The Lord of the Rings: Lords of Middle-earth

Chapter 566 The Dragon Rider is coming!

Here, Apophis Breo is still battling with the orcs who keep intruding into his territory. Over at Lulong Fortress, Ormsk and the others have already started a fierce battle with the orcs. The difference this time is that, In addition to the orcs who came out in droves, there were also sixth-level people who also participated in the battle!

"Damn it! Can you get rid of that shaman!" Ormsk looked at the half-orc chief Bloodhammer with disgust. After being blessed by the totem shaman's totem pole, even Ormsk didn't dare to fight. The blood hammer has been able to suppress Ormsk. The bloody war hammer swing made Ormsk's blocking hand numb for a while! The terrifying impact almost caused Ormsk's shield to fall out of his hand, but Ormsk quickly responded with his long sword. After the battle energy flame erupted and forced the blood hammer back, Ormsk slowly flew into the sky and suspended in the sky. The Uwasa on the mountain began to confront each other from a distance.

"We don't have enough manpower! Come back Ormsk!" Reno's voice came. After Ormsk's attack had no effect, it was meaningless to stay outside.

Kaslo, who was entangled with the two Nazgul, soon came back on a dragon. Apart from consuming some battle energy magic, both sides suffered no losses. Generally speaking, Renault and the others were still at a disadvantage. After all, Uvasa and the Orc The shaman has not taken action yet.

"Too hard!" Kasro smiled bitterly and rolled off the dragon's back and shook his head. Just now, Kaldor took the opportunity to slap Ackhorn in the cold, and even the skill Wind Fracture Claw failed to seriously injure him! You must know that it is the wind attribute compressed to the extreme! The cutting power is comparable to that of a space blade!

"If that sixth-level shaman can't defeat us, we will have a big problem sooner or later." Renault frowned. The point of the current stalemate between the two sides is simply that they are not sure of winning. The Ringwraiths may have reinforcements, but Lagrange can No one can come to support them!

When they were facing each other at the sixth level, Renault was not idle either. He led the Lagrand City guards and the Dovinian heavy swordsmen to block the city gate and slashed at each other with the orcs, and successfully killed one. With the vigor of the orcs, a group of Laglan reckless men with sacred halo, inspirational halo and disciplinary halo directly blocked the door and chopped down the confident orcs to the ground. This made the Nazgul who had a chance of victory. The faces of the orcs turned green, and their expressions were exactly the same as when Ormsk and the others saw a sixth-level shaman appear. To this, Renault could only say that the smile would not disappear, it would only shift!

With the bonus of the Paladin's halo, the infantry once again occupied the high ground of combat power. The increase advantage of the orcs was directly offset. The orcs who originally rushed in were hammered out by the defenders again. After all, Even with the blessing of a totem, a group of ordinary half-orc soldiers mixed with some professionals have no reason to fight against human professional soldiers!

Especially when the moving iron cans of the Dovinian heavy swordsmen finally squirmed to the forefront of the battle line, the bloodiest scene of this battle broke out. The Dovinian heavy swordsmen wielding big swords directly connected with each other. Cut people with weapons! The visual impact of being split into two is very amazing, and the morale blow to the orcs is also unparalleled!

The unstoppable and unstoppable feeling of oppression with one strike of the sword is enough to make the half-orc facing the sword's edge burst into tears! The sword edge with the powerful fighting spirit is like a harvester on the battlefield. Compared with them, the lethality of the spears of the Lagrand City Guards is like a toothpick...

With stumps and broken arms flying all over the sky, these "concerned" Dovinian heavy swordsmen were like machines without any emotion, mechanically waving their swords and pressing forward. The other soldiers following behind could only help return the wounds on the ground. The half-orcs who are still breathing are using these iron cans as the fulcrum. There is not a single orc within their attack radius. The armor with viscera splattered with blood is the last scene of countless orcs...

After driving the orcs out of the door, Renault was not greedy. Instead, he decisively shrank his troops and retreated inside the door, just shy of shouting to the orcs, "Come here!"

