The Lord of Reincarnation

Chapter 195 Daluo Reincarnation

Fang Xian was in darkness.

This is the first time he has experienced active reincarnation soberly.

The last time I captured the reincarnation disk, I was directly punished by Heaven. I was seriously injured and fled in a hurry, and I didn't have time to realize it.

At this time, there is a strange feeling.

"How difficult is it to travel around the world? The weird world is so close to that world, the king of weirdness has to pay a huge price to cross the border... But I can actually cross many restrictions and reincarnate directly... The mental retardation gold in this attribute column Although the fingers are incomplete, they do have great power, and their essence is extremely high, I am afraid that it is also a big Luo..."

"Why does this kind of fetish appear on me?"

There is no good for no reason in the world, and Fang Xian doesn't feel how prosperous his first life is. He doesn't feel like a child of the world, just an ordinary person.

For the good things that fell from the sky, I naturally feel happy, but also a little worried.

"Maybe... I have to wait until I return to my hometown to investigate?"

At this moment, a little light appeared in the darkness.

It was like a star appeared in the dark universe.

Several of the light spots came with a very familiar aura.

"These are... the worlds that I once reincarnated? Because it has been branded, so I can go back?"

Fang Xian was overjoyed. Although all of this happened between lightning and flint, he still quickly glanced at the few 'stars'.

The two bizarre worlds like twin stars were skipped by him first, not to mention that one of them is on the verge of destruction, and the other one has also planted some seeds, and it is not time to harvest.

Continuing to go back, it is the original immortal world.

"That world... I was kidnapped by the reincarnation disk. Even if it doesn't collapse immediately, the world will be in chaos... Not to mention, it is associated with a higher 'immortal world'. Once I go back to eight achievements, it is the last treatment... never mind."

"The world of martial arts... I have cleared the customs, and it's boring to pretend to be forced..."

Fang Xian looked back again and saw a world.

That is the interstellar world where he got the "Tongxuan Secret Recording Transcript\

,"The power level is very high, at least equivalent to the fairy world!

"Can't go back..."

Just as he was a little moved, a warning sign appeared in his heart: "That giant star in the sky is in that world... He is afraid that he will not let me go. After a while, there must be a feeling... Now is not the time."

In this interstellar world, there are a lot of secrets, and Fang Xian is very willing to go back.

As for revenge? His enemies were all cursed and killed by him in the end, unless he wanted to go back to cut the grass and eradicate the roots, he had nothing to worry about.

"The last one...and the first hometown...coordinates...not good..."

Fang Xian's expression changed slightly.

He found that he could not trace back to the first world.

his hometown!

"Well... The brand of reincarnation is based on the respective worlds as a springboard... If I go back to that interstellar world, I may cross its barrier and use it as a positioning to find the coordinates of my hometown... But now, I can't go back for the time being. what……"

These thoughts are all between the light and the flint.

Fang Xian no longer looked back, but looked at the many stars, feeling a torrent swept in, like a huge vortex, all kinds of forces pulling from all directions, causing his Primordial Spirit to involuntarily cast into the surrounding worlds.

Although it is not impossible to change, it is like struggling in the middle of the Yangtze River, which is too exhausting and almost useless.

Fang Xian chose to go with the flow.

Suddenly, his mind sensed several worlds.


One of the stars gave him the feeling that it was not inferior to the interstellar world where the giant eyes of the starry sky existed.

"That's a high-level world with a high ceiling? Maybe it's comparable to the fairy world I've never been to?"

"Just... to see and see..."

Fang Xian became interested.

It wasn't that he didn't want to fly to the Immortal Realm at first, but he couldn't.

After all, if you fake the fate of Yin Qiuxian, the masters in that world can't calculate it, but the immortals in the fairy world can definitely.

When the time comes to ascend, it is no different from seeking death.

On the other hand, it would be very good if it could reasonably reincarnate in this high-level world.

‘In such a world, is there a Daluo-level existence? No... Not to mention Daluo, even if it involves the true spirit above the primordial spirit, it will be very beneficial to my Daluo road, but there is a possibility of being discovered...'

'Of course, as long as I don't deliberately get close to the other party, I may not be discovered...'

Fang Xian stared at the 'star'.

It seems to be a star visible to the naked eye, with a circle of golden light emitting from the outside, and there seems to be a hint of purple in the middle.

This is the concept in reincarnation.

In fact, the world doesn't know how vast, how vast, how many powerful people it has.

Yes, this piece of darkness and stars together form a huge vortex that transcends the world and is infinitely vast.

Fang Xian named it 'Daluo Samsara'.

A 'concept' that connects many worlds and transcends many worlds, it is suspected to be of the order of Da Luo.

In addition, each world also has its own unique "small reincarnation".

Just like that weird world with its own time-space rules, although that time-space tributary is disordered, for the long river of time and space composed of many worlds, it is not even a small branch, at most in the ocean. drop of water.

Therefore, the destruction of the strange world will hardly have any impact on the real 'Daluo Time and Space'.

Of course, the power of time and space understood in the strange world, 80% of other worlds do not recognize, it is the same reason.

And his golden finger seems to be able to shuttle in this kind of 'Great Luo Samsara'.

Although, in such a reincarnation space, there are also terrible risks!

For example, at this time, Fang Xian felt a kind of 'involuntary'.

The power from all sides is getting bigger and bigger, and it will even tear his primordial spirit and even his true spirit.

"It's a shame that I still think about being able to choose the world on my own initiative. Now, I'm afraid it's just an extravagant hope..."

He instigated his own strength and tried to float towards the golden star.

Even if he has an attribute column, it is still very difficult to influence the power of this great samsara vortex.

But Fang Xian identified a direction and kept approaching the star.

This conceptual distance may be just one approach, and it has crossed several worlds.

" seems to work."

Fang Xian was overjoyed as he watched the distance between the two being constantly narrowed.

At this moment, a sense of powerlessness suddenly emerged from the depths of my soul.

"not good!"

In an instant, Fang Xian had a warning sign in his heart: "This is the power accumulated by the reincarnation disk is about to be exhausted? If its power is dissipated, what will happen to me? I am directly lost in this dark vortex?"

The powerlessness of the soul brings about the inability to move forward, and can only follow the flow.

Fang Xian could only look at the star regretfully, and immediately the true spirit was 'sucked' by a nearby star.

It seems that such stars have a strong attraction to the souls of reincarnators.

"There are two ways to transcend, one is through the body and the other is through the soul... In fact, the soul is more adaptable... After the refinement of the world's small reincarnation, it has the special characteristics of transcendence, and it will not be too rejected... "

"However, the entanglement of karma is also troublesome..."

Fang Xian thought indifferently, the true spirit was absorbed by the white star.

The next moment, his eyes darkened, as if he had fallen into a black hole.

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