The Lord of the Rings: Lords of Middle-earth

Chapter 552 Orcs General Attack

Chapter 561 General Attack of Orcs

"Those guys seem to be attacking again!" a soldier said.

"Be alert! Are there any changes in the orcs in other directions?" Renault turned to ask the messenger behind him.

"The orcs from other directions are gathering here! I led people around through the passage!" Merck Leopold suddenly appeared and patted Renault on the shoulder.

"Nonsense! What if this is the enemy's plan to lure the tiger away from the mountain?" The Renault people were numb and led their troops to withdraw from the defense area privately. They could behead them in public during the war.

"I left the flag and withdrew the infantry. They shouldn't notice it for a while!" Merck Leopold shook his head.

"Bring the soldiers back quickly, we are short of manpower!" Renault shook his head.

"I'm afraid no need!"

"I think this may not be a conspiracy by the Ringwraiths, but they are preparing to attack!"

Before Renault finished speaking, Luke Leopold and Lafitte Anthony had already appeared behind him.

"The orcs outside our defense area are also gathering towards you! I guess they can't wait any longer!" Lafitte Anthony and Luke Leopold looked at each other.

"Tsk!" Renault exclaimed, but this time he did not urge them to go back. Instead, he turned his head and carefully observed the orcs who were beginning to gather below.

"Boundless..." Renault shook his head.

"It looks like a general attack is indeed coming..." Lafitte Anthony pointed solemnly at the giant trolls carrying trebuchets. You must know that during this period of mutual testing, the orcs have never put these giant trolls on their backs. Trolls were sent out as cannon fodder. This time, nearly a hundred giant trolls gathered together, which was rare in the war scenes in Middle-earth.

"Wolf Cavalry!" Luke Leopold pointed, and everyone looked in the direction he pointed, good guy! Thousands of meters of gray-yellow wolf cavalry rolled in like an earth dragon.

"How many troops have they gathered? No more Black Gate? Is Mordor not defending?" This scene made the originally confident Renault silent. After all, the ratio of combat power was not as simple as a quantitative change causing a qualitative change.

"By the way, do we still have hope?" Merck Leopold asked with some concern as he looked at the growing number of orc troops. (For specific pictures, please refer to the scene of the attack and defense of White King City in the Battle of Pelennor Fields)

"What are you afraid of? Lulong City breaks the sun! We will wait until we are loyal!" Renault drew out his long sword and said calmly. A true paladin needs to have the excellent quality of seeing through life and death without hesitation. Leave the answer to time, and the Holy Light will guide us forward. OK!

"It makes sense! For the empire!" Lafitte Anthony nodded seriously. I am a member of the Anthony family! Although he is not a dragon knight, the blood of the dragon knight flows in his body! fear? Fear? The blood of the Dragon Rider family is always boiling!

"What are you afraid of! We should have died outside Lulong Fortress a long time ago!" Merck Leopold and Luke Leopold hugged each other's shoulders and laughed.

"Fight! Fight! For our homeland! Kill those bastards!" Even the rushing infantry and other soldiers on the city wall roared with orders.

Many years later, the world has long forgotten the details of this battle, only remembering that there was once a lone army standing at the pinnacle of faith, laughing at the incompetence of the Nazgul.

"All infantrymen raise their shields! Pay attention to the crenellations! Don't let the orcs climb up!" Renault ordered calmly.

"The rapid infantry separated a group of people to operate the trebuchets! Those things are one of the few big killers we can use casually!" Renault continued.

"Take it easy, we're almost done throwing the bullets!" Luke Leopold said upon seeing this.

"Here comes someone who knows how to operate it! Replenish ammunition for them!" Renault threw out a space bracelet without saying anything.

Do you really think that War Fortress came to you for nothing? If the storage space of the trebuchet on the arrow tower was not limited, he would have crushed the arrow tower with stone bullets!

After seeing Renault's generosity, everyone put their minds aside. After all, sufficient armaments can make the fortress fully equipped with firepower. The bonus to morale of a fortress with abundant military virtue is unimaginable!

"By the way, the garrison troops on the other three arrow towers that have no attack angle can be withdrawn. Whether it is to serve as a reserve or to strengthen firepower, it is a good choice!" Lafitte Anthony said to Renault.

"It makes sense! Leave the sentries on guard and withdraw to the south wall!" Reno followed suit and immediately agreed to Lafitte Anthony's suggestion.

The entire fortress began to prepare nervously, and an anxious atmosphere of an imminent war slowly emerged. However, in general, Lulong Fortress still took advantage. In order to capture this human fortress, the Ringwraiths habitually shrank their troops and gathered into fists. They were ready to smash open the turtle shell in one breath, but they miscalculated this time. The Lulong Fortress was specially designed for war, but it was specially used to deal with orcs! Moreover, they were not besieging, but attacking from one direction, which allowed the originally scattered troops in the fortress to be gathered directly. It had to be said that the Ringwraiths were well-organized.

(The Ringwraiths hope to use their brutal attacks to break the defenders’ confidence and make the human defenders abandon the city and flee. They also don’t want to get into street fights with humans, especially street fights in fortresses!)

"Roar!" The orcs roared in unison, causing everyone in the fortress to look sideways.

"They are coming! Get ready! Shield! Shield! Keep the shield at the lowest intensity! Just stop the siege equipment from attacking! Put the infantry up!" Renault had already thought about the countermeasures in a blink of an eye. After all, the shield was fully activated. Directly blocking the orcs will increase the consumption of magic crystals, while only blocking those flying stone magic, etc. will consume much less. After all, a fully opened shield is like a barrier, but if the orcs swarm up and attack the shield, the consumption will be It would be very scary. Renault, who was not a wealthy man, would not have cerebral palsy to give the order.

"Huhuhu~" The half-orc opened the way like the third child, first roaring, then throwing stones, and finally a group of miscellaneous soldiers swarmed up... nothing new at all.

"Boohoo!" Without the orders from Renault and the others, the archers on the arrow towers began to counterattack very consciously. Because the orcs swarmed forward, the crossbow machines on the arrow towers gave up their accuracy and started directly covering the fire!

In an instant, several parts of the orc's charging "arrow" were dented. Lafitte Anthony took a quick look and said, "Wow, it's really miserable!" Each orc "Tanghulu" is still struggling hard...

"Let the slings move! Don't let those bastards attack unscrupulously!" Renault glanced at the giant troll who was not listening to the slingshots and said to him behind him.

"Crunch!" Soon the fortress' trebuchet responded, and the stone bullets as big as millstones directly grinded out a path of flesh and blood!

"Continue! Good job! That's it!" Everyone waved their arms excitedly!

"Those things are almost reaching the moat!" Renault looked at the distance.

"How many lives are they prepared to pay to fill her up this time?" The soldiers looked at the moat and nudged it with their elbows, jokingly making a bet.

It turned out that the orcs planned to use countless lives to fill it, and soon hundreds of orc corpses fell on the edge of the moat.

"Plop! Plop!" The sound of a corpse falling into the water struck everyone's hearts.

"Mad! These bastards are crazy!" Renault shook his head with a look of misfortune on his face.

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