The Lord of the Rings: Lords of Middle-earth

Chapter 571: Army Expansion Plan

Chapter 580 Army Expansion Plan

"There are currently less than 9,000 soldiers of suitable age in the kingdom..." Yun Feng touched Omsk and whispered.

"Then recruit 7,500 people! Just enough for three legions!" Ormsk shouted directly.

"Pah!" Yun Feng slapped him on the eye. He shouldn't have said that to him so rudely.

"..." Roland's fist was already hard, so hard that he didn't want to use it anymore. He really wanted to hit someone...

"Ahem, your Majesty, can you tell me what our purpose is?" Renault stared at Roland and said solemnly. Only by knowing Roland's goal could he calculate the approximate number of troops needed.

"Return to the old capital!" Roland said word by word.

"Are you...serious?" Renault narrowed his eyes.

"Of course, I don't want others to hit my door anytime, anywhere! So it's better to let the capital be on the front line!" Roland narrowed his eyes. At first, Lagrand City was the front line city. She, Donghuang Fortress, Swift Current Fortress and others The horns are distributed on the three banks at the junction of Swift River and Hongshui River. Donghuang Fortress and Rapid River Fortress guard Lagrand City. Lagrand City serves as a logistics base to support the two fortresses. The trinity of defense lines can be said to be inextricable. The battle to defend Lagrand City also started because of the collapse of Swift Current Fortress, otherwise the coalition of dark forces would have no hope of reaching the city!

"That requires a huge amount of troops..." Renault's eyes showed a hint of solemnity.

"I understand, so we are not in a hurry now. If we want to connect the territory, we need to build a road first. We can build a gathering point while building the road, all the way to Lagrand City!" Roland said to everyone.

"If that's the case, it's acceptable, but how can we ensure the safety of the gathering point? We won't rely on the rapid infantry to guard it, right?" Ormsk was serious for once.

"We also have a support army on the way, a team of thousands of Lagrand City guards!" Roland said.

"You plan to let Lagrand City guards garrison the villages and towns?" Adilai was a little shocked by Roland's wealth. All families actually let professionals garrison the villages and towns?

"What? Each gathering point is assigned 100 Lagrand City guards! This way we can control 11 towns at the same time!" Roland reached out and shook his hand! It was as if he had the whole world in his palm.

"If this is your wish, I will comply with it!" Adilai nodded.

"Your Highness, I think 1,500 people is a good number. This can make up for the rapid infantry regiment of Lulong Fortress! This way we can free up some professionals..." Yun Feng thought.

"Not enough!" Renault shook his head and said solemnly.

"Don't forget that there is still Rapid City that needs to be garrisoned!" Renault stepped on it with his foot, signaling everyone to pay attention to Rapid City under their feet.

"..." Yun Feng frowned.

"River City doesn't need to maintain such a huge force, right?" Ormsk scratched his head.

"But Lu Long needs it. Which troops did Lu Long draw?" Renault asked.

"Okay, you win, Your Excellency!" Ormsk shut up decisively.

"What's your opinion?" Roland was afraid that Renault would give him a figure of 7,500 people, so he could only look at Renault hard.

"4,500 people! Two Swift Current Legions! One from Lulong Fortress and one from Swift Current City!" Renault said.

"Is it too much... This basically takes away most of the young people!" Roland was a little worried. Although he shouted the slogan of military expansion loudly, the military expansion was limited to rhetoric. He wanted to expand the military, but it was true. I have no intention of resorting to military violence...

"Yes, but these are necessities. Instead of using untrained civilians as cannon fodder in the next war, why not recruit enough soldiers now!" Renault gave Roland an example. After all, the number of young men and women killed and injured this time was enough for Roland. A rapid infantry regiment has been formed.

"Do you have any opinions?" Reno's words convinced Roland. The deaths and injuries of civilians this time really hurt Roland's heart, because... he was once an ordinary civilian. Whenever the country was in trouble in Blue Star, the powerful would Always hide in a safe place as soon as possible. The so-called patriotism is that the children of poor families are on the bloody front line. When the civilians defend the peace with their own hands, the powerful will come out again and ride on their heads, and the cycle starts again... No country is exempt.

