The Lord of the Rings: Lords of Middle-earth

Chapter 575: Greedy Griffon Body

"Your Highness, you're welcome!" the Sky Knights said humbly after saluting Apophis Breo.

"If you have nothing else to do here, I'm going to lead the team back!" Hollin said to Apophis Breo.

"Of course. It's safe here, thank you for your help!" Apophis Breo looked at the pass that was being reinforced and raised and said happily. Apophis Breo, who had obviously breathed a sigh of relief, was very satisfied. After all, he had already After hearing the news about the end of the Northern War, the return of a large number of orcs to the Misty Mountains would definitely have an impact on his territory, so he needed to strengthen his defenses to resist the attack of the orcs.

"You're welcome, this is what every Lagrand citizen will do. Helping each other is our traditional virtue." Hollin waved his hand to indicate that Apophis Breo was polite.

"Okay, then I won't keep you here. Please be safe when you go back!" Apophis Breo said politely to them. After all, he didn't want these sky knights to support him unless he was under too much pressure. It's not that he has any second thoughts, it's just that those flying dragons and griffons are so delicious! After staying here for a few days, I almost ate all the meat for Apophis Breo's family. After all, gryphons and flying dragons are different from horses. They eat meat! You can't feed people grass, right?

At this moment, Apophis Breo, the Lion Duke of King's Landing, still doesn't know that the war belonging to Roland and the others has ended, but his war has just begun, and the war in the north has not ended yet...

"Are you crazy or am I crazy?" Yun Feng didn't even raise his head, waving his hands like flies to drive away Roland who kept coming closer.

Obviously, Roland is also the kind of shameless person. After all, people from modern society have long lost track of what face is. The social beasts who are active at the bottom of society have long learned to change their faces like turning the pages of a book. The quintessence of Chinese culture is not as good at changing their faces as they are. !

"Think of a way! I know Yun Feng, you are the best!" Luo Lan put a high hat on Yun Feng now, it belongs to the kind of little sweet when you use it, and after you use it, Mrs. Niu.

"If you are too free, you can go find the queen and do some things that adults like to do. Don't disturb my office...I work for Lagran, not just for the royal family and for you..." Yun Feng was beaten by Roland. He refused to do so because of his big head. Although he said he was not for Roland, in fact Yun Feng was still very interested in the royal family. He had already made up his mind. A son like Roland must be taught by himself, but he couldn't. Let this bastard Roland teach the child bad things.

"Don't look outside, isn't this king the orthodox of La Grand? If the king is here, La Grand is still there! It means that I am the incarnation of La Grand!" Roland said, licking his face.

"All the emperors of Lagrand! The ancestors and ancestors will appear and the dragon god will come and kill him..." Yun Feng was moved by Roland's shameless expression. Any Lagrand emperor can say this, but the question is you How could a king have the nerve to say that? Virtue is not worthy of your place, Your Highness! The only person who represents Lagrand will always be Emperor Lagrand. The king is not qualified. If one day Roland legitimately raises the imperial flag, then he will truly be regarded as the incarnation of Lagrand. The Human Emperor of Lagrand will be It's an empire!

"Don't think about it, those griffins are not something we can move now..." Yun Feng said speechlessly. After fighting the orcs, he started to covet the bodies of the wild griffins in the gray mountains. The main thing is to be greedy, right?

"No way, two dragon knights, ten flying dragon knights, five gryphon knights and two giant dragons combined can't handle it?" Roland scratched his head and asked in confusion.



If Roland was still afraid to move when faced with eighteen adult griffons at first, now that there are ten more flying dragon knights, Roland instantly feels that he can do it again. Although their knights are only second-level knights, the two-legged flying dragons are Real fighting power! In addition, the gryphon knights are now training well, and there is no problem at all in playing support. With a few level six players, the guy from Verve has long wanted to attack the gryphons... and they currently have four of them. What a giant dragon! Four! The storm dragon Kaldor, the blazing fire dragon Renoir, the golden holy dragon Doss, the elf dragon Smurf, well, although Roland admitted that the last elf dragon was suspected of making up the numbers, it was still a dragon after all, even though it was a young dragon. The combat effectiveness of the elf dragons is not strong, but the combat effectiveness of the elf dragons is not measured by age. Those strange dragons who borrow money from natural elements all day long were much better at it when they were young than other dragons. After all, I have been bombarded with all kinds of dragon language magic since I was a child...

"First, the dragon knight general's condition after many days of fighting is worrying! Second, the flying dragon knights are not strong enough to crush those griffins! Third, even if we gryphon knights go up to make up for it, it will be too much to block the way. ! Fourth, is your dragon's condition stable? Fifth... are you sure the Elf Dragon can still fight?" Yun Feng gave Roland a well-founded rebuttal.

"Of course, you can fight if you are not afraid of killing a few dragon knights or griffon knights. It just depends on your luck whether you can catch a few alive in the end!" Yun Feng added.

"If there is no powerful magic barrier to limit their movement capture, it is just a fool's errand!" Yun Feng said murderously.

"..." Roland opened his mouth to say something.

"Don't talk about the elf dragon! That little guy played a big role in the defense of Rapid City, and he was injured in the duel with those lichs. Who do you think intercepted those dark magics? There was not a single black mark in the whole battle. Magic fell into the Rapid City! Aren't we the casters trying our best to stop it?" Yun Feng directly predicted Roland's prediction. In the Battle of Rapid City, Yun Feng acted as the main C and faced off against Uwasa. The main output was La Old man Dill, and the rest is Lance's girlfriend, the second-level mage Nina Bonn, who has the ability to cast spells. Originally, Nyx was also a third-level water mage, but the question is who dares to let her go to the front line? So the important task of defending against dark magic was left to the delicate and soft-bodied Elf Dragon. As a result, the Elf Dragon, the darling of nature, was almost squeezed out... The Smurf has not recovered yet.

"Listen to my advice, Your Highness, go and make a child to play with. Don't hang around all day long. Making a child will not only pass the time, but also prevent you from committing suicide in the future and the country will have no heirs. This way I won't have to watch you all day long." , you can play comfortably and I can let go with peace of mind!" Yun Feng said earnestly, obviously he wanted to practice playing Roland's trumpet. The large trumpet is probably useless at the moment, so Yun Feng decided to invest in it because he could not hang himself from a tree. Let’s look at Roland’s child.

"..." Roland felt offended.

"If you want to expand your territory, pay close attention to the spring plowing and prepare to train the rapid infantry. Don't seek death all day long. That's a giant griffon group! Not a bunch of local dogs!" Yun Feng said that if you have a big appetite, your fists must be strong. This can't help but force myself to death.

"Okay, okay, let's wait until there is a sage in the future!" Roland shook his head and left in disappointment.

"Huh... finally sent away! Return the sage? Is the sage a big cabbage? In Radil's case, there is no hope of getting close to the sage in 10 years. He may stop at level 5 in his lifetime..." Yun Feng murmured to himself and couldn't help but sigh. Compared with the current talent pool of warriors in the kingdom, the team of spellcasters is bleak. The only sixth-level spellcaster is actually a wise man who is not good at fighting. The real The combat casters are only at the fourth level, and the number of spellcasters is pitifully small. To say they are inactive is an insult.

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