him.

At this time, Duanmu was already holding a black long sword, stepped forward solemnly, and stabbed the black flesh group with a sword.

The next moment, the original strange, who was still struggling and squirming, seemed to be dead and stood still.


A hint of joy appeared on Duanmu's face just now. From the darkness around him, more tentacles emerged, encircling him in circles and sinking into the void.

The other tentacles were frantically attacking the chains and torture tools, the figures of Gong Si, the huge roulette, and Fang Xian's dream.

In an instant.

Torture tools shattered, figures dissipated.

Suotai and Gong Si returned to their normal human form, looking at the unmoving lump of meat, surprised: "What's going on? It has been sealed, where did the attack come from?"

The huge roulette wheel couldn't support it either, and Wen Renxiu's body was restored.

She stared at the black walls of meat around her in awe: "That meat ball is not 'original weird'... It was originally a concept, it's here, everywhere!"

Those tentacles were born directly from the void.

I don't know the source, I don't know where I'm going, and I don't have an ontology!

At this time, the dream was madly beaten, and Fang Xiandu showed up and resisted with difficulty.

"And... Duanmu has always been the main target... When he is dead... no one can send us out... Suspected to have some wisdom!"

Fang Xian added.

After the strange king who was good at teleportation disappeared, there was no movement at all.

Coupled with the strange induction, Fang Xian knew that the other party had suffered misfortune.

At this time, after losing the support, a more terrifying suppression suddenly swept in.

The four strange kings groaned and almost turned into ordinary people.

Every time the strange road is promoted to one level, it is the gap between heaven and earth.

The original strangeness has obviously reached the fifth stage of the legend!

"There is no enemy at to fight...cough..."

Suotai knelt on the ground and smiled bitterly: "This time I lost a lot..."

"The original leader... Maybe he found it and died in its hands..." Gong Si also smiled bitterly, looking at the darkness around him, one eye after another appeared, locking her tightly, so that she could no longer split .

A tentacle suddenly penetrated into the void and grabbed the other three 'Gong Si'.

Seeing this scene, Gong Si's expression changed miserably.

This is before she set off, just in case, the three clones left in the outside world were all captured from the air at this time.

That is to say, if you die here, you are really dead!

Even the king of strangeness, in the face of the original strangeness, has only eternal despair!

This is a truly unsolvable weirdness!

It can't be sealed at all!

Even Fang Xian is about to fall at this time.

"I just came to make soy sauce and killed myself?"

Fang Xian looked at Gong Si being swallowed by many tentacles with a strange expression.

It seems that there is no other way to go except to give up this body and directly reincarnate.

"But... why do I think this is not a life-and-death crisis?"

He quickly turned the 'Daluodong Mysterious View', capturing the information in the void and looking for a way to survive.

"To deal with weirdness, you must fight the root cause... otherwise it will be useless! But the original weirdness seems to have no body?"

He glanced at the black mass of flesh that was nailed to death by a long sword, still motionless.

"No... Maybe I just didn't find it... It's this space?... It seems to be a little more advanced... These tentacles and eyes, from the past, the future... This is a... rooted in Time is weird!"


This is a concept that is even higher than space, and it is impossible to grasp and target.

Facing the strangeness rooted in time, there seems to be only despair.

But Fang Xian pressed his eyebrows, the Mysterious View of Daluo Cave was running wildly, and finally found that ray of life.

At this time, many tentacles suddenly sprang out and swallowed Suotai.

The only remaining Wen Renxiu and Jia Wei's faces were full of despair.

"Chance... only once!"

At this time, Fang Xian's eyes flickered, and he suddenly shouted: "No Darkness!!!"

The tentacles that were about to swept toward him shivered, and suddenly stopped falling, as if the name had caused some kind of reaction.

"Wu An! Have you forgotten your ambition? You want to seal the weirdness and save the world!" Fang Xian seized the opportunity and shouted loudly.

"Leader?" Wen Renxiu raised her head in surprise: "Where is the leader?"

At this time, some changes suddenly appeared in the void.

It seems to have appeared in the past, as if in the future, from which a huge black flesh group emerged, with many eyes on the surface, and countless tentacles fluttering around.

At this time, the meatball split from the middle, and a figure struggled and emerged.

His lower body has been completely fused with the flesh mass, his upper body is charred black, his hands are fluttering, and he seems to be roaring and struggling...

And that face was very familiar to Wen Renxiu.

"The leader without the original strange?"

Wen Renxiu's expression was dull: "This... is impossible!"

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