Seeing that the oppressive attack was ineffective, the Ringwraiths did not continue to let the Orcs die, but retreated decisively. After all, they did not dare to press forward. The Ringwraiths still vividly remembered the blow from the Fallen Dragon Tower, and no one wanted to be attacked. Give that thing a try. Can you guess why that thing is called the Meteor Dragon Tower?

Unlike the Black Arrow, the Black Arrow takes the Dragon Clan restraint route and only has a critical hit effect on the Dragon Clan. The key to defeating the dragon in the Meteor Dragon Tower is not restraint but damage suppression! The attack power of the magic crystal armor-piercing arrow can kill a giant dragon!

And now it is not clear how many powerful weapons this fortress has, so the Ringwraiths will not die. They are not artifacts and can withstand the attack of that thing on their own.

"Wait, wait for reinforcements!" Kaslo shook his head and said distressedly as he looked at the orc army that was like dog skin ointment.

"Reinforcements? Do you expect Yun Feng or Verve to come? It can't be that old man Adilai, right?" Ormsk frowned.

"Did you forget someone?" Kaslo's face darkened.

"Who have you forgotten? No way? Are there all the famous and powerful people in the kingdom?" Ormsk scratched his chin thoughtfully.

"Let me remind you...Ajax!" Kaslo's fist hardened.

"Oh! That little girlfriend of yours! Yes, yes! Wasn't she playing whack-a-mole with those bastards in Dol Guldur in the Dark Forest?" Ormsk asked curiously.

"I went to see her. The Star Elf was able to control the situation. I asked her to follow behind and help here!" Kaslo was speechless.

"The question is... where is she?" Ormsk looked left and right.

"...Don't she need to take a break?" Kaslow glanced at Ormsk speechlessly.

"Hey, hey, hey! Now I'm starting to feel bad! Brother, I've been sleeping in the open for so many days and no one cares about me, oh..." Ormsk began to tease him in a weird way.

"Ouch!" Suddenly Ormsk screamed and flew sideways. Behind him, Renault still kept stretching his legs.

"Ah?" Kaslo was stunned and put on the face of a subway man. Why was he kicking his feet while talking?

"Mard! Do you have the nerve to say that? It would be better for you to leave me here and be beaten severely by the Orcs! Let alone intercept the Orc troops! There is not even a warning!" Renault gritted his teeth, thinking of the Orcs who suddenly appeared in front of him. The army is itching to have teeth, but this one person still has the nerve to complain?

"Ahem! We are also fighting! Okay!" Ormsk said confidently, but his voice sounded a little lacking in confidence.

"Fight? Apart from the decent backstab, the rest is to kill the Orc Wolf Cavalry Scouts besides killing the lone Orcs, right?" Renault pierced Ormsk's defense line with one word.

"Pfft!" Kaslo couldn't help laughing. Judging from the current war history, Ormsk and the Knights should have indeed done the above things, and did not play the role Roland intended at all.

"Renoir's thing is here!" Cardo said suddenly.

"What?" Kaslo raised his head and looked toward the sky.

"Boom!" A bright fireball flew directly towards the orcs like a meteor, and then an earth-shattering explosion sounded. Then a red figure broke through the sky and landed next to Kaslo and his dragon. Rider Ajax gave the Orcs and Ringwraiths a disastrous attack as soon as they appeared. Although the casualties were not large, the hasty defense left the Ringwraiths disgraced.

"Are you here?" Kaslo, a gentleman, stretched out his hand to lead Ajax off the dragon's back, and the others looked at him strangely (Everyone: Can Mader be fed a mouthful of dog food even if he fights?)

"Well, I was delayed for a while on the way, so you shouldn't be late, right?" Ajax smiled and tucked her messy hair behind her ears. As a result, Kaslo's heart almost melted and her face turned red when she saw this action. He followed Ajax without saying a word, acting like a senior dog-licker.

Brothers, happy new year, I wish you all the best


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