"Ahem!" Roland coughed up a mouthful of blood, and Doss also woke up on his chest. It was probably because the upper body of the ancestor was still in the CD, so although the mini golden dragon roared with all its strength, it had no deterrent effect at all, which was a bit ridiculous.

"Brush!" Roland gritted his teeth and tore open a scroll. A pair of cyan arms emerged from the void. Countless magic circles bloomed under Roland's feet. A cyan shield enveloped one person and one dragon.

Forbidden curse! The arms of the protector!

This forbidden curse that Apophis Breo traded to Roland was cast down by Roland before he could even warm it up.

"New side mission detected!" The system's voice suddenly popped up, followed by a translucent blue pop-up window.

"Death and Nirvana! The lonely king is lost in the misty mountains, and unfortunately encounters the pursuit of two sixth-level half-orcs. Survival or death depends on your thoughts! Be captured or fight to the death? Fall to dust or be reborn in Nirvana! (This task is automatically accepted and cannot be refused)"

"Mission goal: kill the pursuers or successfully escape."

"Mission reward: Dragonrider family - the allegiance of fourth-level Thunder Dragon Knight Anthony Doss!"

"Haha! I'll fuck you @* # !" Roland smiled and exhaled. Why do you think I can still fight back? I was able to run out because Emperor Lagrand appeared!

"Forbidden curse?" Dogg was stunned. It was obviously blocked and couldn't move forward, so it discovered the problem.

"Guardian Forbidden Spell! There is something about this human being..." Langeduo's eyes were full of fear. To be honest, he really didn't want to fight a dragon knight, and he was also a golden dragon knight. Killing the knight meant marrying a dragon. Carrying a life-and-death feud means that you will have to live in the shadow of a dragon your whole life! Killing a dragon means you have to live in the shadow of the dragon for the rest of your life! When a pure-blood dragon dies, the blood curse in its blood will be attached to the creature that killed it. The blood curse will remind every nearby dragon that there is a dragon slayer here... So congratulations, you will be a dragon for the rest of your life. Blood creatures are hostile and hunted by every dragon they meet!

Even if the dragon is hostile to other dragons, it will not hesitate to take action when it sees the dragon slayer. After all, the dragon civil war is the dragon civil war. Anyone outside who dares to slay the dragon will die! Otherwise, why would the so-called dragon-slaying warriors only dare to hide in dark corners throughout their lives? He dares to come out and walk in the world...

But at this moment, Dogg can no longer care about so many things, he just doesn’t stop doing anything! You have offended a Golden Dragon Knight to death. If you don't eradicate it quickly, why don't you wait for him to grow up and add to his ancestral grave?

"Do it!" Dogg's giant sword suddenly struck the forbidden curse, and a pair of green hands appeared calmly to catch the sixth-order overlord's full blow, without any ripples.

"Roar!" Langeduo's face was uncertain for a while, and he obviously figured out the connection. After all, he had offended this golden dragon knight, and there happened to be no powerful guardian nearby. It was better to eliminate the root cause as soon as possible!

"Silver Cross Storm!" The power of space surged out from Langeduo's sword blade. The power of space was extremely destructive. The powerful tearing force directly caused ripples on the protective curse, which made Roland scream. A heart-stopping one!

"Bingji Wushuang!"

As Langedo's dual-attribute battle energy hit the Forbidden Curse Shield, the defensive efficiency of the Protector's Arm dropped significantly, but other than the fact that the shield was slightly thinner, nothing else happened.

Roland, who was in a false alarm, quickly poured various potions on himself. Although there were not many high-end potions, Yun Feng's usual basic potions came out quite smoothly. Roland drank a large amount of potions, and the power of the potion began to take effect. The original displacement His internal organs are obviously much better, and the injuries in his body are slowly healing.

"No! It's too slow!" Seeing the two orcs swinging their big swords so fast, Roland felt anxious in his heart. After all, no one knew better than him how powerful the sixth level's attack power was. Without the protection of the forbidden spell, he would probably not even be able to do it. I can't hold on even a single move...

"Doss! Are you okay?" Roland asked, now he could only rely on Doss to get out of trouble.

