The Lord of the Rings: Lords of Middle-earth

Chapter 562 Flying Dragon Riding on the Face

Chapter 571 Flying Dragon Riding on the Face

"Hello, Imperial Infantry! Maybe you need us!" A voice came from the sky.

"Who is it?" The guards of Lagrand City raised their guns and pointed toward the sky with vigilant looks on their faces.

"Boom!" Black dots swooped down from the sky like dive bombers.

"Hello, brothers! The Lightning Dragon Squad of the Imperial Royal Dragon Knights salutes you!" The leader of the Dragon Knights caressed his chest and bowed slightly.

"Hello! Verin Angus, the commander of the thousand-man Lagrand City Guards, salutes you!" The leader of the Lagrand City Guards caressed his chest in greeting, because the dragon knights in front of him were wearing the Lagrand Sky Knights standard plate armor. , so you can recognize him at a glance.

"What's going on with you?" Verin Angus looked at the team of flying dragon knights in front of him in confusion.

"We returned to the empire from the south and happened to see you here, so we came to take a look. Friendly reminder: There is a ten thousand chariot force approaching at high speed from your east. Maybe you have something to say?" Captain of the Flying Dragon Knight Squadron shrug.

"It seems they are coming for the remnants of the empire!" Verin Angus confirmed as he looked at the knight captain.

"They have a grudge against the empire?" The dragon knights frowned.

"God knows! We are also a team preparing to return, and so far we have not seen any trace of the imperial forces!" Verin Angus shook his head.

"Maybe we'll find out only after a fight!" The dragon knight captain waved his hand indifferently.

"That's not good! What if they didn't come for us?" Verin Angus hesitated. After all, if the Zhongli forces were accidentally injured, it would be a diplomatic accident.

"As far as I know, the empire seems to have been hostile to the chariot people from the beginning to the end. After all, when it was expanding...ahem! It's too far gone, I suggest you take action!" It is indeed the Imperial Sky Knight. , the way they talk is different, and they are definitely not rude when they can do it.

"Then let's see. It's never wrong to be ready for battle!" Verin Angus shook his head and decided not to take the lead. Although there were tens of thousands of chariot civilian troops, who were they? The iron wall of Lagrand City! Rock solid representation! Vindicators of Ragland!

"Okay, we will provide you with fire support! The lightning flying dragon is very effective in dealing with cluster targets!" The flying dragon knights expressed their kindness one after another. For the infantry brothers, the sky knights can't take too much care of them. After all, these two Brothers who run on one leg have the highest casualty rate among all units!

"Thank you!" Verin Angus did not refuse. After all, the combat effectiveness of the infantry with the support of the empty knights and those without the support of the empty knights are completely different. Of course, it would be better if there were dragon knights, and of course it would be better than the dragon knights. It’s the Dragon Cavalry General and the Dragon Cavalry Commander!

With the help of a team of dragon knights who unexpectedly joined, Verin Angus is more confident. If it is a middle power force, then everyone will be in peace. If it is an enemy... Haha! Verin Angus can only say that the Raglan people put away their weapons in the hope that they can talk to you well, and they picked up their weapons in the hope that you can talk to me well!

"Array up! Let's see what the ingredients are like on the other side!" Verin Angus tightened his grip on the steel gun and ordered.

Under the order of Verin Angus, the soldiers formed two rows to form a simple but strong double-layer shield wall. This could ensure that the formation would not be broken up by ordinary cavalry and chariots. What? knight? Then write a suicide note quickly!

"I don't think there's much hope, after all, it looks so menacing..." The dragon knight captain was still thinking.

"Sir! That's the flag of that kingdom!" The scout pointed at the Lagrang dragon flag flying across the river. Through the mist, he could vaguely see the dragon on the dragon flag fluttering in the wind, fangs and claws fluttering!

"Haha! Kill them all! Kill them all! For my baby! Sweetheart, I will send them to be buried with you immediately! This is just the first interest! I want to kill them all!" Darkey didn't know that he was possessed by the devil. Many messengers said it was floating or something. Anyway, their brains were a little abnormal. After seeing the Lagrand dragon flag, their red eyes were as eager as if they saw their own father. They didn't think that Lagrand was so easy to destroy. ? If Roland was really so good at it, would Mordor still need to bring his younger brother along?

"Whoosh!" Following Darkey's order, the archers holding longbows on the chariot began to shoot, and a thin rain of arrows poured towards Verin Angus and the others.

"...Go! Kill them! They were the ones who did it first!" Verin Angus twitched his mouth and spread his hands.

"'s a waste of time!" The flying dragon knights pulled green onions from the dry land and rose into the sky.

"Be careful to avoid crossbows! We're not sure if they have black arrows! Those dwarves are bastards..." As he spoke, the captain of the flying dragon knight began to ask about the health of the dwarves' family.

After all, the black arrows of the dwarves have caused headaches for all flying units. The most outrageous thing is that the dwarven kingdom has been destroyed several times, and a large number of black arrows have flowed into various parts of Middle-earth. Among them, the largest loss of black arrows has been after the fall of the Kingdom of Moria!

"Okay! Prepare to attack them with air strikes!"

"Copy that! Let the flying dragon use lightning breath to breath them, so we can be safer!"

The dragons of this team of dragon knights are bipedal dragons with the lowest bloodline among the dragons. The purity of their bloodline is much lower than that of Kaslo's original four-legged dragon. The forelimbs and wings of these bipedal dragons are integrated into one body, just like Smaug. Therefore, these flying dragons basically have no ability to release dragon language magic. The dragon language magic circulated in several bloodlines is one of their few magical abilities. However, the powerful body and breath ability of the dragon family are perfectly inherited by them!

"Shield wall!" Verin Angus ordered.

After hearing the order, the Lagrand City guards smashed the half-body shields in their hands into their feet and released the shield wall skill. Their fighting spirit gradually rose to form a translucent human-high shield to block them behind, and then they fought face to face. The air flame shields began to merge, and the last wide shield wall appeared on the river bank! Because the shield wall skill requires a shield to be used, the dual protection of the physical shield and the battle energy shield will make the shield wall more resilient!

"Crack!" The bottom of the half-shield that was smashed into the ground broke the ice. Fine cracks spread and gradually moved away from the ice in the middle of the river.

"Oh!" Verin Angus blinked and began to mourn for these brave chariot drivers. You can imagine what a beautiful scene it is to drive speeding on the cracked ice. It is really like the king of hell. On my way...

While Verin Angus was thinking, the dragon knights in the sky had already taken the lead in attacking.

"Ang!" Compared with the giant dragon, the roar of the flying dragon is sharper, but the chariot people below can't tell what the magic horse is in the sky.

Ten blue-purple thunder balls were spat out by the lightning dragon, and they were thrown straight towards the speeding chariot people.

"Bah!" The tank civilians who were directly hit were turned into charcoal, and then these spherical breaths penetrated the tank unabated and hit the ice directly.

"Bang!" The breath that suddenly exploded directly bloomed with bright electric light. An area of ​​more than ten meters in radius was covered by a hemispherical lightning chain. The chariots and horses in it were electrocuted by lightning and were charred...

This wave of flying dragon riders not only stunned the chariot people, but even the Lagrand City guards who were waiting for the battle were shocked by the killing effect and called them experts!


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