The Lord of the Rings: Lords of Middle-earth

Chapter 586 The Fall of the King

"Boom!" A violent sonic boom sounded, and two sixth-level half-orcs were sent flying backwards by Wanlong Fanchang. Roland also flew out more than ten meters. Roland obviously suffered a loss, but with the help of the fourth-level Paladin Changhe and two sixth-level warriors were able to fight each other and not die, which can be called a man.

"Tsk!" Roland tilted his head and straightened his twisted right arm without even frowning. Guess what effect sacrificing this desperate skill has besides desperate efforts? Doesn’t it just block most of the pain? Plus those potions that Roland just drank...

hehe! Now Roland can say "fatal injury" to anyone he meets! Not worth mentioning!

Did I sacrifice myself just to make fun of you? One of the three of them will die today! Either I die or I die! Anyway, I’m going to die today! You two bastards don't even think about it! Even if you die, I will use Wanlong Fan Chan to poke a transparent hole in your body!

With the mentality of being barefoot and not afraid of wearing shoes, Roland completely let himself go at this moment, exchanging injuries for injuries! The strategy of exchanging injuries for lives is so easy to come by! That’s a self-taught thing! All the moves in the lower three lanes are available!

"Haha! You two bastards! Accept your death! Your grandfather and I, a great elector, should be proud of exchanging lives with you! When I go down there, I can still call you half-orc ancestors and ancestors! From now on, everyone in your ancestral hall will It's the first fragrance! Let's have fun with another Elector instead!" Roland's unrestrained fighting style made the two orcs extremely uncomfortable. After all, these guys have sacrificed themselves and have no intention of living! The fourth-level knight commander who has ignited his vitality can temporarily rival the sixth-level knight. This means that the two orcs are unable to kill Roland instantly. If they cannot kill Roland immediately, at least one of them will be taken away by Roland!

This made the two orcs more and more frustrated as they fought, and Roland was getting stronger as they fought! (The fire of life is getting stronger and stronger, the vitality is consumed faster and faster, and the strength is also increasing rapidly!) The two half-orcs who were restrained were disgusted to death at this moment. Even if they let a golden dragon run away, the remaining knights would still be nothing. Tough bones! He was beaten again and again, making him sick to his stomach, and couldn't run away. Langedo could run away at any time, but as soon as it ran away, Roland would laugh like crazy! The remaining Dogg is a human head with residual blood! With Roland's current state, there is no pressure to harvest a wave! The two orcs, who could not be killed and could not run, could only fight Roland disgustingly. The only way to end this now was to wait for Roland to burn himself to death! After all, once the sacrifice is turned on, it cannot be turned off!

"Bad luck!" Langeduo knocked away Roland, who looked like a dog-skin plaster, while spat and looking at the scarred Dokger fiercely. If this guy hadn't been so nosy, how could he have been entangled with this dying man for a long time? If you can't get out of bed today, you won't have to offend the golden dragon, let alone be chased and bitten by a mad dog.

"Go away!" Langeduo's sword left a wound that was more than a foot long on Roland's body, and he kicked Roland away angrily.

"Ah!" Roland, who was persevering, took the opportunity to use Wanlong Sansheng to open a wound on Dogg's shoulder, causing him to scream again and again...

"Come on, come on! Look at my face clearly! Have you seen it! Roland, the Elector of the Lagrand Empire! Go down and tell your ancestors that you took my grandfather away with you as a sixth-level man!" Roland roared and turned to attack Dokger. At this moment, Roland, who was transformed into a mad dog, just wanted to take away a sixth-level person. After all, the sacrifice Kaidu was opened, so it would be a bit presumptuous not to take away one.

"Madman!" Dogg slashed Wanlong Fanchang who was stabbing him with his sword.

"Ah!" The next second, Roland held the sword in his arms and threw himself into Dokge's arms with the Dragon-Slaying Sword in his arms. The sharp Dragon-Slaying Sword was completely buried in Dokge's abdomen.

"Ouch!" A streak of sword energy flashed through, and Roland's right arm holding the dragon-slaying sword was completely cut off. Even the strong Archduke Dragon Armor could not block the sharp space blade!

"Yeah!" Roland snorted, and even though he was blocked from feeling pain, his brain suddenly froze.

"Huhuhu..." Roland stumbled and sat back, holding his broken arm.

