Fang Xian was on the side and was speechless.

'I always feel that the peaceful and prosperous world of Dazhou is very hydrating... But the ancient kings did not go to the countryside, they could govern hundreds of prefectures and counties. ...'

He thought for a while and said, "Everyone is walking around the rivers and lakes. We didn't hear or see what you were doing, so we let this scholar go and make it easier for each of us, how about that?"

"It sounds like your Excellency is also a person on the road, but unfortunately..."

The leader of Liangshan Pirates shook his head: "All killed!"

At the same time as he spoke, his body retreated, and the younger brothers next to him gathered around with grinning faces.

This world's martial arts is much worse than the martial arts world.

The so-called masters are also restricted by strength and weapons.

These dozen or so people, armed with machetes, even if the number one expert in the world encounters a sudden encounter, must flee first, find favorable terrain, or cooperate with the armored longbow before they can counterattack.

And if they all wear armor and cooperate with the law of the army, then any martial arts master will be hacked to death by random knives if they are surrounded.

Therefore, in this world, imperial power suppresses the world, and there is no one who refuses to obey.

"I have a question."

Fang Xian stood up indifferently and rubbed his fists: "Is your surname Song Song?"

While speaking, he stepped forward, raised his arms back, made a sound like a bowstring opening, and slammed heavily on a swordsman.

The swordsman was not wearing armor or inner armor protection, the whole person seemed to be hit by a wild horse head on, and flew back quickly, blood spurting out of his mouth like no money.

Taking the robbery power as the foundation, he carried out another martial arts foundation building. Fang Xian's current martial power with the body of a white ape is said to be nine bulls and two tigers, and it is not excessive at all.

When he started, his eyebrows twitched, and he already felt the two knives beside him.

After all, it is a group fight, and two fists are hard to beat with four hands.

At the same time as he attacked, the long knives of the swordsmen on both sides also approached. Although the body of the white ape was infinitely powerful, it was still flesh and blood.

Fang Xian didn't practice to the point where the King Kong is not broken, and the sword is invulnerable. He rushed forward and punched his fists. It was two blows that knocked the two swordsmen into the air.

A knifeman was knocked off the wall and fell softly, seeing that he was dead.

'What a hard fist, the idea is piercing... Who is this? Iron Fist Invincible? No, even the other party doesn't have such martial arts, right? It's just like a fool! ’

The leader of Liangshan Pirates kept retreating, and he was already complaining in his heart.

At this time, Fang Xian grabbed a long knife in his hand, making him even more powerful.

A knife swept past, blood and flesh flying.

Another knife, invincible.

In less than a dozen breaths, the original Liangshan Thief was already lying on the ground, only Fang Xian put the long knife on the leader's neck: "Is your surname Song?"

"No... No... Your Excellency has to spare others..."

The leader of Liangshan Pirates muttered a word, but he couldn't speak anymore, and fell down while clutching his throat.

"If you don't have the surname Song, why did you come to die?"

Fang Xian sighed faintly and threw the long knife.

"it is good!"

Ning Boshang was dizzy and dizzy, but he felt that the rabbits were rising and falling, and the experience of his life might not be as bizarre and exciting as tonight: "Why don't you bring Wu Hook and collect the fifty states in the Western Regions. Please, please go to the Lingxiao Pavilion for a while, If you are a scholar, Wan Huhou? Xiongtai is good at martial arts... If you are a martial artist, why not join the military? You can get fame and fortune, and you can get it at your fingertips..."

"Sure enough, it's a scholar's opinion! Learn the arts of literature and martial arts, and the goods and the emperor's family?"

Fang Xian laughed: "But what is the emperor?

Dare to ask me to die for him? "

After saying these words, Ning Boshang was stunned.

He has been studying since he was a child, and the first class of Mr. Private School was "Heaven and Earth, the Master and Teacher."

This kind of 'rebellious' words made him tremble all over, and he almost wanted to ask: " dare to say that, are you not afraid of being killed by the Nine Clan?"

But forcibly held back.

Although he is a little bookish, he is not a fool.

This person doesn't even show his face, and he doesn't know who his surname is or where he lives, so naturally he has no scruples.

Not to mention, in the wave of hands just now, killing more than ten people in a row, it must not be difficult to kill one more person.

Fang Xian saw that this man was stupid, so he ignored him and searched the group of robbers, and found a large sack that seemed to be someone inside.

After thinking for a while, he dragged the sack into the temple, and after opening it, he found a fragrant smell coming from it, and he could see that the green skirt was actually a girl.

"These bandits turned out to be kidnappings from the mountain? Look at this woman's clothes, she is still a lady from an official family, no wonder..."

Ning Bo took a look and saw half of the girl's pretty face, he turned his head quickly, didn't dare to look any more, just said.

Fang Xian ignored him and pinched the girl directly.

It didn't take long for the girl to snort and wake up. Her big eyes looked around in a dazed way, and suddenly a look of fear appeared on her face.

"Don't be afraid, girl, you were kidnapped by Liangshan. It was this... strong man who saved you, and it's all right."

Ning Boshang opened his mouth to comfort him.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Dongmoo...all dead..."

The girl came out of the sack, her eyes were red, and she wiped away her tears very strongly, and said to Fang Xianfu: "Little girl Chunyuyun, thank you hero for saving me, at this time I can't repay, I just ask the hero to send me to the right place. The same prefect of Yangfu family will have a great reward!"

"You turned out to be the young lady of Tongzhi's family?" Ning Boshang's eyes widened when he heard this: "Liangshan Pirates are so courageous! How courageous!"

"I'm afraid there are people in the government behind them. I don't know the inside story... I'm afraid it has something to do with my father's party..." Chunyu Yun said.

At this time, Ning Bosun wanted to cover his ears, not to hear so many secrets, for fear of causing unforeseen disasters.

"Being able to say this directly shows that you are kind-hearted, and you didn't let me get involved in the whirlpool..." Fang Xian nodded: "But I am most afraid of trouble, so I won't send you, and saving you is just a matter of convenience, not necessary. thank me."

Said to leave.

"Emperor..." Chunyu Yun looked at Fang Xian's tall back, and her beautiful eyes flashed: "Please leave your name and let the little girl repay..."

'This little girl, actually has a little affection for me who hides my head and shows my tail? interesting! ’

Fang Xian thought for a while, turned around, took off his hat, and revealed a white monkey's head: "Why... do you want to promise me a little monkey?"


How does it feel to suddenly see the hero in your heart turned into a monkey demon?

Chunyu Yun's eyes turned white, unable to bear the stimulation, he fainted directly.


Ning Bo rewarded a little better, but he was also scared to pee, his legs were weak, and he kept talking about Zibuyu's strange power and so on.

"Haha...haha...interesting, interesting!"

Fang Xian saw great joy, laughed and left.

I feel that being a white ape is also very interesting, otherwise I really wouldn't see this kind of change.

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