The Lord of the Rings: Lords of Middle-earth

Chapter 570: Roland wants to expand his army?

Roland now knows that it is not easy to get the reward for defeat. He has never thought about the reward for total annihilation. Going up now is no less than asking the Ringwraith: Hey, I'm paying a lot of money to die! It is not easy to wipe out the undead army in the north. After all, the undead army is so huge that the coalition forces can only stop it because of the blessings of their ancestors.

But it is estimated that the dwarves and elves can still defeat the undead. After all, Roland himself pinned the orcs to the ground and beat them! Those mindless skeletons are definitely easier to deal with than the orcs!

Generally speaking, Lagrand's war is basically over, but Lagrand's war has just begun. Roland now desperately needs to expand his territory and power. The main mission has not been moved yet. For this reason, Roland is already ready to give up. The idea of ​​recruiting ordinary soldiers has come to mind. This war has clearly awakened Roland. Without enough satellite cities and territories to block it, enemies can easily appear under his feet, so the expansion of territory is imperative!

"Tsk! How did you realize that Baiyi was so easy this time?" Roland felt unfair as he thought about it. He knew that Baiyi was right in front of him, but these half-orcs were trying to bring bad luck to him? (Nagul: Is it possible that the Swift River has frozen and we are closer to you?)

"You want to expand the army? Wait, Your Highness will forgive my offense!" Yun Feng apologized and stretched out his hand to put on Roland's head.

"You don't have a fever?" Yun Feng asked with a surprised look on his face.

"I'm not kidding!" Roland almost had a black line hanging from his head.

"Why do you want to expand the army? Your Highness, our current military strength is still sufficient." Yun Feng organized his words and said.

"The problem is that there won't be enough soon..." Roland shrugged.

"You plan to open up..." Yun Feng's eyes widened. He never expected that Roland actually planned to open up territory? Is this the sun coming out in the west?

"Is there a problem? Don't forget that I am also a Lagrand! The Lagrand people's demand for land is never-ending..." Roland made excuses for himself with a dark face. After all, he built a satellite city to protect himself because he was afraid of death. The reason is just too embarrassing.

"No problem! You are finally normal!" Before Yun Feng could say anything, Ormsk, who had been eavesdropping for a long time, jumped up.

"Let me tell you, how could the king of Raglan not long for land? Sure enough, I was right! Tell me, Your Highness! Where should we fight?" Ormsk asked eagerly. In the past, Roland was prevented from opening up territory because of his weak family background. , so everyone thought that Roland was not particularly concerned about the territory. Now it seems that it is not that he is not eager to open up, but that he is too willing to do so! However, it seems that the battle with the orcs directly gave King Roland his energy and anger! He finally followed the path of Lagrand's emperors! Ormsk feels a sense of joy in watching his cabbage grow.

If Roland knew what they thought like this, he would probably cry. How powerful and angry was God? That scream almost scared me out of my courage. Next to me were Fan Erwei and Yun Feng, who couldn't handle the sixth level. Fan Erwei was a little better, but he was the leader of the grassland elves and the future king of the grassland elves! People only listen to you because they think it would be better to get along with you, Lagrand. It doesn't mean that you can use them to your death. Therefore, Roland would be cautious every time he needed Verve to join the war. After all, they are not under your command...

"Then do you have a direction?" Seeing that Roland's words were choked by wind, Yun Feng did not continue to doubt but began to ask about Roland's army expansion plan.

"No!" Roland spread his hands, kicked his feet, and said with a wise look. After all, I am a king and I have to do everything myself. Isn't it too miserable?

"Uh..." Yun Feng and Omsk looked at each other and both choked to death at Roland's words.

"I suggest calling everyone together to discuss it!" Yun Feng finally suggested in a mature and prudent way.

"Okay!" Roland nodded directly. Anyway, he didn't have any rules. Let's discuss it. Anyway, Roland didn't like to talk about it. After all, he was not an expert in this area. Roland had no other advantages, but he was self-aware!

