The Lord of the Rings: Lords of Middle-earth

Chapter 572: After the king fights, I will appear

"Fire arrows! Shoot these bastards to death for me! Don't be stingy with arrows! And check to see if the communication circle has been repaired! It always breaks down at critical moments!" Apophis Breo stood at the simple pass made of wood and stone. The top commanded the Fenwu warriors under his command to shoot the orcs below with crossbow arrows.

"Ouch!" A half-orc who had just climbed up was shaken to the core by a blow, and fell down the three-meter-high pass with a wailing voice.

"Be sure to raise the height of the West Pass after this time! It's too easy for the orcs to come up!" Olaf said to Apophis Breo as he pulled out his one-handed sword and knocked over an orc who was trying to come up.

"I deeply agree!" Apophis Breo swept out with a single shot, and dozens of orcs were directly killed by his battle energy flames like a horse.

"Can anyone tell me where these things came from?" Apophis Breo was puzzled.

"The mountains and fields are full of them! There are them everywhere!" Olaf said while killing the orcs.

"Your Highness, our situation is clear to the Kingdom, but unfortunately the dragon knight generals were held back by the undead in the north. We have to rely on ourselves!" A soldier panted and ran over to report a bad news to Apophis Breo. information.

"Dragon God..." Apophis Breo muttered.

"But the kingdom will send all the griffin knights and the returning dragon knight team to assist us. At the same time, there will be a large amount of military supplies to support us!" the soldier took a breath and continued.

"Go away! Don't gasp when you speak next time!" Apophis Breo kicked the soldier away. It's funny, isn't it?

"Thank God...the king hasn't given up on us yet!" Olaf praised Roland.

"The king will not give up any of his subjects who are loyal to him! For the kingdom! For the restoration of King's Landing! Fight!" Apophis Breo roared.

At the same time, the morale of the soldiers who received the news of the kingdom's reinforcements also increased greatly, and the frequency of attacks increased.

"It's over!" Olaf threw away Chang Ge and sat on the pile of corpses. He was surrounded by grinning warriors and orcs piled high with corpses.

"This is the first time!" Apophis Breo sat down and gasped without any image.

"Haha! Who cares about this? Anyway, we attack all day long, and we fight all day long! If you hadn't come here, I would have broken through this time!" Olaf sneered.

"How are the brothers?" Apophis Breo was concerned. After all, these people were his few assets, and Roland would not give him supplies if he was short.

"Who do they think they are? They think they can kill us!" Olaf and the other warriors looked at each other and laughed loudly!

Obviously, the iron cans armed to the teeth cannot be shaken by the poorly equipped orcs in the Misty Mountains. Of course, these warriors who can tear apart the regular army of orcs without any damage cannot be killed by these garbage! As for injuries? fine! After lying down for two days to recuperate, he becomes another LaGrand fool!

"Let brothers rest..." Apophis Breo nodded.

"Your Highness! Bring some people to support you!" Olaf said weakly.

"Haha! Support? This time I came with the great knight Turden and that's all the support!" Apophis Breo grinned.

"Did you know that all the soldiers in the Lion's Castle have been sent out? Now there is not even a single extra soldier except the cook and servant!" Apophis Breo's mouth twitched.

"Then let's beat him up..." Olaf's facial muscles squirmed and he finally squeezed out a smile that was uglier than crying.

"Don't worry! A team of 100 warriors are still training, and soon we will have extra troops!" Apophis Breo patted Olaf on the shoulder.

"Your Majesty, you are crazy! This is fishing from the lake!" Olaf thought that Apophis Breo had recruited young men from the common people in a militant manner. After all, there were only more than a hundred soldiers of the right age in the Lion Territory.

"That's not the case. Now that refugees are joining our territory every day, I think we can start recruiting some soldiers." Apophis Breo explained the reason. Since everything in his territory is on track, the entire Lion Territory has After it was displayed on Roland's panel, the refugee recruitment feature of Lagrand's force began to take effect, so several refugees would join his territory every day. Although it was not many, it was enough for Apophis Breo to expand his army. .

"That's good." Olaf nodded.

Unknowingly, the two feudal lords of the Lagrand Kingdom were expanding their armies in a militant manner to prepare for war. However, Apophis Breo wanted to defend his territory, while Roland wanted to turn those lands into his. That’s all.

As the weather warms up, Orcs continue to wander around the territory of Apophis Breo. Orcs often attack the Western Pass. Most of them are a group of dozens of wandering Orcs, but there is also a small group of elite Orcs. Taking some orc cannon fodder to attack the city, overall it seemed that the war between the two sides was not like the scale of the fortress offensive and defensive battles. Compared with the scale of Roland's side, it was more suitable to describe it as a battle between villages and towns.

The knights under Apophis Breo have made great achievements. These mainstay iron cans are enough to scare away many lone orcs, and they can also prevent the orcs attacking the city from advancing, using them as a fulcrum. Olaf has always been able to repel those Orcs over and over again, but today's situation was a bit more dangerous. Several groups of wandering Orcs who had defeated the West Pass united together, and the Orc offensive of nearly a thousand people almost drowned them. If it weren't for the arrival of two third-level knights who used their skills to cut the grass, they would have all been piled to death by now.

In this way, everyone's body was still bruised and purple. After all, it was still very painful when the Orc's club hit their bodies. Many Fenwu warriors had bruises on their noses and faces after they stood up.

"These Orcs are really annoying..." Olaf had a headache. Because there was no water source in the mountains, there was no way to talk about a moat. They could only detect the invasion of the Orcs with the naked eye. If there was a moat, their defense would be even stronger. If it is strong, at least the orcs will not be able to pile up people and climb up. If they cannot dig deep, they can only increase the height.

"Be patient, it will be easier for them when the Sky Knights of the Kingdom come!" Apophis Breo encouraged Olaf by patting him on the shoulder.

"When the Sky Knights come, I must cut down all these obstructive trees in front of me!" Olaf said to himself. There were towering trees on both sides of the valley dozens of meters away from the pass, which not only affected their shooting range but also caused damage to half of them. Orcs provide cover and hiding space.

"Your Highness, please accept our loyalty! It's great to see the Raglan royal family in this land again. May your rule be prosperous!" The flying dragon knights caressed their chests in greeting. It was obvious that they were very concerned about Roland and the current kingdom. Very satisfied.

"Hello, your highness, Verin Angus, the commander of thousands of Lagrand City guards, and all the Lagrand City guards are loyal to you!" Verin Angus knelt down on one knee, stroking his chest and bowing his head.

"Come on, you are all subjects of the empire. The kingdom is not our end. The empire will eventually be revived! And you are the backbone of the revival of the empire!" Roland patted them to show his appreciation. After such a long time, Roland will also Talk about these scenes.

"Now I have a task that I need to give to you!" Roland said, looking at the flying dragon knights.

"As you wish, the direction of your sword is where we are driving!" the flying dragon knights lowered their heads.

"Both the kingdom's two dragon knights have been held back by the northern front, but the kingdom's western territory, the territory of the King's Landing Lion family, is facing an invasion by orcs. I hope you can bring the gryphon knights to support them. At least help them. They have a safe time!" Roland pointed to the map for them.

"The Junlin family actually has an heir?" The flying dragon knights narrowed their eyes.

"Well, so no matter what, the Junlin family cannot be destroyed! The current head of the Junlin family, Apophis Breo, must also be alive!" Roland said solemnly as he looked at them.

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