The Lord of Reincarnation

Chapter 191 The truth

There is no beginning and no end, it does not exist anywhere in the world, and in the long river of time that seems to be connected to any place, the real original strangeness emerges.

On the meatballs on both sides of the figure, many eyes lit up, with a trace of human struggle, and madness and distortion were brewing.

There is no darkness!

The legendary leader of the Dawning Society turned out to be the original strange body!

This illogical scene made Wen Renxiu feel confused.

"It's's time to complete your mission."

Fang Xian grabbed Jia Wei on the ground and threw it at the meat ball in the river of time.

Jia Wei's expression was resolute, with a hint of determination, and his right hand slammed into his chest, grabbing out his heart.

Above the beating heart, strange curse symbols emerged one by one, condensing inward into a point, as if it would explode in the next second.

As a candidate who has long been determined to come to the strange world and destroy the source of the strange, his strange body is very suitable for carrying a secret weapon.

This is the secret organ of that world, which gathers all technologies, strange items, human and material resources, and creates the ultimate weapon, which possesses terrifying power of extinction.

Although only he can take the initiative to open it, and there is only one attack, the bottom line is the level at which the King of Weird erupts with all his strength, and the upper limit is even higher! Carrying the hope of a world!

The monsters in the long river suddenly felt the danger.

Its many tentacles are dancing, closing the connection between the long river of time and this space, isolating everything.

If it is done, even if it is destroyed, it will not be hurt.

No matter how terrifying an attack is, what is the use of existing and past or future targets?

But only half of its tentacles are doing this, and half of its tentacles are maintaining contact between the two sides and actively welcoming 'destruction'!

Tentacles and tentacles quickly entangled, eyes staring at each other with different eyes.

Everything it does, it's like a schizophrenic man is hitting his left hand with his right.

The original strange and frantic struggle,

This is especially true of the figures above, as if humanity and madness are at war.

All around, many pieces of meat were squirming, trying to swallow the Wu An that appeared.

But Wu An struggled, opened his arms, and took the initiative to embrace Jia Wei.

next moment.

Jia Wei finally fell into the long river of time, and pressed the heart to Wu An.

The curse erupts!

This curse was a curse that gathered another world, and the hidden agency used all means to bless it, and finally broke out at the position where it should play a role.

There seemed to be no sound all around.

Unintelligible changes are taking place.

The boundaries between time and space are blurred at this moment.

The red and white rays of light kept shining in all directions, flashing.

In a trance.

Wen Renxiu seemed to see Fang Xian let out a long whistle, and a long sword composed of dreams appeared in his hand, slashing towards the original strangeness in the long river of time.

She saw that the figure on the meatball was stabbed, and her figure suddenly split.

Countless qualities emerged, like meteors, scattered everywhere.


I don't know how long ago, all illusions dissipated.

Time disappeared without a trace.

In this deep pit, only she and Fang Xian survived.

Fang Xian was breathing deeply, with a happy look in his eyes.

Facing the biggest "source of disaster" in the world, his alchemist laid the foundation for most of it.

He stepped forward and came to the place where the black long sword was, and found that the huge meatball monster had also disappeared.

As if it had never appeared in this world.

In the same place, there is still a black diary left, which is very worn, and I don't know how long it has gone through.


"No, no...I don't believe..."

Wen Renxiu burst into tears: "How could the dark leader be so strange? He and it are two completely different beings... They met once before!"

On her body, cracks appeared one after another, and countless granulation buds danced wildly inside, and it seemed that they would be out of control in the next second.


Fang Xian held up the black long sword and pierced her chest.

This is not to kill her, but to seal: "How? Do you feel better?"


Wen Renxiu fell to the ground, as if only her mouth could move: "I want to see that notebook!"

"I also want to know the truth of everything..."

Fang Xian opened the diary and saw the first page: "Today... I encountered a terrible thing... My outlook on life was overturned... I saw something strange... A black, full of eyes The meatball of , obtained a strange thing from it, it seems to be able to go back in time... I want to record everything..."

The next few pages are all about the changes of an ordinary person after gaining power, and the exploration of strange paths.

Fang Xian quickly turned over and came to the new content:

"The doomsday is coming, I can't stop it, I feel very sad... The Dawning Society was established... I want to save all this! I want to find the source of the strangeness! I can definitely do it! What happened more than a hundred years ago?"

"I used 'Honest Lies', although this item is terrible, but from it, I still got the exact time and place of the original strange appearance, although it was in the past, more than a hundred years ago, but I want to destroy it It, relying on the ability of that strange thing of time, I can go back to the past... I can stop the end, I can correct all this!"


'Then... it's probably going back to a hundred years ago? ’

Fang Xian's eyes moved, and he flipped through the next diary, and found that the handwriting became scribbled and frantic, showing that the person who wrote it was extremely uneasy:

"I went back to the past, at the time and place of the divination, and waited for three whole days, and I saw nothing...'Honest Lies' deceived me... I found that I could not go back to the future..."

"Forget it, even if I can't go back to the future, I will stay here and find the original strangeness. The beginning of everything happened during this time period. I want to find the truth... I have to admit that although it was a hundred years ago, There is no weird world, it's quite beautiful..."

Next, only the last few pages of the notes were left, and the handwriting became more and more dazzling:

"Looking for years!"


"There is nothing weird in this world!"

"It feels like I'm going out of control...I seem to have guessed a terrible truth..."

"Suddenly I had an idea...'Honest Lies' didn't deceive me, I did see the 'source' strange at a specific time and place..."

"I... is the original!"


Wen Renxiu felt a little suffocated, but she couldn't help but continued to look down:

"It's ridiculous, if I didn't take that weird thing about time, if I didn't ask that stupid question, if I didn't travel back in time, nothing would have happened?"

"It's me! Bringing the weirdness to the past 100 years ago?"

"It's me! Driving it all!"

"It's me! Created the doomsday!"

"No! No! No!"


"This is the content of the last page. He went crazy... out of control... He became the original weirdness, the world changed because of this, and a lot of weirdness was born... After another 100 years, I met the normal self..."

Fang Xian sighed and slowly closed the diary.

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