The Lord of the Rings: Lords of Middle-earth

Chapter 577 The Adventurers Guild is established!

"Knights are ready! Your Highness!" Ormsk hit his chest and said respectfully.

"Where are the people?" Roland asked, and he saw a dark mass of ordinary people carrying their belongings and following behind the knights. Many oxcarts and horse-drawn carriages also gathered together. Obviously this was Some relatively wealthy civilians.

"Why are there light infantry inside?" Roland spotted the light infantry with uneven equipment at a glance. Some were wearing leather armor and some were wearing mail armor. Their weapons ranged from short swords to long spears. Their postures were shabby compared to the soldiers in River Valley State. , which made Roland very unhappy. After all, the kingdom under his rule was not only extremely rich, but at least it could afford normal equipment.

"Yun Feng..." Roland subconsciously started looking for his horses.

"Ahem, your highness, those are all pioneering adventurers..." Ormsk coughed and whispered to Roland.

"..." Roland was stunned. He did not expect that a group of adventurers would be born in the kingdom so soon.

"Pioneering is always accompanied by bloodshed and endless wealth. Many people will fight hard for the title! Common people in the city who have the ability, conditions and ambition will be willing to fight for a future!" Ormsk looked at Roland and said calmly, after all, this is a There is a channel for class promotion, and it is the easiest channel.

"That wilderness has not been developed in any way. People will die..." Roland said meaningfully. After all, those who go to Lulong Fortress are all troops. The army itself is formed to fight against danger, so those messy things are not dangerous to the army. , but it is obviously not friendly to the civilians who will take root here in the future.

"For adventurers, death has always been their companion!" Ormsk smiled.

"I hope this group will have legal restrictions and protection." Roland nodded.

"You are worrying too much. The Adventurer's Guild has been established a long time ago!" Ormsk smiled and raised a badge. There was a round shield with swords and staffs crossed on it. It was obviously the Adventurer's badge, and look at the golden color. The texture and the ten stars above are obviously not low-level.

"Ten-star adventurer..." Roland twitched the corner of his mouth. That thing is much rarer than the sixth-level professional. After all, a ten-star adventurer has to accept many commissioned tasks and succeed in order to upgrade his level to ten-star, and ten-star The difficulty of the tasks is generally not small... Wait!

"Where did you come from? And why are you ten stars?" Roland finally realized. How could the Adventurer's Guild have a mission for Ormsk to reach ten stars?

"Ahem, is there such a possibility that this guild was founded by two old men, Radil and Adilai? Did I go and make a name for myself?" Ormsk glanced at Roland, looking strange.

"A secret operation!" Roland twitched the corner of his mouth. Registering a full-level account? Who can bear this!

"There is no way. One of them has the title of guild president and the other has the title of vice-president. They can only let me support the scene, otherwise there will be no way to issue those high-level tasks!" Ormsk shrugged helplessly. road.

"..." Roland finally understood. It was mainly to facilitate high-level missions in the future, right? Otherwise, low-level adventurers would not be able to take on some missions without a high-level adventurer leading them. After working for a long time, you are still a tool!

"Isn't it fun? Give me one?" Roland suddenly became very playful.

"Are you afraid that Queen Nyx will hack me to death?" Ormsk glanced at Roland with disdain. Even if your "tracheitis" dared to join the Adventurer's Guild, Adilai and the two old men would not dare to accept it. What if you If I really go to pick up missions and play in the future, do you think I will accept them or reject them?

"Isn't that true?" Roland shook his head.

"No? The job of an adventurer licking blood with a knife! Your personal expedition is enough to make Nyx shed tears, let alone running out with a group of adventurers! Is it possible that you plan to drive the kingdom's army to go on a mission?" Ormsk sneered at Roland's words. The king is an adventurer? Don't be ridiculous, other kingdoms may be making fun of Raglan. People who don't know it think that your Adventurer's Guild can't recruit people and you have to use the king to make up the numbers!



" makes sense, I'm speechless!" Roland was dumbfounded.

"Don't think about it, let it develop. The empire's revival requires a process. In the future, the temples will once again stand in the empire's territory, and various guilds will spring up like mushrooms after a rain. The Adventurer's Guild is just one of them." Ormsk said softly, as if he had already seen that prosperous age.

"But before that we should consider how to arrange the gathering place!" Ormsk interrupted Roland's fantasy.

"Let everyone set off first, let's study on the way!" Roland gave Oumsk a wink, and Oumsk immediately understood and started organizing the team to set off. After all, it would take half a day to support the old and the young.

"What should I say? Did you come up with anything from your research?" Ormsk glanced at Kaslo and Ajax before turning his attention to Roland.

"Don't worry, I'm still thinking..." Roland waved his hand and said impatiently.

"I'm wondering whether to set up this city by the river... After all, we need an inland port city. We will definitely make use of the shipping on the Swift River in the future!" Roland thought about it. Rapid City is obviously not a port city. Being some distance away from the Swift River, she is destined to only have a port instead of becoming a port city. Her positioning has always been the fulcrum of the Northern Territory! The residence of the Governor of the North! The location that Roland arranged for the future Renault to govern is Rapid City, and the current Lulong Fortress is just excessive.

"It can be considered. After all, Rapid City is positioned as an important city, and the waterway hub cannot be placed there!" Ormsk nodded clearly.

"I suggest you consider this place!" Ormsk pointed out a location to Roland on horseback.

"Here?" Roland had some questions.

"Yes, this is the most suitable place! Don't forget, the whole mystery

The Dark Forest is no longer our territory! "Omsk suddenly said something.

Roland understood this. After all, the entire Rovanian region was the territory of the empire in the history of the game, but now the white-winged Kingdom of Akvia appeared on the edge of the Dark Forest.

"Although we are both allies, for our benefit, necessary containment is still needed! If you don't want a huge country to grow around you...restriction is the best choice!" Ormsk whispered to Roland meaningfully He said, if it was the dwarf or elf kingdom Ormsk, there would not be such a big reaction. After all, the poor population of dwarves and elves is still too overwhelming even if you close your eyes and let them develop for thousands of years. Their desire for land is not that urgent. , but human beings are different. God knows how many people will be born in a few generations? The growth of population must be accompanied by territorial expansion, and the last big country rises next to it... Thinking about Ormsk makes my scalp numb. The most shocking thing is that that country has nothing to do with Lagrand. The ruling jurisprudence... is simply a disaster! Maybe there will be human melees every day in the north!

"So it is best to limit their territory to the south of the Jungle River, north of the Dark Forest Mountains, east of the Magic River, and west of the Swift River!" Ormsk drew a circle on the map.

"It's not that I judge a gentleman with a villain's heart. The problem is that we don't know what the future will be like. Will the two countries have disputes and wars over territory? Therefore, the port city in this location is very important! She can directly support the front line. ! Even if we really have a war..." After Ormsk made the worst assumption, this location is the bridgehead to contain the Kingdom of Akvia. After all, if they want to expand, they can only move towards the south and east, and the east rapids will press the city. Wherever there is the natural chasm, this port city in the south can also let the army appear on their border at any time!

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