The Lord of the Rings: Lords of Middle-earth

Chapter 582 The King’s Battle Road

"Our location all the way west is either the Eastern Avenue or the Anduin River!" Roland took out the map and began to study it. Because he didn't know their current location, Roland could only determine their location based on the obvious reference objects in the west. If you look at When they reach the Anduin River, they are in the dark forest. If there are mountains behind them, they are in the Misty Mountains. The Eastern Avenue that runs through the Western World can also determine their current location.

"Let's go!" Putting away the map, Roland drew his sword and stood up.

"I hope I won't encounter any trouble..." Roland shook his head. It was obvious that it would be very troublesome for him to encounter some difficult enemies when he was fighting alone.

"Ang!" Doss responded, indicating that Roland didn't care and just followed him anyway. And the most important thing was that Doss would be fine if he didn't eat or drink for a long time. It was equivalent to Roland hanging a large pendant. No need. Worrying about feeding the dragon obviously relieved him a lot of burden.

"Alas..." Roland shrugged helplessly. He should have gone back with Ormsk honestly and not let Doss take him flying around. Now... I think those people will die of panic!

But the fact is quite different from what he thought. A group of people didn't know that he was missing at all. Ormsk thought he had gone to the Lions, Kaslo and Ajax thought he was still with Ormsk and the others, and his wife Ni Kes also thought that her husband was safe and sound under the protection of the soldiers... Only Roland was left alone and shivering in the unknown forest...

"Squeak, squeak, squeak!"

A faint sound came, accompanied by the crackling sound of branches and leaves being crushed. Roland, who had been dealing with these things all day long, obviously knew what it was when he heard it, a disgusting half-orc!

"Crack!" Roland dodged and hid behind the tree trunk, holding the dragon-slaying sword tightly in his hand, his eyes sharp and determined. After all, he had been fighting orcs for so long, and he was still familiar with the half-orcs!

"Roar!" The half-orc warrior suddenly appeared and sniffed the smell in the air vigorously. It was obvious that the unfamiliar human smell made him alert.

"Crack!" Roland dodged out from behind the tree and slashed hard. The sharp war energy flames flashed on the blade of the sword, and then the head of the naked orc rolled directly to the ground.

"Gan! Half-orc berserker!" Roland called out bad luck. Although he killed a half-orc of the same level with a sneak attack, Roland was not happy at all. The half-orc berserkers appeared in groups! There is probably an orc kingdom (tribe) around

"Roar!" In an instant, there were roars of orcs in the surrounding forest. It was obvious that Roland's obvious blow alarmed them.

"Talent!" Roland raised the sword in front of his chest with both hands. Looking at his reflection on the sword's edge, Roland gritted his teeth and greeted the eight generations of half-orc ancestors!

"For the human race!" Roland cheered himself up and then suddenly turned around and slashed. The war energy flames instantly tore through the two orcs and broke them at the waist. His upper body, which was not yet dead, was wailing and struggling in a pool of blood. .

"Boom!" A rusty battle ax passed by Roland. The terrifying shock wave made Roland's heart skip a beat. If he hadn't subconsciously avoided it due to his keen sense, the blow would have hit his shoulder armor. Well, Roland was not interested in betting on whether the Archduke's dragon armor could block such a powerful blow.

"A crazy half-orc berserker?" He narrowed his eyes as he looked at the giant half-orc with prickly muscles and cracked skin due to muscle expansion. He was almost 5 meters taller than a normal half-orc! How can this be crazy! It’s like a genetic mutation and drug addiction!

"Holy Sword Judgment!" Roland turned his long sword with his backhand and thrust it straight into the ground. A bright six-pointed star array appeared above the head of the orc. The orc, whose IQ had dropped to zero due to his madness, had not yet realized why he was hit by a holy sword in one situation. The sword was split in half, and the scorching holy power incidentally allowed him to perform a barbecue play, and the whole person exuded a meaty aroma.

"Seek death!" After blocking the attacks of several little trash and killing them with his backhand, Roland changed to fighting and retreating. A few hours passed quickly. At this moment, there was a road made of orc flesh and blood in front of Roland. An orc corpse would fall to the ground ten meters away. It was obvious that the orcs who were rushing forward did not understand what the fueling tactic was.

"It's getting dark!" Roland looked up at the sky and said with an ugly expression. After all, judging from the current situation, it was impossible to light a fire. The orcs were the only ones who could climb a tree to deal with him all night long.

"Go back to your dark and damp underground! You bastard! You have no hope!" Ajax, covered in flames and holding a dragon gun, stood heroically on the simple pass and looked at the Nazgul in front of her calmly. Jie is not worthy enough to shake her defenses.

"Leave! Sin!" Kaslo also said in a deep voice.

"You will eventually be swallowed by the darkness..." Amorasso whispered, and then turned into a wisp of black smoke and dispersed. Naturally, the other orcs would not continue to stay there and wait for death without knowing what happened, and turned and ran away.

Obviously, the two sides fought in a tacit understanding. Ajax and Kaslo were afraid of being deceived and did not dare to act rashly. Amorasso originally wanted to lead someone to steal the "chicken", but now they saw the two dragonriders personally greeting them. After a few harsh words, they could only run away in despair. Both parties had their own scruples and did not risk their lives. They exchanged harsh words with each other in a tacit understanding and ended peacefully...

"Thank you both for your support!" Apophis Breo wiped the dust from his face and said with a formal expression of gratitude.

"Of course, the Junlin family and the kingdom are closely related and share weal and woe. The king and queen will not watch you fall into despair!" Kaslow was very good at attracting goodwill to Roland and Nyx. After all, the relationship between top nobles also requires daily life. Otherwise, why would people who are not familiar with you listen to you shouting and drinking all day long?

"The loyalty of the King's Landing family is passed down from generation to generation! We will always be loyal to the monarch on the throne!" Apophis Breo said, stroking his chest, recognizing the favor, but he also revealed the old tradition of the King's Landing family. , I will not participate in the competition within the royal family, I will be loyal to the person in that position, and I will recognize whoever is in the position!

Castro and Ajax, who heard the subtext of Apophis Breo's words, didn't say anything. After all, this is the wisdom of family survival. Top families rarely take sides. For example, the Junlin family does not participate in power-breaking on a daily basis. There are many families involved in the matter. After all, they have the ability to watch the fire from the other side. There is no need to place bets before the final outcome is known. They themselves are one of the "shareholders" of the country, and even the emperor cannot force them to end.

Fortunately, there is currently no dispute over the heir to Raglan. Nyx, the only one qualified to touch that position, is still married to Roland. Although the blood of the Junlin family is also very pure, the Junlin family, which also has the blood of the king, has never Participating in the election of elector, Roland's position is extremely stable.

"We will stay for a while. After all, it is difficult to determine whether the Nazgul have really gone back. I'm sorry to trouble you these days!" Kaslo apologized, stroking his chest.

"It's my honor! Your Excellencies!" Apophis Breo quickly returned the favor by stroking his chest. It's a good thing that the two dragon knights are stationed in the greenhouse, but you can't find it with a lantern! How could he dislike it!

At this moment, Roland, who had already fought his way out, was sitting on the branch of an ancient tree, bored and silent, looking at the moon.

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