The Lord of the Rings: Lords of Middle-earth

Chapter 537: Rookies pecking each other?

However, Roland and his group's happy whack-a-mole activity did not last long, and soon Roland stopped laughing.

"Fuck! Stop it! Stop it! Shoot! Shoot!" Roland's heart-rending roar even startled Yun Feng and Verway who were confronting the Nazgul.

Everyone looked in the direction of Roland's finger, um, very good!

"Stop that beast!"

"Kill it!"

"Don't let that bastard come over!"

Is the sudden excitement of public sentiment a sign of moral decay? Or the annihilation of humanity? Can everyone enter the soul mode? No no no! No, it's just a giant troll with a battering ram on its head, bending down and rushing toward everyone... Well, to be precise, it's the city wall under everyone's feet.

"Oh! Damn it!" Yun Feng and Fan Erwei were instantly petrified before they could take action.

"Bichi!" Radil waved his staff angrily, and even took the time to stop him while facing off against the Necromancer.

"Oh!" Roland said dully.

"Boom!" Following a loud noise, a feeling of shaking came from under your feet, and the entire Rapid City was trembling.

"Thank you, old man! I hope your magic stone bricks are not a shoddy project!" Roland suddenly turned his head to face Radil, who was still casting spells, and showed a smile that was uglier than crying.

"Dragon God is on top!"

"I actually survived!"

"Thank you for the wall!"

"This bastard killed himself?"

The shaking soon subsided, and the troll was lying motionless on the ground. It looked like his brain should be shattered by the impact, but the city wall of Rapid City was also uncomfortable. The five-meter-thick wall was full of cracks and shattered pieces. The cracked stone bricks flew far away! The terrifying potholes left by the impact were extremely conspicuous, and the cracks spreading all around told that the city wall had just encountered a life-and-death crisis!

"The earth is resurrected!" Radil used a wand, and a khaki magic power spread in all directions. The cracks were obviously a little shallower, but this was the limit. Radil could no longer control it and could only continue to fight with the spellcaster on the opposite side. stand up.

"The city wall has been repaired somewhat! It should still be able to withstand it!" Marcus looked at it and said.

"I hope so! Kill all these bastards!" The angry Roland vented his anger on the orcs behind him.

"Is this the royal city of the Lagrand Kingdom?" A faint exclamation came from the empty space.

"I don't know, sir." The orc leader replied respectfully.

"Yes! This flag with gold rims and golden tassels is their king's flag!" Uwasa said, looking at the flag fluttering on Swiftstream Castle.

At this moment, Uvasa was also very surprised. As a partial force that penetrated the northern border to harass and destroy, it accidentally came to the foot of the Laglang King City, which was a serious problem? What's sad is that there don't seem to be enough troops?

Uwasa looked at his army helplessly and couldn't help but sigh! His original goal was not this city! His target is a lonely mountain! He was supposed to harass Gushan and help the northern undead army break the situation, but now it was better. After failing to stab the northern defense line in the back, he got into the situation and was held back by Swift Current City.

If Roland knew about it, he would definitely thank Uwasa for being such a fool. If you want to backstab the dwarf, can you check the way? What? People in Middle-earth are all road addicts, right? Everyone has maxed out their Lost Skills? Who is a serious person who can bring thousands of people to charm him at the feet of his king?

Although there is no communication between the two sides at this moment, they are both extremely embarrassed. Both offense and defense are as inefficient as squeezing toothpaste. Two different races are in the embarrassing situation of lack of troops at the same time and in the same place...

(Roland: The enemy is approaching the city, and I lack soldiers to defend the enemy!)

(Uwasa: The enemy chief is right in front of us, I lack cannon fodder to attack the city!)

The two sides were restraining each other in this way, and they were unable to do anything to each other. The attacks of the cannon fodder orcs were directly ignored by the professionals and soldiers. Even the militiamen were unable to break through the defense. After all, the orcs' crude arrows had an impressive lethality. The militiamen are all heavily armed!

The situation in Rapid City is not ideal either. Although the defense is full, the combat power has also reached his grandma's house. At this moment, Roland no longer believes that archers are cannon fodder in close combat. Those Crusaders archers are big and round. , looks more sturdy and burly than the spear and shield soldiers of the same team, and first of all, those who can shoot the bow crazily are not ordinary people...

The hunting bows of the militiamen whirred, and Roland's eyes twitched crazily. The rain of arrows falling from the sky flew past the orcs' bodies as if human body tracing was turned on. It made an angry king want to squeeze his men to death. militiamen.

"Radiel! Can you step out and give the bastard below a hard beating?" Roland turned his eyes to Radil.

"Dream! Your Highness! My enemy is a lich!" Radil roared and continued to release magic without looking back, fighting with the spellcaster on the opposite side.

Roland chose to turn off the microphone. Necromancers and lichs were two different species, and lichs already needed Radil to deal with them with all his strength.

Now Roland looked at Yun Feng and Fan Erwei, and found that the two "Pestlet Kings" were still standing calmly at the top of the city confronting the Nazgul.

"Your Highness, why don't you take a rest for a while!" Marcus, who was leaning against the city wall, weighed the pebbles as big as his fist out of boredom. He looked outside the city for a few times, then climbed up and looked down. Throw hard.

"Plop!" A half-orc who was sleeping well fell down from the ladder.

"Pfft!" Roland, who was sitting behind the wall, heard a rustling sound behind him and raised his Dragon-Slaying Sword to stab the back of his head.

"Ha..." A half-orc who had just popped his head was stabbed in the cavity with a sword, and blood spattered, and the purple-black blood stained the bricks and stones on the city wall.

"Hoo ho ho! Die!" Lance, who came in a hurry, raised his spear and pointed at a ladder, and several orcs were stabbed down immediately.

"wipe"! Roland mechanically waved his arm, and the dragon-slaying sword easily cut through the stone bricks on the wall.

"Huh!" Roland took a breath and swung the dragon-slaying sword randomly a few times again, scaring the orcs away. After that, he sat in the pile of corpses without any image.

"Gan...Gan! I can't cut anymore!" After waving his arm for a long time, Roland felt that he needed to amputate. He could no longer feel his right hand...

"Take a rest! Take a rest!" Roland stood up feebly and tried to convey the news to everyone.

"Plop!" Roland stumbled and tripped over the body on the ground. He took a closer look...

"Fuck! Bad luck!" After Roland shook off the half-orc blood that had almost condensed in his hand, an inexplicable feeling of nausea came over him!

"Statistics on the battle!" Roland waved his hand, his voice already hoarse. The novices pecking each other can be said to be exhausting for everyone. Both Roland and Uvasa are waiting for a reason to break the situation!

"Now Rapid City has become a blood city!" Marcus complained to Roland while distributing food and water to Roland.

"?" Roland was puzzled.

"Today's battle was beautiful! But our casualties are not optimistic!" Marcus frowned.

"It's ironic that they can't penetrate our armor! The only ones that can penetrate our armor are our own arrows!" Marcus smiled awkwardly, and Roland suddenly felt a chill. It seemed like they had borrowed a few waves of arrows from the other side today?

"Today, thousands of soldiers have been injured in their limbs, and less than a handful of them have actually died! I have already replaced them." Marcus introduced to Roland.

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