"Ouch!" Doss shook his head in frustration. Obviously, the power of the ancestors did not respond to him. It should be that his body could no longer withstand the powerful power of the ancestors. This is also a protective mechanism left by the ancestors to future generations.

"Roar!" Dogg hit the Forbidden Curse Shield hard with a rocket headbutt, causing the entire shield to shake slightly.

"The Forbidden Curse can no longer hold up!" Roland frowned. The increasingly thinner Protector's arm had obviously reached its limit. Being attacked by two half-orcs at the sixth level for nearly 5 minutes before collapsing was considered to be the power of this Forbidden Curse. Got it!


Roland suddenly pulled out the golden dragon Doss from his arms and said softly: "I know you have the ability to leave. Run away... live well. If... you have the chance to see my wife, tell her... I love her!"

There was a trace of crystal tears in the corner of Roland's eyes. He didn't belong to this world. He had no regrets in leaving his own traces in Middle-earth. Just... think of it as a dream...

Roland thought about it. Unknowingly, he had completely integrated into this world. The name Earth was so familiar yet so strange. He could no longer remember those people and things back then. Instead, he could remember the gentle face and holiness of Nyx. The body... is Kaslo's concerned voice, Renault's resolute back, Yun Feng, Ormsk and the others...

"Time flies so fast!" Roland sighed, and a weak space power flashed in his hand.

"Dragon King...live for me!" Roland gently covered Doss's head with his hand, and the only space dragon power left in his body was activated, causing a space jump! Turn on!

A miniature space door opened in his palm. The ancestor of Doss left him the last way to survive, a way opened by his knight.

"Ouch?" Before Doss could react, a suction force sucked him in, and he disappeared in the next second.

"What a careless little guy!" Roland smiled, and then used the space dragon power that had not yet dissipated to destroy the space anchor point. Apparently he figured out how the two orcs chased over!

"Haha!" Roland smiled, and his bright smile made the two sixth-order half-orcs who were trying to attack the forbidden curse shudder.

Although Dokger couldn't understand what he had just done, the most important condition for becoming a sixth-order person was to understand the laws of space, so he still had a basic understanding of the power of space. Seeing him sending away the dragon, his whole body felt... The hairs on my body stood up.

Langedo obviously knew what Roland had done. Seeing that there was no hope of escape, this damn human actually cut off his tail to survive, sacrificing himself to cover the golden dragon's escape from space! He actually destroyed the spatial anchor point! ! !

"You're sweating now, brother!" Roland smiled brightly. Two orcs trying to hunt down the royal family... Haha! What do you think those old dragons on Dragon Island will do? That was a golden dragon cub that even the Nazgul didn't dare to take action at will!

"I am the King of Romanian! The ruler of Rapid City and Lulong Fortress! The King of the Lagrand Kingdom! The Elector of the Lagrand Empire! I bear the blood of the king... The late emperor is on top! All demons apologize! " Roland, who was holding the Ten Thousand Dragon Brahma Chant, said slowly, his voice was low and majestic. Although the two sixth-level people could not understand his words, the title of the Elector in the series of titles was unexpectedly harsh, Elector! The person in front of me is actually one of the heirs of the Human Emperor... and he is still the first in line!

"Holy contract!" Roland waved his hand and drew a golden six-pointed star array.









As Roland sang, eight haloes appeared on his body, and his momentum had reached its peak at this moment.

"Do you think you can kill a King Raglan?" Roland mocked.

"Sacrifice!" As he said the last two words calmly, his fighting spirit finally crossed the peak of the third level and reached the fourth level!

"Boom!" The fire of life was ignited, and Roland's whole body burned with golden flames. This was the embodiment of his vitality. When the flames extinguished, it also meant the death of the knight.

"Live with honor! Die with honor! The heart is like my sword! I would rather break than bend!" Roland looked indifferently at the two sixth-level half-orcs in front of him through the extremely thin protective curse.

"Bang!" As the two crazy orcs attacked vigorously, the arm of the protector finally broke after blocking a heavy slash...

"Death!" The two sixth-level half-orcs who had no way out rushed towards Roland frantically...

Damn it, I’ve been stuck these past few days...

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