Chapter 562 Hammer of Grond

"Defense!" Renault fired a rocket, and the bright flames instantly guided the attack direction of all shooters.

"Fire arrows!" The soldiers in the arrow tower immediately followed Renault's shooting position and began to rain down their own arrows. There were many archers who activated their skills. Driven by their fighting spirit, the sharp arrows penetrated several times before they stopped. The arrows directly split into a shower of arrows.

In just an instant, the Orc offensive formation was beaten to pieces, but the Orc forwards who suffered heavy casualties did not stop at all. They lowered their heads and rushed towards Lulong Fortress.

"Shoot them!" Renault said to the shooters on standby behind him. The remaining shooters on the other three city walls stood on the city walls. They poured out their firepower wantonly through the cover of parapets and battlements.

"Boom!" A huge boulder shattered above their heads and quickly slid down the shield and over the fortress.

"Don't be afraid! Soldiers, keep your posts! The king is calling!" Reno excitedly encouraged morale. After all, judging from the current situation, the orcs are likely to push under the city wall on the first day.

In fact, it was even more exaggerated than Renault thought. In just a few hours, the orcs filled up a moat, and then large and small ladders were put up by the orcs.

Under the violent storm of arrows from Lulong Fortress, only a small number of ladders could be successfully pushed to the edge of the city wall. Most of the ladders were blocked halfway. The area about one kilometer south of the south wall of Lulong Fortress was already blocked. It became bloody and bloody, the land turned purple, and a large number of orcs died here. According to Renault's estimate, there were not more than 10,000 but 8,000. However, Renault obviously underestimated the determination of the Ringwraiths. This team was at least Nearly 50,000 orcs of all kinds have been assembled. Those before were just wandering cannon fodder. The real 20,000 elite Orcs of Mordor have not been dispatched yet. Their mission is to serve as a new force and directly overwhelm the tired defenders' defense line!

At this moment, Renault and the others were still in agony as they were entangled with cannon fodder.

"Go! Boil the water! Boil the water! Stop those orcs from climbing the city wall!" Renault raised his eyebrows.

"Swish, swish, swish!" The first ladder that was stretched out was directly fired by the angry Battanian shooters on the city wall. A group of dead orcs clinging to it were directly shot into hedgehogs, with a lot of fighting spirit mixed in. The flame arrows and the extremely penetrating war energy flames directly penetrated the bodies of several orcs before being nailed into the ground and slowly dissipating.

"Those bastards are coming!" A Dovinian heavy-armored swordsman said in a loud voice, with perseverance and hatred flashing in his eyes under his bucket helmet.

"Ha!" Draw your sword and strike hard! The fighting spirit blade slashed down like a horse! I did the splits directly on this ladder.

"Quaa!" On the ladder that fell separately from both sides, a group of orcs who were climbing were howling and playing cordless bungee jumping. (That’s a 50-meter-high city wall!)

"Bang!" With the pleasant sounds, the screams of ghosts and wolves suddenly weakened and gradually disappeared. Those unlucky people have merged with the many corpses below and have joined the fertilizer family... (Does it sound good? Does it sound good? It’s a good start! It doesn’t make a sound when it falls.)

"Tsk, tsk, tsk!" The defenders, who were pretending to be compassionate, sighed twice before continuing to slaughter the next wave of victims.

"Stab!" Several rapid infantrymen were guarding a crenel. They had no longer 3-meter long rifles than other Lagrange soldiers. The 5-meter-long horse-repelling rifles these guys carried were simply a foul operation in a place like this!

A city guard used a battle spirit shield that was enough to cover several people to protect these rapid infantry, while these rapid infantry holding the horse rifle upside down vigorously swept the ladder in front of them, and the orcs on the ladder wailed from time to time. Falling down, this is just a microcosm of the entire defense line. A large number of orcs began to attack the fortress's defense line with all their strength. The lack of manpower made the defense of the outer wall begin to become precarious.

"General! We need support!"

"There are too many orcs! The Swift Infantry have begun to be wounded!"

"General, we can't stand it any longer!"

As the orcs swarmed forward, the shortcomings of the lack of numbers were fully realized at this moment. The leaky defense line made everyone's head as big as a bucket...

"General Renault! I think we should consider our retreat!" Lafitte Anthony grabbed Renault who was fighting bloody battle.

"We can still hold on for a while!" Renault looked at Lafitte Anthony with firm eyes. The main reason was that the towering city wall did give them the capital to hold on. Although the orcs were large in number, they were still unable to swarm on a large scale. The city wall caused a qualitative change, which only made the defenders busy and had no time to rest.

"I suggest you take a look at this! The outer wall is destined to fall..." Lafitte Anthony took a deep breath and pointed to the outside to Reno.

"..." Renault subconsciously glanced over and said nothing.

A huge war machine in the distance was slowly approaching Lulong Fortress. The moment he saw that thing, Renault's heart dropped.

"Hammer of Grond?" Luke Leopold and Merck Leopold looked at each other.

"Damn it! Let the soldiers be smarter! Open the passage in the middle city! Seal the passages in other areas! I don't want the orcs to run to other places through the south city!" Renault frowned, but now he can only choose to seal the passage outside. The passages of the city do not allow the orcs to enter the interior of the fortress through the passages of the outer city. After all, except for the four main passages of the outer city, if the orcs from other hidden soldier caves really come, Renault will laugh to death.

Soon following Renault's order, the suspension bridges leading to the inner city from the other three city walls were pulled up directly. The entire outer city was isolated. Except for the only giant suspension bridge behind them, they could only enter through various city gates below. City, but the various defensive formations on the city gate are not something they can break through.

"Order the Fallen Dragon Tower to shoot me the War Hammer!" Renault frowned and wanted to struggle a little, trying to see if he could not beat the "Hell Wolf Head" to pieces through the Fallen Dragon Tower.

"Whoosh!" The magical armor-piercing arrow with flowing light rushed straight towards the Hammer of Grond. When it was about to approach, it was blocked by a black-red lava shield that suddenly appeared above.

"Boom!" With a violent explosion, Hell Wolf Head was still advancing, but the unprotected orcs around him suffered heavy casualties.

"Whoosh!" The second attack from the Fallen Dragon Tower came.

Facts have proved that the artifacts left by the gods are indeed different. The legacy of Morgoth, an old dog, is indeed good. Even if he is attacked by the concentrated fire of the Fallen Dragon Tower, he will not move at all. Seeing that the attack from the Fallen Dragon Tower is ineffective, Renault quickly stopped this wasteful behavior. .

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