The Lord of Reincarnation

Chapter 201 Liangshan Pirates

Inside the cottage.

Seeing the 'dog officer' walking away, the mountain people cheered.

"Brother Wang, thanks to you."

"With Big Brother Wang here, I'm not afraid of that dog official."


Seeing the cheering crowd, Wang Shun didn't have much joy on his face: 'That's an official, not an official... But an official is more abhorrent than an official, an official needs to have a reputation, but an official does not need it... and the power is replaced by generations. According to legend, the father died and the son was replaced, the roots were intertwined, and they were also connected with the big households in the county. ’

'This time that Kong Cao left, he will definitely hate me next time, and I don't know what sinister means to use to retaliate against me, revenge on the cottage...'

'Although Kong Cao is only a book office in the Ministry of Households, the third class and the sixth room treat the common people in unison. As long as he slightly tamper with the documents, he may not only mess up the naturalization of the cottage, but also really fight against it. thief! ’

'Hey... I originally thought that I could offer auspicious auspiciousness to seal Kong Cao's mouth, and it would also make the magistrate overjoyed and go the way of the great master... Now it doesn't work, what should I do? ’

Wang Shun's eyes were faint, and for a moment, he had the idea of ​​sneaking down the mountain and assassinating Kong Cao.

Once this thought arises, it takes root, spreads rapidly, and cannot be eliminated.

With a sharp blade in hand, the murderous intention arises!

Wang Shun has acquired the unparalleled swordsmanship in the world, and his heart has naturally changed.


What Fang Xian chose was not the way of Wang Shun's stockade.

Wangshun Village is located in Dazheng County. Above Dazheng County is Zhengyang House. Above Zhengyang House is Dingzhou, which is one of the nine states of Dazhou.


Bailiang Mountain is located in Zhengyang Mansion, spanning east and west, Fang Xian chose a random direction, walked out of the mountain, and sneaked into other people's houses. He stole a few clothes and hats.

Occasionally sneaked into the town market several times, but was not noticed.

"Come here ten steamed buns, three catties of braised pork, pack them up and take them away, and eat them on the road."

In a small shop, Xiao Er saw a tall figure two meters tall and wearing a hat walking in, and hurriedly stepped forward to greet him. Hearing this, he couldn't help laughing: "Wait a moment, the guest officer, it will be delivered immediately, our shop's staff Braised pork, it is well-known far and wide, and you are satisfied."

This person is not good-hearted at first glance, and he can't help but be a little more careful.

I just don't know why, I always feel that this arm, this body shape, something is wrong, but if I really want to say what's wrong, I can't say it.

After the food came, the man in the bucket hat took out the copper coins and made notes. Xiao Er noticed that he was wearing gloves on his hands, and his body was completely hidden, so he couldn't help slandering:

'Is this man sick? Or the Jiang Yang robber wanted by the government? But the robber Jiang Yang doesn't have to wrap his hands...'

While he was thinking about it, the man in the bucket hat stopped and asked, "Is there a Taoist temple nearby? Or other supernatural things?"

Xiao Er was used to ushering in and sending them to him. He knew a little about all kinds of news. Hearing that, he smiled and said, "The guest officer is going to incense? I heard that the 'Tongxuan Temple' outside Zhengyang Mansion is very effective. As for the supernatural things? It's a rumor, the place has always been peaceful..."

"'Tongxuan Guan'?"

Fang Xian nodded and walked with the package.

At this moment, his body trembled, and a prompt appeared in front of him:

【Tribulation Power+5】

"It's weird, I haven't done anything yet, so how can I have the calamity power in the account? This is not the statement that the account has been received in advance... That is what I indirectly affected, causing the catastrophe? Could it be that Shan Junzi or Yu Kongzi turned into monsters eating people already?"

But just think about it,

Fang Xian continued to stride out.

"What are you doing standing still? Not doing anything?"

The shopkeeper with the abacus came over and gave Xiao Er a slap.


Xiao Er touched his head, feeling a little confused.

He seemed to see a white... tail under the hat man's shirt just now?

‘I must be stunned, how can people have tails? Could it be a belt? ’

Xiao Er shook his head, forgot about that scene, and fell into busyness again.


The night was dark.

Fang Xian is on his way.

With his legs open, he swept a distance of ten feet in a single step, faster than a galloping horse.

In this world, the Qinggong of all corners of the world and martial arts masters, in his opinion, are all superficial things.

Even if he met a few people in the arena, he found that he probably couldn't beat Wang Shun, who had learned his own swordsmanship, which was really boring.

However, because it was a bit shocking, he chose to go out at night.

The goal this time is 'Tongxuan Guan'.

Since this Taoist view is famous, it may have inherited something.

After walking like this in the middle of the night, Fang Xian looked at the starry sky and began to find a place to stay.

Among the barren mountains and ridges, there is only a broken temple, the plaque is missing, and it is unknown which god is worshipped.

Wait until Fang Xian enters the temple gate.

A clatter.

There was a thunder in the sky, and a torrential rain fell suddenly.

The temple is not big. At this time, there was a sleeping scholar inside. It seemed that he was awakened by a thunderstorm. When he saw a tall shadow coming in, he was shocked: "Who is coming?"

"Passing by..."

Fang Xian sat down cross-legged, raised the flame, did not take off his hat, and asked casually, "You scholar, you are living alone in the wilderness, aren't you afraid?"

"Now the world is at peace, what's more, I still have a sword."

As if to be courageous, the scholar showed his sword.

Fang Xian just took a look and knew that he had not yet started, and couldn't help but smile again: "I can't imagine that he is still a scholar."

Only when the Zhou Dynasty has a system and a scholar above can wear swords and travel.

Otherwise, the household registration alone can kill civilians.

"In the next Ning Bo reward, dare to ask Your Excellency Gao's name?"

The scholar bowed and asked.

Seeing that Fang Xian was hiding his head and showing his tail, he became a little frightened, and was secretly annoyed: 'Why should I ask his name? What if it was the Jiang Yang thief? ’

"Walking through the rivers and lakes, I never say my name..."

Fang Xian smiled playfully, and suddenly looked at the door again: "The small temple tonight is really lively..."

Before he finished speaking, a group of people rushed in to take shelter from the rain, all of them wearing night clothes, with long knives on their waists, with a fierce meaning, but they did not have the temperament of the public, but more like a group of robbers.

"Why are there still people?"

The first one was stunned when he saw Fang Xian and Ning Bo reward, and immediately said, "The work we've done is too big to be seen, so kill it."

"Dare you? I'm a scholar. Once I die, it's a big case, and the government will definitely investigate it!"

Ning Boshang is not a fool, he immediately called out.

"Actually still a scholar? It's a pity... we are Liangshan thieves, haha!"

The man in black was startled, and then he laughed.

"It's over...".

Ning Boshang's face turned pale, even he had heard the name of this group of people, because they used to hide in Bailiang Mountain, and even the government couldn't find their old nest, so they couldn't destroy them.

Not to mention killing him as a scholar, even if he kills a Juren and hides in the mountains for a few years, it will be calm.

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