The Lord of the Rings: Lords of Middle-earth

Chapter 563: Irregular driving, relatives shed tears

Chapter 572 Irregular driving, relatives shed tears

However, although the killing effect of the flying dragon's breath is very strong, the efficiency is not high. Its shocking power is greater than the actual killing power. After all, the flying dragon is considered to be the tail of the pure-blood dragon clan, and it does not have the same endurance as the electric motors of other dragon clans. Breathing ability, the shortness and low frequency of breathing ability mean that their killing effect is not as outrageous as other people expected.

Of course, in this battle, both the dragon knights and the Lagrand City guards are supporting characters and spectators, but the real force is the power of nature...

"Don't stand on the ice!" Verin Angus frowned and signaled everyone to retreat. He didn't want his own people to be immersed in the biting river.

"I hope those dragon knights can see the situation on the battlefield!" Verin Angus could only pray in his heart that the flying dragon knights who could fly high and see far away could discover how these chariot people were seeking death...

In fact, when the first wave of attacks went down, the flying dragon knights had already keenly discovered the favorable terrain on the battlefield, because the ice blasted by the breath cracked and swallowed the surrounding chariots into the biting river, carrying them with them. The icy river water instantly swept the charioteers who fell into the water deeper into the water.

"Attack the ice! Give the fishes extra food today!" the dragon knight captain grinned.

"Pay attention to the enemy's heavy tanks! I saw the existence of the crossbow machine!" A flying dragon knight communicated with others through the dragon language emitted by the fighting spirit. The obscure dragon language can be easily understood by fellow flying dragon knights under the conduction of the fighting spirit. The sky knights received it. This is also the most commonly used method of communication and command among the flying dragon knights. With the blessing of the skill of man-rider integration, they will share the hearing vision with the flying dragon, so these dragon words are as easy to identify as bright lights. .

"Copy that! Oh no, it's about to attack! Disperse the left wing formation!"

"Damn it! Dragon God bless you! That thing brushed me past!"

"Black Arrow?"

"if not?"

"Haha! The dwarves are these little cuties (big sb)!"

"Kill it first!"

"I can not do it!"

"The right wing has no attack angle! We're bitten! It's another crossbow!"

"Not a black arrow! Repeat is not a black arrow!"


"Doug? Are you okay? Answer me!"

"Thank you! I know it's not Black Arrow! If it were Black Arrow, I would be dead!"

"Damn bastard! Doug and his dragon are injured! The right wing of the flying dragon is penetrated! The flight is smooth! But Doug is in bad condition!"

"Get out of the airspace! Doug! Get out of there!"

"Damn it! Pull up! Don't go down! There are countless heavy crossbows!" A flying dragon knight relied on his dragon armor and dragon shield to resist the steel arrows shot by several heavy crossbows and cried out that he couldn't stand it. As for the flying dragon under him, he relied on The dragon scales and the dragon armor covering his body withstood attacks from ordinary heavy crossbows.

"We're too low! Need height!"

"Protect Doug and evacuate! The heavy crossbow is targeting him!"

"Shoot those flying reptiles for me!" Darkey ferociously ordered the chariot men under his command to operate the crossbows to shoot the flying dragons flying in the sky.

"The dragon has been shot! Whoever shoots the dragon will be made a captain!" Dakeyi is also familiar with the art of controlling people, and knows how to give a sweet date with a big stick.

After hearing the promise of their captain, these chariot people gasped and stared at the flying dragon knights in the sky with their scarlet eyes. At this moment, the fear in their hearts had been covered by greed. If Roland knew about Dark, After Yi's promise, he would probably spit in his face. Who are you looking down on? Whose flying dragon knight's head is worth a thousand captains? If Roland were to calculate it, at least one lord would be enough.

After hearing Darkey's bounty, the light tanks that were about to attack the Lagrand City guards also made a large circle on the ice and turned back and started shooting at the flying dragon knights with bows and arrows. Verin, who was originally fighting in a bloody battle, ·Angus was confused for a while. Could these guys not see the cracks in the ice? Even this layer of ice, which is tens of centimeters thick, cannot support so many of your chariots for walking on it!

