The Lord of Reincarnation

Chapter 197: 9 Changes

The white ape is actually a headed alien species, the monkey is tall and big, with well-developed limbs.

Fang Xian has also practiced monkey shape in the martial arts world. Even if he only uses the simplest fighting skills, it is not a problem to fight more than a dozen monkeys.

Not to mention, he is an alchemist after all, with calamity all over his body.

Although it can't be turned into an attacking technique, the increase in physique, speed, strength... is still more than enough.

Finally, he also opened the "Daluodong Mystery View" to cheat.

He dodged, nimbly climbed the tree, and threw down a little monkey that threw stones at him.

Fang Xian is used to being rude when dealing with bear children.

The monkeys were instantly angry, how dare this white heresy dare to resist? Several black horse monkeys rushed up.

Fang Xian grabbed it with one claw, it was a monkey-shaped move 'white ape offering fruit'!

Monkey boxing is inherently indecent, jumping around, the main lethality lies in the 'monkey paws'.

At this time, Fang Xian's hand was originally a monkey's paw.

He grabbed it with a single claw, and scratched the faces of the black monkeys that surrounded him. The mysterious view of Daluo Cave was running, and he noticed the attacks of the two monkeys next to him, and dodged away.

It was almost three to five and two to defeat the male monkeys.

Suddenly, a loud roar was heard again.

It was the monkey king who was a little bigger than the rest of the male monkeys and jumped out, aggressively, grabbing Fang Xian's face with one paw.

Fang Xian stomped under his feet, breaking the branches of the tree.

The Monkey King looked bewildered, fell off the tree in a big font, landed on a sharp stone, and let out a high-pitched scream.

It jumped up suddenly, holding its butt in both hands, and tears were coming down.

Is there such a thing as bullying monkeys?

The monkey king turned his legs and ran back to the tree in an extremely strange posture.


Among the monkeys at this time,

It seemed that he was stunned by this scene. After a long time, a male monkey came out with its tail hanging down, expressing submission.

With an example, the other monkeys followed suit.

"This is... I defeated the Monkey King and wanted me to be the Monkey King? Get out!"

Fang Xian looked at a few female monkeys who were winking at him, and hurriedly shook his head, shivering all over, and hurriedly ran away.

slip away.

Can't be bothered, can't be bothered.

As the monkeys wailed, they saw their chosen 'new king' run down the Monkey Mountain in a daze.

Anyone who dared to catch up was beaten back by the new king, who couldn't help crying.

At this time, the lame old monkey king climbed to the top of the tree, looked around, and quietly raised his tail.



The next moment, several tall horse monkeys immediately challenged it.

The old monkey king wanted to cry without tears.

It still hurts.


late at night.

Under the moonlight.

A white ape was sitting cross-legged on a piece of bluestone, much like a legendary monster snorting moonlight.

"It's been seven days since I came down from Monkey Mountain..."

"Drinking spring water and eating fruit every day is not a problem... I don't know how long it will take to charge the reincarnation option..."

"And, I have to take the initiative to pursue the power of catastrophe to cultivate..."

After a long time, Bai Yuan stopped practicing, and put one hand on his chin, showing a very anthropomorphic contemplative expression.

During this period of time, Fang Xian has been doing one thing, and that is to try to refine this part of the throat and transform its flesh and blood so that it is easier for him to speak.

Among the monsters, there is a special title called 'Refining Crossbones'!

'After all, I have to deal with intelligent creatures in this world in the future. Not being able to speak is a trouble...'

'This second alchemy should probably be biased towards grasping one's own body... flesh type or change type? ’

"After all, in my reincarnation, it is normal to change my body, and there may be various defects... I can use this alchemy to make up for it..."

'And... the extraordinary power that is biased towards the body is easier to achieve! It can also be combined with my martial arts accumulation...'

'What's the name? White Tiger Evil Art? Forget's boring to hear... Xuanwu holy art? No creativity... Thirty-six Heavenly Gang, seventy-two Earth Demons? ...No, no, no, it's called the 'Nine Changes of Gangsha' Well, the nine changes are enough to run amok in the world! ’

Fang Xian made a decision.

And the first change of the nine transformations of Gangsha is a 'flesh and blood transformation', which can control the flesh and blood of the whole body and run smoothly, and it also has the meaning of martial arts.

The moonlight is faint.

The white ape on the bluestone suddenly jumped up and hit a set of punches.

This is Fang Xian practicing martial arts!

His boxing method at this time is like a monkey shape, but also has the flavor of hanging fists, which is somewhat similar to that of a great sage.

Under his feet, on the bluestone, there were shallow footprints.

"This world...there is no concept of true qi...nor the aura of cultivating immortals, and there is no strange spirituality!"

Fang Xian was thoughtful, his voice was like thunder, he hummed, and shook all parts of his body through the sound.



He exhaled like wind, ho gas into thunder.

The blood in the body is surging, making a sound like the rushing water of the Yangtze River.

Beside him, a tiger did not know when it appeared. It seemed to be attracted by the sound and lay quietly beside it.

It is the tiger that entered Fangxian's eyes at the beginning. It is obviously a different species, and it also has some spirituality.

Although he was still ignorant, he watched this scene with his eyes fixed, as if he knew that it would be of great benefit to him.

"It's a smart one, but also has some blessings..."

After Fang Xian finished his set of boxing, he exhaled two untimely white breaths from his nose, dancing in the air like dragons and snakes, and then turning into cranes: "Unfortunately...there is no spiritual power, how can you get magical powers?"

Even if it was him, if he simply brought over the martial arts world of boxing and mastered it, he would still be a monkey in the end!

Only by absorbing robbery power and cultivating supernatural powers can it be considered a true 'demon'!

"But since you see it, it's a fate for you."

Fang Xian thought about it for a while, and a calamity appeared in his fingers, turned into a seed, and ejected out, submerging into the sea of ​​​​consciousness.

The tiger was startled at first, and then he felt as if there was something in his body, but it seemed that there was nothing.

He nodded to Fang Xian ignorantly, turned and walked into the darkness.


The next day, early morning.

Fang Xian was meditating cross-legged when he heard a loud noise in the jungle. Yesterday, the tiger jumped out with a deer in its mouth, put it on the ground, and turned away.

"Is there a gift here?"

Fang Xian froze for a while, and then suddenly burst into laughter: "That's it, let's just accept another apprentice..."

The Tao of the alchemist is broad and profound, and he alone is not sure of reaching the top.

So I chose to preach in a strange world.

At this time, naturally, I don't mind shedding a few more seeds in this world.

Even if they are not people.

'It's also very interesting to be enlightened by aliens! ’

Fang Xian's eyes slowly closed, thinking indifferently.

Time passes day by day.

He has been cultivating here for a hundred days, and has completed a martial arts foundation, or in other words, he has finally changed the tendons and washed the marrow, and has a little self-protection.

'The martial arts have been completed, the next step is to find the source of the disaster and cultivate...'

Fang Xian was thinking.

At this moment, in the sky, there was an eagle cry.

This is the 'Second Disciple' of this world that he accepted. Hearing the sound, it should be a warning.

Fang Xian's mind moved, and he plunged into the jungle.

Before long, several human figures were seen.

"I heard that there are white apes haunting here, it is a great auspiciousness. If you catch them, the officials will be happy..."

A hunter said to himself.

Fang Xian didn't understand the human language of this world at this time, but Daluodong Mystery View had already felt malicious, and his face couldn't help but turn cold.

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