The Lord of the Rings: Lords of Middle-earth

Chapter 576: Development Order!

"Did you know? His Royal Highness the King issued a pioneering order!"

"Ah! What is the development order?" Some residents asked if they didn't understand.

"Don't you understand? The development order is the king's order calling on everyone to open up land and build new towns..." The agent who was obviously sent by Roland began to spit and describe the grand prospects.

"Tch, we are already satisfied with farming now, so why go to a place so far away from a big city?" It is obvious that the people of Laglan, who are accustomed to stability, do not like this.

"That's right, Delwin was almost breached this time!"

"I just don't want to go somewhere without security."

Seeing that the deception was about to fail, Tuo became anxious. If the king's arrangement was ruined, it would be a big disaster.

"Don't be anxious, don't be anxious, His Highness said this time...I'll tell you quietly..." The suggestion was enough to satisfy everyone's appetite, but the voice did not mean to lower it at all.

"This time, one hundred Lagrand City guards will be stationed in each town! And those who have made meritorious service in pioneering may be given a title! Become a noble!" Tuo directly threw a bombshell.

"What? Noble? Really?"

"My Dragon God! Don't lie to me!"

"Shhhh! Keep your voice down!" The smile on Tuo's face couldn't be hidden at all, and the corners of his mouth were harder to suppress than Ak. It seemed that the task assigned to him by the king was completed perfectly.

In less than a day, the entire Rapid City knew about this matter. Even Yun Feng came over and asked Roland whether it was true or not. Roland was speechless for a while. Just feel at ease and be your oxen. From now on I'll give you a royal nobility, don't be shameless...

"You are so generous, Your Highness!" Ormsk gave a thumbs up and called Roland brilliant.

"It's just a noble title! It's not a hereditary noble!" Roland shrugged and pursed his lips. An ordinary noble title is not valuable. What is valuable is the inheritance and fiefdom that comes with the noble title! A noble with only a title can only be respected by the common people, but a noble with a fief will be respected by the noble circle! If you are a powerful noble, you will gain the friendship of many nobles!

In this way, a hereditary lord with real power can speak more forcefully than a hereditary court earl who only has a title and property. (A palace marquis is usually a minister of the emperor. For example, Yun Feng will start with the title of palace marquis in the future. This kind of person can get along with the emperor day and night. The palace nobles are more powerful than the general nobles with real power), because in addition to hereditary and non-hereditary classifications of nobles, hereditary nobles also have three distinctions: real power, real title, and palace!

The real power nobles are the nobles who own fiefs and have absolute rights in their fiefs. In his fiefs, even the king cannot directly order the people in the fiefs. These are the top nobles, such as Nyx and Apophis. ·Breo and the others were from the same family.

The other is the real nobles. As the name suggests, this kind of nobles has a fief, but the power of the fief is not completely in their own hands. They control everything in the fief together with the country, and their rights are smaller than that of the real nobles.

The last one is the court nobles. They have no fiefdom and rely on the emperor's gifts and salaries to survive and continue. However, the court nobles generally have their own properties and have no military power, but they will not die of hunger.

The situation is much worse for non-hereditary nobles. Their descendants cannot inherit the title. Apart from leaving connections and family property, they basically cannot leave anything that can benefit future generations. If there is a private army, it would be better to say that it can at least leave some loyalty. to future generations.

"You are so evil!" Yun Feng felt a toothache. You must know that most of the mayors or city lords of towns directly under the empire are non-hereditary nobles, ranging from knights to barons! Obviously Roland's nobility refers to the position of city lord.

"...If you are bigger, why do you have so many nobles?" Roland said helplessly. He doesn't want to raise a group of rats, and what Lagrand lacks now is cohesion, not enfeoffing the common people to the nobles. Lead the people.

Roland is still very cautious about his status as a hereditary noble. Except for those who have made great contributions to the country, others want to get the glory of a hereditary noble? Dreaming! Even a hereditary baron is extremely valuable! Because Border Baron and Border Earl are the most popular titles. After all, guarding national borders requires troops to maintain homeland security. Therefore, these border nobles have very strong military power. With big fists, they naturally speak tough.

"Now the city is full of news about knighthood...are you satisfied now?" Yun Feng shrugged, trying this. All the men, women, and children in Swift Current City are eager to go out and explore. It doesn't matter whether they die or not, what matters is Whether you can hold the title of noble depends on this!

"Admission will be based on family units!" Roland knocked on the table.



"Using 500 companies as the standard, start organizing the first batch of pioneering groups!" Roland ordered. Roland had carefully considered this calculation. The population of 500 households is basically about 2,000 people, which is enough for a town! There should not be too many or too few pioneers in the early stage, otherwise the pressure on the town will be too great and the population structure will not be healthy.

"Okay, I'll make arrangements!" Lance nodded. Yun Feng, who was obviously too busy, had no time to take care of these screenings, so he could only let Baron Lance handle this matter.

"Okay, please register carefully! Let the Lagrand City guards prepare with them!" Roland nodded.

"All!" Roland added. It was obvious that Roland, who had been squatting in Rapid City for a year, couldn't take any more time. Roland, who planned to lead the expedition in person, obviously had to prepare a lot. Then he saw Yun Feng, who was rolling his eyes. As the logistics director, he obviously had to start working for Roland again.

"You decide to leave now?" Kaslo looked at Roland who had finished packing in disbelief.

"Of course! The king must accompany him in his first exploration! Otherwise, how can I know the actual situation?" Roland said matter-of-factly. Being familiar with his own land is the duty of a king.

"Then you don't think you forgot something?" Kaslo shook his head helplessly.

"No? The war is over? Is there anything else I need to remember?" Roland spread his hands.

"Where's my wedding with Ajax?" Kaslo opened his eyes and roared in a low voice. The cake Roland drew for him before was so big and delicious, but now the actual situation is that it's a cold pot and a cold stove... Who can stand this? ?

"..." Roland was stunned for a moment, and then a feeling of sweat crept up his back.

"You won't forget, will you?" Kaslo looked at Roland's expression.

"..." Although Roland still wanted to pretend to explain, he shut up immediately after seeing Caslo's clear eyes and acquiesced to the fact that he had forgotten.

"I've been busy working on the development order these days, and I really forgot... I'm sorry, I'll make it up to you when I come back!" Roland bowed apologetically.

"Oh... forget it." Kaslo waved his hand. The king was about to run away. His wedding must have been ruined. Moreover, their itinerary was determined based on spring plowing. Obviously Roland could not modify it at will. After all, If it's late, we won't be able to plant food this year, so Kaslo can only suppress his anxiety.

"Bring Ajax along with you this time so that she can get familiar with our country!" Roland gave the gift.

"Ahem, actually the wedding is not very urgent..." Kaslo said with a smile.

"By the way, tell her that you have to protect me with her the whole time, so you two have to stay with me every day..." Roland continued.

"My wedding, you must have your own considerations. In fact, it is just a sense of ceremony. You can just watch and organize it when you have time!" As soon as Kaslow heard this, his bottom line was more flexible than the Ringwraith, and he was short of taking pictures directly. Chest guaranteed.

"That Yun Feng, remember, Kaslo has a wedding yet to be held!" Roland said to Yun Feng.

"Oh..." Yun Feng said feebly. If it weren't for the fact that you can draw cakes, Roland might not be able to finish the work he was doing even when he returned from Kailuo. Then Kaslo's wedding would have been scheduled for the Year of the Monkey and the Horse!

I've been a bit stuck these days, and I'm adjusting.

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