"Damn it!" A deep voice sighed in the void and then passed away quietly.

Radil's silent spell successfully caught the orcs off guard! The powerful war magic savagely cleared away the orcs in this area, and the remaining panicked orcs also rolled and crawled away one after another.

"The real six... Sure enough, the destination of all things is the sixth." Roland was also stunned by Radil. The kind-hearted Radil actually had such a side?

"Sir..." The Orc War General turned his head and looked at the empty space beside him and whispered.

An undead monarch wearing a black cloak, a twisted crown of thorns, and holding a Blade of the Dead slowly appeared in front of everyone riding a demon dragon. He seemed to come from the void and quietly appeared in front of the Orcs. Beside the general.

"Tear~" He gently pulled open the scabbard of the Blade of the Dead in his hand. The former King's Sword had become obscure and evil under the erosion of time and darkness. The chaotic dark energy was intertwined with little bits of silver light. The blade of the sword...

"Stop attacking!" he whispered.

"Haha, old friend! Void Lord Uvasa! Jiujie is here! I should have thought it was him!" Verve spat.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk! Changed the look? This looks a bit trendy!" Roland also rubbed his chin and clicked his tongue in surprise. After all, compared to riding a nightmare, the devil's flying dragon matched Uvasa's temperament better.

"Let's go and hold him down!" Yun Feng and Fan Erwei looked at each other and took off to prepare to face Uvasa. As the ninth Ring Spirit, Uvasa's strength is also ranked among the top among the Ring Spirits! To deal with him, you need at least two sixth levels to win steadily, not to mention that Yun Feng is still a sixth level who is not a main combat professional.

As a result, as soon as Yunfeng and Kaslo took to the air, Uvasa sneered and disappeared into the air, leaving only his mocking laughter in the air.

This made Yun Feng and Fan Erwei almost spit out a mouthful of blood, and almost suffered internal injuries. This feeling was like a punch hitting a pile of cotton, which made the two of them want to kill Uwasa even more intensely.

"Rest and change defense!" Marcus glanced at the orc army with hatred, and then chose to stop. He decisively replaced the soldiers and pushed the civilians who had just picked up weapons to the top of the city.

"Isn't this good... why don't we keep some soldiers?" Roland suddenly felt no sense of security when he saw the large-scale replacement of the defenders. The huge Rapid City was actually protected by militiamen. The strong contrast made Roland regret that he would use all his troops. Stacked in the fortress.

"Soldiers need to devote themselves to the fiercest battlefields, and those elites should not be wasted here!" Marcus explained that under the current circumstances, it is like a crime to allow soldiers to waste their energy on vigilance.

"Just look at the arrangements." Roland shook his head and chose to delegate power. After all, the current situation was no longer under his control.

"The numbers are too inferior!" Marcus was secretly shocked. There were very few soldiers in the city. The ordinary soldiers relied entirely on the remnants of the Crusaders and the 200 light infantry (now armed as heavy infantry). The professional soldiers In addition to the 200 royal guards, there are only 50 Lordaeron rangers, plus 149 steppe elf rangers...

These people guarding the huge Rapid City are simply... not even a splash can be seen on the city wall. The only good thing is that Rapid City currently has a mobile force that is enough to change the situation of the battle. There are 15 Crossed Bauhinia Knights and 100 heavy cavalry led by Knight Commander Lavian, plus more than 300 centaurs commanded by Badr. Mobile troops, in a sense, their combat effectiveness is not inferior to that of the Holy Glory Knights! After all, the centaur's life skills and glory skills have similar principles! It's equivalent to Roland suddenly having 300 weakened knights who are integrated into one knight!

For Marcus, the battle still has to be fought! He believes in Ravian's fighting qualities! I believe he will penetrate the enemy formation at the most appropriate time!

Yun Feng and Fan Erwei, who quickly swept a few times, landed one after another. After all, flying in the sky consumes a lot of magic power. The two wanted to catch Cheng Xin and their hide-and-seek Uwasabuya. They were trying to find a needle in a haystack, so the two of them changed their strategy and retreated to Rapid City to play strategic shock with the Nazgul!

In this way, the highest combat power of both sides left the table one after another, and what was left was a process of competition. The most annoying thing was that the Ringwraith quietly interfered with the Griffin Knight's hunting of the trolls. If not for the reaction of Yun Feng and Verway Quickly, it is estimated that Roland's already not wealthy Sky Knights force will become the "Air Force"!

"Mother of the Earth, bless me..." Radil muttered while leaning on his staff, quietly chanting obscure magic spells. Then he pointed his staff, and a siege tower vehicle not far away was immediately stabbed by the ground. He felt a chill in his heart, and the ever-increasing ground thorn directly smashed everything that blocked him.

"Hufufu!" After releasing this magic, Radil gasped, stroking his chest.

"Damn it! The magic power is gone again!" Radil complained, then took out a magic crystal of a junior monster and began to absorb it. In just a few minutes, the crystal was sucked clean by Radil.

"They're coming up again!" Marcus's face changed. This orc really didn't stop. Is he so anxious to die after just a few minutes of rest? Marcus couldn't help but think to himself.

"Soldiers on the wall!"

"Don't forget our glory! Defend the king to the death!"

"Common people! The time has come to defend our homeland!" Roland took the lead in pulling out the dragon-slaying sword and roared.

"For His Highness!" everyone shouted in unison.

"For the kingdom!" Roland roared.

"For our homeland!" everyone shouted, and at this moment everyone's morale reached its peak.

"Radiel! Shield!" Roland's voice interrupted Radil who was still replenishing his magic power.

Radil opened his eyes and saw that the good guy almost threw his staff from the top of the city in fright, and a huge green fireball flew over.

"Necromancer? Gan! Dragon God! I'm going to kill this bastard who blasphemed the God of Elements!" Without saying a word, Radil drew his staff and started fighting with the mage hidden in the orc army. The magic skills collided with the shields of both sides, and it was very lively for a while.

"Ivy! Lead the priest to rescue the wounded in time!" Marcus said anxiously. At this moment, the orcs under the city had begun to throw arrows towards the city. Fortunately, there was no shortage of equipment in Rapid City. Those boards that were originally going to be sold to the south Armor and shields were urgently taken out and the young men were armed.

"Raise your shield!" commanded the soldiers mixed in the militia, who were now acting as low-level officers.

"Those orcs are coming! Your Highness! Please return to the castle!" Marcus glanced anxiously at Roland, who was returning the stake, and immediately prepared to drag him up.

"I'm going to retreat! I'll die!" The furious Roland brandished his dragon-slaying sword and sliced ​​off the orc's Heavenly Spirit Cap with lightning speed, and it fell down the ladder without saying a word.

"It's good to be young, just go to sleep!" Roland said as he killed another orc who climbed up with his sword.

Here, Roland was having fun punishing those orcs who "fell to sleep young", but Marcus felt uncomfortable. After all, the king at the core of the country was fighting on the front line, and he wanted to persuade them but didn't know how to persuade them.

"Kill! For the king!" Marcus glanced at King Roland, his heart pounded, his teeth gritted, and he roared and joined the melee.

However, the situation was still improving. The Orcs couldn't even escape their heads before they were stabbed by the Raglan people squatting behind the battlements. After both sides' high-end combat capabilities were restrained, the entire battlefield seemed to be a harmonious competition. Those The armed civilians were so disgusted that it turned out that the combat effectiveness of the orcs was even more astonishing. The two sides even launched a tug-of-war around a simple ladder...

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