"Reno is still handling the follow-up work at Lulong Fortress. Let's discuss this matter in two days!" Ormsk said to the two of them.

"Hello, my Majesty! I'm very happy to see you!" Renault stroked his chest and saluted Your Majesty. He directly fucked Roland, which made him lose himself. However, Roland quickly woke up. The title of Emperor is very nice, but you can't be unworthy of it. ah! With Lagrand's current size, if he went out and called Emperor Lagrand, he would definitely be laughed at by all of China.

"Hello Renault, my loyal knight! I wish you success in breaking through the realm!" Roland went up and patted his shoulder to encourage him.

"I heard that you plan to expand the army?" Renault frowned and looked at Roland with questioning eyes.

"Of course! Do you have any opinion? My knight?" Roland asked curiously.

"Isn't it bad for ordinary people to go to the battlefield? I remember that you have always been resistant to recruiting ordinary soldiers?" Renault asked puzzled.

"Today is different from the past. I plan to expand territory. The existing army is not enough to support my plan, so I can only sign the rapid infantry..." Roland said helplessly.

"Those are our Lagrand brothers, beloved relatives and friends!" Renault's eyes widened.

"Sorry, I don't want to involve ordinary people in the war, but time waits for no one, and this time our troops are stretched thin." Roland shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"Your Majesty, it's not that you misunderstood. What I mean is that please give me more troops. Lulong Fortress is short of men!" Renault looked serious.

"..." Roland had the feeling of seeing a layman with extra money in the Middle-earth version... No, this is a layman with extra money!

"I don't want more from that Highness! 1,000 people, just 1,000 people!" Renault made a gesture.

"..." Ormsk's face turned red. Is this shameful thing really a Paladin? What’s up with the sense of déjà vu when shopping for food on the street? So he quickly went up and pulled Renault away.

"800! Just 800!" Renault, who was being dragged by Ormsk, did not forget to give Roland a gesture.

"At least 500! Your Majesty can't give it any less! If it's any less, he won't be able to hold on next time!" Reno's voice still vaguely echoed in the air as he was dragged away.

"..." Everyone looked at each other and then at Roland, and the atmosphere instantly fell into silence and embarrassment.

"Ahem! Why are you standing here? Come in!" The door of the political hall was pushed open, and Nicks came out and waved to everyone, which was a relief for everyone.

It turned out that Nyx saw Ormsk dragging Renault in first, and no one else came for a long time, so she could only go out to take a look, and she saw Roland playing with his courtiers. It’s a game, so I can only say hello.

Everyone seemed to be relieved after hearing Nicks's cry, and ran away. Even old man Adilai, who usually walked slowly and tremblingly, ran happily into the meeting hall and thanked Nicks.

Looking at the people who seemed to be giving out free eggs in the political hall, Roland twitched the corner of his mouth. Renault's behavior made him look like a black-hearted boss... Roland rubbed his face, adjusted his expression and entered the political hall. inside.

"Okay, everyone can speak freely!" Roland, who gave some general information, clapped his hands and lay down flat! As a king, you cannot compete with your ministers for jobs. You must give your ministers a chance to express themselves! (Everyone: If you are lazy, you can just say so.)

"If you ask me, I have to have five legions no matter what!" Ormsk grinned.

"Pfft!" As soon as Omsk's words came out, before Roland could react, Yun Feng, who was holding the parchment scroll, spat out a mouthful of water.

"Do you know what the current population of Rapid City is? How many people are of military age?" Yun Feng's eyes twitched.

"50,000 people shouldn't be too many, right? I think Swiftstream City is full now!" Ormsk said confidently and leaned on his chair. After all, it is too difficult for a reckless man to use his brain, even if this reckless man has reached the level of The pinnacle of your career.

"..." Roland, okay! What a great idea! This is more than what I feel!

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