Compared to some idle infantrymen, everyone in the Flying Dragon Knight Squad is numb at the moment. It’s like a dragon being teased by a shrimp, and a tiger being bullied by a dog! When did these miscellaneous soldiers with bows and arrows dare to provoke the superior flying dragon knights? No way? Does anyone really think that a bow and arrow can shoot down a flying dragon? Ahem! Except for the El Niño Rangers...

"Doug! These people are gathering here! If you are injured, retreat first!"

"You can't die! The armor was pierced! No internal organs were injured!" The flying dragon knight with a crossbow hanging on his chest and abdomen coughed up a mouthful of blood and pulled out the arrow inserted into his body with a ferocious expression. The barb brought out a cloud of blood and flesh. silk, then he raised his head and drank a bottle of healing potion before wrapping the wound with a cloth strip.

"Attack the ice! Attack at will! They have gathered!" The captain of the Flying Dragon Knight smiled ferociously, looking at the three concentric circle formations below that almost made him laugh stupidly. The innermost heavy tanks were lined up in a circle and turned around. , this can effectively avoid the locking of the flying dragon knights. The medium-sized chariot draws a circle around the heavy chariot, and then the outermost is the speeding light chariot. Looking from the sky, the three constantly rotating concentric circles look like hedgehogs. Same!

Logically speaking, the flying dragon knights should be unable to do anything in this situation, but this is on a frozen river! Who taught them to play like this? Not to mention 10,000 people, even half-orcs are not enough for them to build like this!



From time to time, the lightning breath of the flying dragon falls and opens a gap in the ice, and from time to time, an unlucky chariot falls into the water without being able to avoid it. The flying dragon knights who already have a strategy to annihilate them no longer worry about the killing effect. The main focus is An icebreaker!

What's even worse is that they continue to hover and fly above the formation of the tank people, giving the tank people below the illusion that they can shoot them down no matter how hard they try, but how can they attack the flying dragon that is bent on avoiding it? of? The dragon knights, who gave up low-altitude precision attacks and turned to high-altitude bombings, almost had smiles on their faces at this moment.

There are more and more holes on the ice, and cracks in the ice have begun to spread. Many chariots have fallen into the ice water, but the red-eyed chariot people have no time to care about the lives of those clansmen who have fallen into the water.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk! It's over..." Verin Angus shook his head. Originally, if they rushed over, there would still be a chance of survival. As for why there was a chance? Look at the position that Verin Angus led his men to occupy. It's the river bank! He smashed the ice all the way insidiously. Even if those chariots rushed over, the final result would be to go swimming. However, Verin Angus's preparations were of no use. He was fighting to the death with the dragon knights. Cha Min has stepped into a dead end.

"Boom~" A huge roar attracted everyone's attention. Dozens of light tanks crushed an already crumbling ice layer and sank together.

"Get off the ice!" Darkey was suddenly awakened by the cold air blowing towards his face, and then he shouted and tried to get the soldiers to retreat.

Unfortunately, it was too late. As if a chain reaction had been activated, the cracks on the ice spread rapidly, and then shattered and flipped, swallowing the chariots, horses and chariot people above. The entire river surface was like a rapidly opening mouth of an abyss. How can the chariot that is devouring every life and trying to escape can keep up with the speed of the ice breaking?

"The driving was irregular, and my loved ones were in tears! Is the commander on the other side a fool? Shouldn't it be a soldier's basic common sense to quickly cross the frozen river?" Verin Angus looked at the turbulent and churning river. Said slowly.

"They are finished! No one survives!" The flying dragon knights fell from the sky.

"Is this brother okay?" Verin Angus looked at the newly injured Dragon Knight, who was still bleeding from his abdomen.

"It's okay, I can't die!" The captain took a look and shook his head. The knight's vitality was already tenacious, but it was just a fatal injury! Not worth mentioning!


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