The Lord of Reincarnation

Chapter 196 White Ape


Fang Xian suddenly came to the reincarnation of this world.

As soon as he entered, his originally exhausted soul was instantly refreshed.

Compared with the terrifying 'Great Luo Samsara', the small Samsara of a world is nothing at all.

After all, he still has the Treasure Reincarnation Disc on him.

The small reincarnation of this world may not be as powerful as the reincarnation of that world.

"This is... a little reincarnation?"

The world shuttles, giving Fang Xian the feeling that it is transferred from the terrible whirlpool in the sea to another small whirlpool.

Here, he is like a fish in water, even if he was exhausted before, he seems to be able to flutter twice at this time.

"If you continue to reincarnate, it seems too troublesome, I don't want to spend decades growing up..."

Fang Xian thought for a while, Yuanshen took a turn in the small reincarnation, and absorbed a trace of the breath of this world as a cover.

Immediately, he suddenly rushed, and was about to break through the shackles of small reincarnation.

The vortex boiled, and there were streaks of power from it, as if he wanted to pull Fang Xian back again and reincarnated.

A phantom of a black roulette appeared on Fang Xian Yuanshen. With just one turn, these forces were shattered and a passage was opened. Yuanshen rushed in and disappeared, leaving the cycle of reincarnation.


"Haha... out of reincarnation, the next step is to find someone newly dead to seize the house... This time, we need to find a seed with good looks and background... slowly pick..."


Fang Xian suddenly found a sense of powerlessness in the primordial spirit.

The original reincarnation disk had no problem with the small reincarnation of this world.

But it consumed too much power in the big Luo Samsara before, and then took Fang Xian to escape the small Samsara. It really reached the limit and suddenly turned into the original symbol.

"not good!!"

Fang Xian felt that his true spirit was falling, and he was searching for sustenance instinctively.

"I don't want to be a tree or a rock again..."

His spiritual sense swept quickly, and he secretly complained in his heart.

The place where he appeared was a virgin forest, inaccessible.

Not to mention being selective, there is no personal choice at all!

"My soul is still strong, or can I go to find it in the distance? No... Even if I have a cover, I can't be exposed to the heavens for too long. I have to find a physical body to cover..."

Fang Xian doesn't really care much about his body.

After all, what he reincarnated was the true spirit, the primordial spirit.

As for the body, I don't know how many have been changed.

In addition, there is also a distraction mind possessing the body to seize the magical power, find an emergency first, and then replace it in the future.

In an instant, his spiritual mind swept over, and everything in the forest below was vividly seen.

There is no one.

In addition, trees and stones are probably fine, but Fang Xian doesn't want to continue to lose mobility like a notebook.

So the options are only animals.

In the blink of an eye, three options appeared in his sea of ​​consciousness.

In a mountain stream, a certain mountain tiger is entrenched on the boulder.

In the sky, a falcon spread its wings and skipped.

Somewhere under the cliff, a white ape fell to the ground and broke his blood.


"The taller among the short, that's all!"

Fang Xian thought for a while, the real spirit suddenly fell on the forehead of the white ape, and disappeared without entering.

In the end, he chose the most similar person.

After all, if there are no monsters in this world, and tigers and eagles don't change shape, it would be helpless.

And the body of the white ape,

more flexible.

After a while, Bai Yuan was stunned and woke up. After shouting a few words, he didn't have to speak.

Fang Xian didn't care, and directly mobilized the robbery force to start repairing this body.

This white ape is actually dead.

'Hmph... The ancients sought after white deer, white turtles, white apes, etc., as auspicious, but they didn't know that most of them were just small animals with albinism. They were very pitiful...'

"Also, because of the different coat colors, most of them are excluded from the ethnic group and are easily discovered by natural enemies. It is very difficult to live..."

'This white ape, I don't know how, fell to death...'

Entering the body of the white ape at this time, Fang Xian suddenly felt that his true spirit was covered with a layer of 'clothes', and there was no longer any sense of panic.

As soon as his mind moved, a trace of calamity emerged, and he didn't know where it came from. Like a network, it spread all over his body.

The wound quickly stopped bleeding and healed.

At this time, Fang Xian was relieved and looked at the attribute column.


【Name: Fang Xian】

[Occupation: Alchemist (Level 1)]

[Alchemy: Mysterious View of Daluo Cave (Level 3)]

[Daoshu: ? ? ? , martial arts: ? ? ? , Weird: ? ? ? 】

[Reincarnation: Charging]


"The strange ability, as expected, this world is useless... My strange body and collected qualities can't be brought here... After all, in the reincarnation of Daluo, it seems that only true spirits, primordial spirits and other things that involve the essence of the soul can Can……"

Fang Xian shook his head, as expected.

It is his alchemist's way, which shows his power at this time, allowing the world to change, but the extraordinary does not change.

"I don't know what the world is like?"

He found a water pool and looked at his reflection.

About two meters tall, with white hair all over his body, the most surprising thing is the pair of purple eyes.

"Maybe this white ape is still a different species? But that's it... I don't feel any extraordinary power in itself..."

"This world... this world..."

Fang Xian looked at the attribute column, the dimmed symbols, his expression could not help but become more solemn.

"Most of martial arts are useless, and Taoism is not good... Weird is not good... It seems to be a place of absolute spirituality that is even more desperate than the previous world?"

"Fortunately, I created the way of the alchemist, otherwise I will be caught blind!"

"Unfortunately... there is only the most basic foundation, and there is only one alchemy, and it is not an offensive type... I lack some self-protection power..."

Fang Xian climbed up the cliff, found a tree, and began to nibble on wild fruits, thinking silently.

"I originally wanted to go to that advanced world, but unfortunately... I don't have enough power... I can only wait for the reincarnation disk to continue to charge..."

"In addition, I can also explore the extraordinary path of this world and improve my own way of Da Luo..."

"The last few levels of the alchemist also need to be deduced... This aspect has to rely on the attribute column, plus the "Dong Xuan Secret Record"..."

While thinking about it, his eyebrows moved, and the 'Daluo Cave Mysterious View' felt a danger.

Naturally, he turned his head to the side and avoided a pebble.

In the woods not far away, a group of black monkeys were squeaking and chirping, and some of them turned their backs to him, revealing their bright red butts.

"Fuck! Bullying monkeys?"

Perhaps the previous white ape was a coward and a gas bag, after all, a monkey can't beat a group. .

But Fang Xian is not a good-natured person.

He stood up, tapped his chest, let out a roar of 'Ow woo', and rushed over.

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