The Lord of the Rings: Lords of Middle-earth

Chapter 535 I am the sixth child!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" The neat steps of the half-orcs resounded throughout the Swift River City, and the half-orcs arrayed outside the city pressed toward the Swift River City in a dark manner.

"Are they attacking the city now?" Roland looked at the high sun with some surprise in his eyes. Are these orcs animals? You just arrived and didn’t even take a break?

"Lavian! Take the cavalry out of the city!" Marcus suddenly turned around and shouted at Knight Commander Lavian standing behind him.

"Take all the knights and cavalry with you! Go through the north gate!" Marcus added.

"Order the Griffin Knights to take off to meet the enemy!"

"Send out a scout to tell White Wing King our situation!"

"King Badr! Please lead your clansmen who can fight to follow Knight Commander Lavian! I need you to stay outside the Rapid City! We need a fist powerful enough to break the situation!"

"Soldiers! Climb the wall! Prepare to defend!"

Marcus waved the long sword in his hand and commanded in an orderly manner on the top of the city. Roland silently stepped aside and chose to watch Marcus' performance. Roland believed in the principle that professional people do professional things. After all, there is no such thing as defending the city. No one can compare with the defensive art of "iron wall" Marcus!

"Lavian! Pay attention to the direction of the battle! You are our last hope! Use your command ability! I believe you will enter the battle at the most appropriate time!" Marcus pressed Lavian's shoulder.

"Protect your two highnesses!" Lavian said nothing and just nodded.

"Take good care of my people, thank you!" Balder looked at several people and bowed, then he picked up the huge Centaur Grip and ran with four hooves.

"Prepare to defend! Pay attention to the movements of the orcs!" Marcus frowned as he looked at the orcs arrayed outside the city.

"They have no plans to besiege the city!" Roland narrowed his eyes.

"But we can't abandon the city and flee, right?" Marcus twisted his neck and smiled awkwardly.

"The concentration of troops is relative! Our troops are concentrated, and the same is true for the orcs!" Marcus sighed.

"They are coming..." Marcus sighed, and the stones thrown by the trebuchet carried by the troll in the sky were making a sharp whistling sound.

"Block!" Radil raised his staff, and several nearby boulders floated in the air as if there was no gravity. The remaining fish that slipped through the net were also blocked by the shield, but the cost was that the originally translucent shield was now even more Sparse.

"Roar!" The orc roared loudly and then rushed over with teeth and claws.

"Fire arrows!" Two of the arrow towers on the four corners are now in operation! The only team of rangers in Rapid City is stationed inside, with 10 arrow towers of crossbow machines deployed, pouring out their own firepower at this moment! The heavy repeating crossbows smashed headlong into the orcs, but due to the lack of manpower, the efficiency was extremely low. The Lordaeron ranger who controlled the repeating crossbow even had to load the arrows himself.

"Arrange armed civilians to help them!" Marcus said immediately after learning about their predicament.

"Tell them! Keep the pace! Use two stages of shooting! Don't leave any gaps for attacks!" Marcus said to the messenger, ah no! They should be civilians running errands!

"Bang!" A huge boulder broke away from Radil's interception and shattered the shield. It fell down in front of everyone's horrified eyes. Fortunately, it only destroyed an unoccupied house.

"Gryphon Knight! Kill those troll pitchers!" Marcus gritted his teeth and let the catapults fall down. The people in the city would definitely suffer heavy casualties.

"Let's go!" Verve stepped directly onto the saddle of a griffin knight.

"Bah!" The griffons roared and then led their knights into the clouds.

"Are you nervous?" Verve asked the Sky Knight in front of him teasingly, but when he turned around, he discovered that it was Huolin.

"This is the first time I have seen such a scene as a Sky Knight! No one told me about this when I became a Sky Knight!" Hollin roared to vent his anger. After all, who could have imagined that he would dream of becoming famous? The first battle was actually fought against tens of thousands of orcs.

"Hold on!" Vervail shouted, casually drew out a long arrow and shot it out. The arrow accurately hit a troll who had just finished loading the trebuchet.

"Watch the sky? You bastards! Don't let them slaughter us wantonly!" After several trolls fell in a pool of blood one after another, the belated orc adjutant finally reacted!

(The lord of this Orc army was chopped alive by Verve at the first moment of the battle! Therefore, the Orc lineup was in chaos, and each tribe raised their voices to look for their own clansmen.)

"Puff, puff, puff!" A series of bows and arrows shot out, and several gryphon knights poured out their anger wantonly in the sky, but they were soon forced to rise high into the sky by the orcs' bows and arrows with little attack power.

"Tsk!" Verway, who was sitting behind Hollin, frowned. He looked at the gryphon knights who were being chased away by bows, arrows and pole weapons and shook his head. It seemed that he had to rely on himself.

"Huolin! Fly me there!" Vervay knocked on Huolin's shoulder armor.

"Hoo!" Huo Lin didn't say anything. After all, he knew how to draw wind... He pulled the reins directly, and the griffin immediately turned around and flew back.

"Duo!" A long arrow fell from the sky, but it did not kill his target.

"Praise nature! The power of nature! I ask you to block it!" Vervay felt so embarrassed when the troll used an iron shield to block the arrows, so he launched the skill without any morals and launched a dimensionality reduction strike!

"Boom!" The long arrow imbued with the fighting energy of the fire element fell from the sky like a thunderous roar, and plunged straight into the troll who was holding up a large shield in vain to block it.

"Boom!" The arrow, which triggered the power of nature, exploded in the troll's chest! The flames rolled up the pieces of flesh and blood and scattered them, and the aroma of barbecue was faintly heard.

"They are coming! Soldiers! Get ready!" Marcus looked at the ladder erected on the city wall, and quickly moved over to block the shield in front of him, preparing to fight the orcs climbing up.

"Boom!" There was a burst of earth and rocks, and in the horrified eyes of everyone, the siege tower vehicles instantly turned into fragments and parts, returning directly to the factory settings.

"They will be in pain for a long time now, right?" Yun Feng leaned on his staff and sneered at Radil, who looked harmless to humans and animals. Only he understood what had just happened. This harmless old man seemed to be careless. Standing next to Roland, he looked like he was reading with the prince. In fact, the faintly glowing staff, the right hand behind his back, and the activated magic waves hidden under the robe all showed that Radil had just tried to trick those orcs. A ruthless one!

Sure enough, all the warriors in Raglan are fools, and all the spellcasters are old men...

Yun Feng only took a few glances to realize that this kind-hearted old man had just killed at least a thousand people, and what was even more powerful was that he had destroyed all the siege equipment!

"Haha, it's just a surprise, otherwise the rat hiding in the shadows opposite will stop me!" Radil was also happy when Lao Liu succeeded. Several magics he had just released were destroyed by the Ring Spirit hiding in the dark. The magic transmission node caused the range attack to be interrupted, and the angry old man finally got his revenge.

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