The Lord of the Rings: Lords of Middle-earth

Chapter 565: King's Landing Fortress

Chapter 574 King’s Landing Fortress

"Forbidden curse!" Aldo's eyes narrowed as he looked at the totem pole rising into the sky.

"Thank you, I feel the breath of the forbidden spell." Ormsk pursed his lips. Even if it is not an offensive forbidden spell, its terrifying breath is not the same. The unique pressure of the forbidden spell is directed towards Lu Long. The fortress pressed forward.

"Do we have any plans for this situation?" Lafitte Anthony turned to look at Commander Renault.

"What do you think?" Reno showed a smile that was uglier than crying, and then Lafitte Anthony realized that he had a hammer plan, so just go ahead and do it!

"Fire arrows! All arrow towers are on full fire!" Renault ordered with a headache, hoping that this fortress that had buried countless orcs in history could still devour these invading orcs as it did in the past.

However, it was obvious that the once powerful arrow tower could no longer effectively contain the orcs' attack. A large number of orcs rushed towards the damaged gate.

"Seeking death! Kaldo!" Kaslo narrowed his eyes, but he actually dared to walk through the main entrance? Who gave these orcs the courage? The madness of the beast god totem has made your brain crazy?

"Roar!" The green dragon's breath spurted out like a bone scraper, mincing all the orcs encountered along the way, and bone powder and flesh and blood flew into the sky.

"Ang!" The furious storm dragon poured out its anger wantonly, and the green dragon's breath surged out from the city gate, sweeping away the large number of charging orcs behind it...

"They retreated?" Ormsk frowned.

"It was just a feint attack!" Renault shook his head. It was just a test by the orcs, and the casualties were not even a thousand people. It was just drizzle for the size of the orcs, but it can also be seen that the forbidden spell that enhanced the status was very effective. How terrifying is the growth of the orcs!

"The Ring Spirits will probably take action next time!" Renault shook his head and said worriedly. After all, their high-level combat capabilities were at a numerical disadvantage.

"Alas..." Apophis Breo sighed as he looked to the east. He, the nominal Duke of King's Landing, couldn't even bring out any decent King Qin troops when the kingdom was invaded by orcs.

What's more troublesome for Apophis Breo is that the addition of thousands of citizens and their lack of food storage have caused problems for the people to eat. According to the current inventory, it is estimated that the summer will be over.

But fortunately, Apophis Breo took advantage of another noble specialty: shamelessness! He went to the territory of the Beorn people to "beg for food". He bought and borrowed food during the meal and finally solved the food crisis, but his small treasury was also depleted.

With his subjects, Apophis Breo finally looks like a noble. The 16 King's Landing knights and 200 warriors are enough for Apophis Breo to hold the old pass firmly. In order to facilitate the care of his subjects Apo Faith Breo also built the city directly under the old pass. After all, it was safe to arrange the people in the old pass (safety is a shame!), but it was inconvenient for the people to farm. In the end, Apophis Breo had no choice but to The city was built to block the old pass and a piece of land was enclosed on the plain not far below as a place for people to live. In this way, the new Lion Territory was born!

At this point, Apophis Breo has truly become a powerful nobleman, holding supreme power in his fief, but the corresponding obligation requires him to protect the land entrusted by the king and protect the territory on the fief. People, once the lord escapes the fief, the king will have the right to reduce his fief and title according to the law or even deprive him of his noble status!

In order to help the civilians get a foothold in life faster, Apophis Breo directly divided the warriors into two and split a hundred men led by Olaf to station in the new Lion Territory, and Apophis ·Breo thoughtfully sent a team of knights to guard against monsters or other creatures that ordinary soldiers could not deal with.

The people of Lagrand are very adaptable. They built the framework of the Lion Territory in just a few days. The city wall tied with logs is only about two meters high, but it is more than enough to protect against wild animals. , Moreover, women and children will be safer with this simple city wall, and it will be much more convenient for the soldiers to patrol. An inconspicuous wooden wall directly makes up for most of the defense loopholes.

But now Apophis Breo is worried about his backer, Roland, and at the same time he is worried about more and more orcs appearing in his home. Well...that's right! Apophis Breo now believes that the old pass is his own, and that the virtuous will live there! Obviously the King's Landing family, who are armed to the teeth, are more "virtuous" than those beggar-like orcs.

Faced with the orcs that appeared from time to time, Apophis Breo, who couldn't bear the disturbance, finally made a decision and directly sent out troops to protect Qingzhuang and began to backfill the holes made by the orcs in the old pass. First, he clicked After roasting with firewood for several days, they kept pouring water inside, and finally watered the caves with mud. Apophis Breo stopped cultivating the land (actually it was the women and children who were cultivating it), and all the young men came to fill the caves. , although it is painful for a while, it will benefit future generations for several lifetimes! Moreover, Apophis Breo also wanted to wait until Roland finished the fight and call Old Radil over to cast some solid magic on these lands!

It may be that those passages were blocked, causing suffocation when entering the passages, so the orcs stopped for a while after Apophis Breo blocked those passages, but then small groups of orcs continued to gather towards the old man. Pass attack.

In the end, Apophis Breo finally understood that although the terrain here is dangerous, food and other things are very scarce on the bare mountains, resulting in no powerful orc tribe settling here. This should be the union of those small tribes. Occupied, otherwise it would not have been possible to continue to fuel his tactics and kill people.

In the end, His Excellency Duke Apophis Breo, who was disturbed by the orcs' attacks all day long, built a wooden and stone pass directly in the valley to the west of the pass! Now both the upper and lower passages of the old pass were blocked by this pass, and 50 warrior warriors and a team of knights were sent (because the Duke of King's Landing only has 16 King's Landing knights, so his knight organization is a team of 5 people). After arriving there, Apophis Breo never saw the orcs coming from nowhere in the pass again.

Finally, Apophis Breo saw how good this thing was! The defense effect and control area are much stronger than those of Lao Pass! Finally, he planned to set up another pass at the exit of the valley to the east of the old pass! As a result, he saw that the two passes, the old pass itself and the Lion's Castle above were the prototype of a fortress! So Apophis Breo gave the unborn fortress a name with a stroke of his pen - King's Landing Fortress!

The mission of this fortress is to block the orcs in the Misty Mountains, protect the Lion Territory under the fortress, and open up communication between the east and west sides of the Misty Mountains. Apophis Breo, who was born in the top noble family, is naturally knowledgeable and talented. With all this planned and only need to be constructed step by step, this human fortress standing in the misty mountains in the future will definitely make the orcs curse.


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