Chapter 573 Totem Shaman!

"Let's go, they're finished!" The captain of the Flying Dragon Knight shook his head and said with neither joy nor sadness. Although these nearly ten thousand people were not killed directly by them, they still died indirectly in their hands. They only accelerated the demise of these crazy people. .

"Well, I don't know how the remnants of the empire are doing now. I haven't encountered any imperial forces along the way..." Verin Angus said worriedly.

"Don't worry. Since the edict in our hands is calling us, it means that the empire still has successors!" The captain of the Flying Dragon Knight took out a golden edict. In order to make their return more reasonable, the system is different from In the past, those who appeared directly next to Roland instilled memories like that, but directly took out the emperor's edict as a medium. After all, that thing was the magic item used by Emperor Lagrand to summon the garrisons and nobles everywhere.

"Yes!" Verin Angus took out his edict and looked at the sun emblem carved on it. At this moment, one of the eight corners representing the sun was emitting a soft light. This was exactly the position in the edict. The holder of the edict can find the person who issued the edict based on the positioning array above.

"All troops! Retreat!" Verin Angus waved his hand and ordered while looking at the still rolling Red River. Even if there were survivors, they would be swept away by the current and eventually drowned underwater because they could not break through the ice. .

"Ang!" Accompanied by a sharp dragon roar, the flying dragon knights took the lead in taking off and flying forward. When they helped explore the path, they could also help the infantry clear out threats along the way.


The hard ice at the mouth of the river where the Swift River and the Red Water River meet was suddenly shattered by the fighting spirit rising from the water, and then a hand suddenly stretched out from the water...

While Weilin and the flying dragon knights were still playing the "minesweeper" game with the charioteers who drove illegally, a new round of fighting began here in Lulong Fortress.

I don't know why the Ringwraiths suddenly felt that they could do it again. They ordered the orcs to swing their horses and press towards the Lulong Fortress again.

"What are they doing? Why haven't they retreated?" Ormsk looked at Kaslo in confusion. Could it be that the intimidating power of his sixth-level hero has disappeared? Or is the battlefield dominance of Kaslo, the fifth-level dragonrider general, not enough? Ormsk couldn't even think about it with his feet. After Kasluo's reinforcements, the Ringwraiths who were supposed to stop their losses immediately seemed to have gained Liang Jingru's courage and continued to prepare for the attack.

"I don't know! But Kaldor didn't sense the approaching auras of other Ring Spirits." Kaslo glanced at Ormsk. Before he finished speaking, Kaslo knew what he wanted to ask. It is true that the Ring Spirits can usually be The situation of continuing to fight head-on is nothing more than the arrival of reinforcements.

"Are these beasts messing with us?" Renault tilted his lips and smiled disdainfully. Without Ormsk and the others, he could defend the fortress and cause pain to the orcs. How could he still lose the fortress when the dragonriding heroes were here?

"They must have a conspiracy, but we haven't discovered it yet. The Ringwraiths will not waste elite orcs like ordinary cannon fodder! They have been fighting each other for so long. They should understand the dominance of this fortress!" Lafitte Anthony was worthy of being from the Dragonrider family. He was well-informed and set the tone in just a few words, pointing out that the Nazgul had a conspiracy.

"The problem is that I don't understand where their confidence lies? Could it be that Sauron wants to conquer us personally?" Ormsk grinned. It would be such an honor for him. It is rare for demigods to come to fight in the jungle.

"If he is coming, we can go out and attack him... At least we have to gather all the fifth- and sixth-level combat power in the north to stop him!" Kasluo couldn't laugh or cry. If there is a dragon rider commander, it would be better to say something, at least the dragon rider Shuai is qualified to talk to demigods. The sixth level of other professions can only say that they can barely protect themselves by joining together.

"Impossible, there is a lot of noise about the birth of a demigod." Kaldor flapped his wings, denying the possibility of Sauron's personal conquest that everyone suspected.

"They're attacking!" Just as a few people were talking, the orcs started attacking again.

However, after playing for a few rounds, Renault was the first to frown, because he found that the killing effect of the fortress attack was very impressive. The attack that could have been fatal in one hit could not even cause serious damage. Those powerful and heavy arrows could have been hit in one blow. Wear two! But now it's difficult to even shoot the orc's shield.

"His grandma's legs...are a shaman! And a sixth-level totem shaman!" Lafitte Anthony recognized at a glance what the auras covering the orcs were.

"Totem Shaman? Isn't that the sixth level? When did it come!" For the first time, panic flashed in Kaslo's eyes. Even the presence of the Witch King of Angmar would not scare Kaslo, but a totem The arrival of the shaman really gave everyone chills.

After all, the most a sixth-level Ring Spirit can do is use high-end combat power and its opponents. With the fortress, you can completely hold him back at will, but if a sixth-level auxiliary live dad gets under your nose, it will be a lot of fun! For example, in this situation, the combat effectiveness of the orcs has more than doubled.

"Damn it! Raise the shield! Fight!" Renault gritted his teeth. He was really a goblin. He had encountered all kinds of troubles, and rare sixth-level auxiliary professions had appeared.

"So how did this thing bypass your dragon eyes and get under our noses?" Ormsk looked at the Kaslow duo, the disgust in his eyes was self-evident.

"Impossible! I've been watching! Knight, are you questioning the judgment of a giant dragon?" Before Kaslo could say anything, Kaldor came forward first. You can question the dragon's order, but you can't doubt the giant dragon's judgment. The reputation of the dragon! Doesn't it make me look unprofessional if you do this?

"Okay, Kaldor!" Kaslo shook his head and had no time to argue with Ormsk, because a huge black-red totem pole made of magic power slowly rose outside the Lulong Fortress, and circles of magic rippled in all directions. Sweep away, black and red mist of gas rises from all over the bodies of the orcs that were swept away, their skin becomes dark, and their eyes also emit scarlet light...

"Crazy transformation! Demonic body! Rock!" Renault gritted his teeth, no wonder he couldn't hit these bastards! How can you hit a top-notch gain set when you wear it?

"Huh~" At this moment, Blood Hammer was guarding the shaman of their Ghost Fang tribe outside Lulong Fortress, watching the shaman of their tribe cast spells. In fact, Kaldor did not miss the sixth level of combat power that had sneaked in. In fact, this totem shaman It followed the orc army from the beginning, but it was always kept as a back-up, hoping to catch the humans off guard. Unfortunately, the fortress was smashed by the hammer of Grond before it could exert its power at the beginning, and then in When it was about to cast a spell to attack the fortress in one go, a group of knights almost stabbed it to death. Finally, when the group of knights entered the fortress, when it was about to cast a spell to trap the army in a trap, a dragon knight fell from the sky?

Three times! I was forcibly interrupted three times from casting a spell! He almost didn't hold back the child's internal injuries. A noble sixth-level auxiliary professional was played like a monkey three times! three times! It finally got its chance. This beast god totem has been brewing for a long time, and at this moment it finally shines! Forbidden curse - the totem of the beast god!


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