The Lord of the Rings: Lords of Middle-earth

Chapter 583 Sixth level pursuit

"I always have a bad feeling..." Roland said hesitantly, looking at the moon in the sky.

Because Roland killed hundreds of orcs today, and all the orcs littered with corpses all had the same tribal totem!

Roland smiled bitterly, thinking about the strength of a half-orc tribe with hundreds of berserker warriors... Roland had no doubt that this might be a half-orc with sixth level combat power.

"Tsk..." Roland shook his head helplessly, and jumped off the branch with a push.

"Doss, let's go! The breath of the sixth level..." Roland narrowed his eyes.

"Ang?" Doss stuck his head out, obviously not understanding what happened.

"A bastard is catching up!" Roland closed his eyes and felt it carefully. A faint breath appeared in Roland's perception. It was obvious that the sixth-level professional was still far away from him.

"It looks like they found out..." Roland put away his weapon and put on his shield. After finding the direction mark he made at dawn, he strode away.

"Poor sword skills!" Dogg, the sixth-level tyrant of the Orc Kingdom in the Misty Mountains, looked carefully at the dead Orc corpse, and couldn't help but sneer at the messy sword marks on it.

Roland, who had only received simple training, was of course not as skilled in swordsmanship as a normal soldier. His instinctive attacks were as funny as a baby dancing with a sword in the eyes of professional warriors.

"Haha, the human paladin! What a disgusting smell!" Dogg smiled cruelly. As one of the enshrinements of the Orc Kingdom in the Misty Mountains, it is mainly responsible for defending the dwarf Moria area. As a result, a team was accidentally discovered today. The hunting berserker did not return on time. At night, he went out to search for himself and found the remains of the orcs scattered all over the field. From the residual battle energy inflammation on the corpses, it was easy to analyze Roland's general situation.

"What a disgusting smell..." Roland lamented helplessly. Apparently, the sixth-level aura getting closer and closer behind him made Roland understand that a pursuer was coming.

Moreover, the confident half-orc overlord deliberately released his aura. It was obvious that he enjoyed chasing this human knight and feeling his despair.

"Doss! Your parents won't let us down!" Roland gently stroked Doss's scales and said softly.

Obviously Roland knew that he could not escape, so he had a chance of winning if he turned around and counterattacked. After all, Roland did not believe that Doss, with full firepower, could not suppress a sixth-level person. The only thing that made Roland unsure was how long Doss's ancestral power would last. how long.

"Humans..." In the dark forest, a giant tree was directly hit and cracked inch by inch, and a majestic orc walked out of the smoke.

"Who are you?" Roland looked at the sixth-level half-orc in front of him leisurely. Judging from his appearance and attire, he should be a tyrant. However, in his impression, there were many half-orc tyrants, but the famous one was the one who was slaughtered in the Lonely Mountain War. Those two.

"Who are you? A tiny human paladin?" Dogg tilted his head and smiled. The sharp fangs he inadvertently revealed shone with a cold light. It was obvious that he did not intend to take action immediately. It was also fun for a cat to tease a mouse.

"Huh? How dare a dark bastard ask an orphan's name? Are you stupid enough to live in a cave? Since you know that I am a Paladin, you should understand that I have nothing in common with you bastards!" Roland sneered disdainfully.

"Interesting ants? Do you think that the third-level Paladin is the capital to stand in front of me and talk nonsense? Didn't anyone tell you? The stories below the sixth level are all ants!" As he spoke, Dokge took action brazenly, with a huge battle energy fire. A palm appeared out of thin air and suddenly grabbed Roland's body.

"Roar!" The blazing sacred golden dragon's breath spurted out from Roland's chest.

"You... think... you can kill me?" Roland slowly walked out from the smoke, leaning on Wan Long Fan Chan, who was several times taller than himself.

"!!!" Dogg's pupils shrank. Of course he was not frightened by Roland, but by the platinum-gold dragon shadow emerging behind Roland.


"Ang!" Amidst Qingyue's passionate dragon roar, a complex twelve-star dragon power array was reflected from Dos's mouth, and the terrifying dragon language magic dragon breath washed down like a torrent from the sky. The dazzling golden light made Roland They all narrowed their eyes.

Dragon language magic - dragon saliva impact!

"Boom!" A bright mushroom cloud bloomed magnificently in the dark night. The dazzling light was clearly visible dozens of miles away, even lighting up half of the sky.

"Lord of Romanian...King Roland of Ragland is polite!"

Before the smoke cleared, Roland swung his dragon spear and stabbed Dokger suddenly. It was obvious that Roland had no intention of practicing martial ethics at all.

"Ah!" Dogg, whose chest was scratched by Wan Long Fan Chan, screamed, but the skeleton sword in his hand swung towards Roland without any delay.

"Qiang!" Roland subconsciously twisted the barrel of his gun to block the incoming sword edge.

"Bah!" The sword energy that passed by caused a bloody gash on Roland's face, and the blood instantly overflowed. However, Roland relied on the force of the rebound to eject back and avoid a second attack.

"Golden Dragon Knight!!!" Dogg roared in fear. It tried to suppress the fear in its heart with roar. If a third-level dragon knight was enough to make it feel troublesome, a third-level golden dragon The knight was enough to scare it to death! What did it see? The noble royal family of the Dragon Clan is being ridden underneath? Even if you tell him now that the beast god appears, it is more reliable than this.

"You know too much..." Roland said coldly. Then he turned his gun and stabbed Dogg directly. Doss also had a halo and various dragon language magics all over his body, and he had obviously secretly applied them to himself. Got a lot of buffs!

"Bah!" Doss's blow missed, and the space where his claws intertwined was distorted. It was obvious that his attack power could distort the space! This is the most intuitive manifestation of increased power!

"Boom!" There was a blast of gold and iron clashing. This time it was Dogg who used Roland to distance himself. Otherwise, the pair of dragon claws swinging beside him would obviously be very worrying. The dragon claws that could tear apart space fell on Whatever it feels like, it doesn’t want to experience it.

At this moment, Roland was feeling anxious. After all, Doss' ancestor power experience card had a time limit. It was not his real power, and he could not use those powers effectively. A lot of power was wasted invisibly. This made Roland, who had been unable to win Dogg for a long time, restless. If Dos pulled him, he would really be in trouble! As he thought about it, the attacks in Roland's hands were becoming more and more cunning and faster. Although there were no rules, attacking based on instinct was undoubtedly the most concise and efficient for Roland at this moment! Dao Zhijian is fully realized at this moment!

Roland didn't know that Dogg was feeling miserable in his heart at the moment. He no longer wanted to be entangled with Roland. Meeting the dragon knight in the deep mountains and forests had already choked him. The result was the golden dragon knight, which was even more disgusting. Dogg didn't think so. If he has the ability to kill a golden dragon knight, that means killing the giant dragon first. How to escape from the hands of this young and mature golden dragon (borrowed from his ancestor) is enough to make him sweat.

"Roar!" It hit its chest and decided to fight to the death, going crazy! Second stage of madness! Three stages of madness! Tyrants!

"Boom!" A charged fighting fist was directly drawn out to Roland a hundred meters away!

There are a lot of things going on these days, thank you all for your support, I will try my best to write more.

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