"In Game of Thrones, civilians are just bargaining chips for sacrifice. I am unwilling to sacrifice them because... I come from them! I am the Emperor of Lagrand! I fight for the people!" - Roland Lagrand. From "The Glory of Raglan"

Everyone shook their heads. Although everyone was worried about whether Qingzhuang's large-scale decommissioning would bring about a series of national impacts such as social unrest and the abandonment of cultivated land, Roland did not want to conscript militiamen and enemies to mince meat! War is the duty of retired professional soldiers!

"Then let's do it! We will start recruiting soldiers after the spring plowing is over! The remuneration will be the same as before! And Yun Feng! Pay attention to stabilizing prices, I don't want to see a situation where a loaf of bread costs 500,000 gold coins!" Roland warned, a large number of young men Going out of work will definitely have an impact on society, and the prices of food and other commodities will definitely increase. Roland knows what will happen if a loaf of bread costs 500,000 yuan. Although his people are loyal to him, there is no guarantee that there will be no knights, no soldiers, etc.

"Ah?" Yun Feng's face suddenly stretched forward, with a question mark face.

"Half a million dollars for a loaf of bread? How is that possible? If this happened, I would chop off my own dick and drink it!" Ormsk looked at Roland with contempt, obviously thinking that Roland was exaggerating.

"..." Roland looked at Ormsk with pity. Fortunately, this was Middle-earth, and the one who powerfully went to Judah was not on the same plane as him, otherwise he would have become the first sixth-level eunuch today.

"Okay, that's it. Do you have anything to add? If not, let's break up the meeting!" Roland clapped his hands to end this high-level meeting.

"Did we forget something?" Nicks pointedly asked.

"Forgot something? No!" Yun Feng and Luo Lan looked at each other.

"Is it possible that the dwarves and elves are still fighting against the undead army..." Nyx pinched his eyebrows. Allies are meant to be betrayed, right, my dear husband?

"This..." To be honest, Roland has no intention of intervening in the northern war. After all, since the Lagrand Kingdom was established here, he has never stopped fighting in big battles or small battles! Especially the war with the dwarves was like a nanny. Although it was for system tasks and his own interests, Roland was almost tired of fighting for others all day long.

"The queen is right, we really can't ignore it. Although we fulfilled our obligations as allies in the early stage, Kasluo has been helping them fight for a long time, but now we have our hands free, and we must help them drive away due to circumstances and reasons. Invader! This is a king's oath and a knight's promise!" Adilai said sincerely, looking into Roland's eyes.

"I understand, thank you for your teaching!" Roland nodded.

"Some things must be observed. The agreement between the king and the king is stronger than the law! It is precisely because of the kings' compliance that the oath is binding and sacred!" Adilai patted Roland's arm and said earnestly.

"Casro and Ajax have to trouble you two to make another trip!" Roland apologized. Because of the mobility of the Dragon Knight, these two people always have the most tasks.

"It's okay, Your Highness, it is our duty and responsibility to fight for the Holy Covenant!" Ajax said, stroking her chest and then left resolutely.

"Don't forget the wedding! My wedding!" Kaslo gestured silently to Roland with his mouth open, and then quickly caught up with Ajax.

"..." Yun Feng and Roland looked at each other, then turned away and passed for a few seconds.

"Hahaha!" The two laughed loudly under the surprised eyes of others.

What made Roland laugh was that Kaslo had been thinking about Ajax's body all day long, looking at her anxious look. What Yun Feng was laughing at was the good cake drawn by King Roland. Seeing that he had deceived the honest boy of Kaslo, he was willingly betrayed by Roland.

The two people with their own ulterior motives laughed for a while, then smiled and said goodbye to each other and left. However, the moment the two turned around, Roland habitually spat at Yun Feng, an old fox, behind his back, while Yun Feng wiped it quietly. The right hand that just shook hands with Roland...

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