Dogg, who was thrown dozens of meters away by the impact, was now having blood foaming at the corner of his mouth.

"Ouch!" He pulled out the Dragon-Slaying Sword painfully and threw the Dragon-Slaying Sword towards Roland with all his strength.

"Hmph!" Roland's chest felt cold, and the sharp Dragon-Slaying Sword penetrated directly through his chest.

"How is it!" The wound was instantly frozen in the next second. Apparently Langedo came to his side. Without healing skills, it could only help Dogg stop the bleeding.

"Ahem!" Roland, who was half-kneeling on the ground with a gun in one hand, coughed violently, and he began to feel a little weak in his body! Obviously this is a sign that the vitality is coming to an end.

"Huh? He's not dead yet?" Roland glanced at Dogg, who was still breathing with regret. He had been attacking with Ten Thousand Dragons Fan Chan, just to hide the fatal dragon-slaying sword under the open and closed attacks! How do they know that Roland's best skill has never been lance but swordsmanship. The sword edge hidden under the gun light brought the final fatal blow! It's a pity that it didn't hit its heart...

"Kill him..." Dogg spat out black blood clots while pointing painfully and weakly at Roland, who was still mocking him wantonly.

"Let's go!" Langedou glanced at Roland and his expression changed. It was obvious that he was not willing to get close to this madman. The last person he got close to was still lying at his feet! He will die no matter how much he is used, so why bother? After finally getting away from him... Thinking of this, Langeduo didn't hesitate at all, grabbed Dogg and disappeared into the space crack.

"...Your Majesty!" Roland was like punching cotton. Didn't he expect to meet someone with a brain? loss……

Roland, who could no longer maintain his sneak attack status, fell to the ground. An extreme weakness spread from the bottom of his heart throughout his body. He felt that the dragon armor on his body was as heavy as a thousand stones...

"Bang!" Roland, who lay weakly on the ground, looked at the sky blankly. At this moment, the stars had fallen, and a ray of morning light broke the silence of the night.

"It's dawn..." He looked hard at the east, and a ray of red light crossed the horizon. It was obvious that a new day had come, but it was a pity that he would never see the sun again today.

"Nix... I'm so cold... so cold..." Roland murmured. At the last moment of his life, he was still thinking about his first and only woman. The dragon-slaying sword on his chest became colder and colder, as if he was being sucked. The few calories in his body were gone, and as his vitality was about to be burned out, the pain returned to Roland's perception. The pain and coldness made Roland more and more tired, and he could not even move.

"I miss you so much..." At this moment, there are only a few wisps of golden flame left on Roland's body, and there is no blood on the broken arm of his right arm. After all, all the vitality has been burned, and there is no blood for him to flow. His energy is like a gossamer. He looked helplessly at the sky, his eyes gradually losing light...

"Huh?" After waking up from his dream, Nyx immediately opened the quilt and looked at the pendant on his chest. Then he was so frightened that he opened the bedroom door in his pajamas.

"It hurts! My heart hurts so much! Roland! Roland, where are you?" Nyx, who felt heart palpitations for no reason, burst into tears and stumbled around the castle barefoot.

"Your Highness, what's wrong with you?" Yun Feng, sensing something was wrong, stepped out.

"Roland... Wuwuwu... Roland... I can't feel him anymore... Wuwuwu! Roland is gone!" With tears streaming down his face, Nyx pulled out a redbud pendant from his chest. The petals on it were already Broken inch by inch.

"Concentric Bauhinia pendant?" Yun Feng's pupils shrank, and he, who was knowledgeable, recalled what it was in an instant.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" Nyx just nodded and cried, not paying attention to what Yun Feng said.

"Omsk! Omsk! Omsk! You bastard!" The next second Yun Feng's roar made the entire castle tremble.

"Boom!" Huge magical energy rose into the sky, and Yun Feng smashed the castle and flew out.

"Damn it!" Adilai, who was full of fighting spirit, appeared beside Nicks. He stood beside Nicks with a gloomy expression. He couldn't just leave when Yun Feng left.

"Hoo~" A breeze blew slowly, and a figure emerged.

"What happened?" Fanwei walked over holding Manikati.

"Roland~ Roland..." Nyx squatted on the ground holding his knees and crying heartbrokenly.

"..." Although Verway didn't know what the broken concentric redbud pendant on the ground was for, he knew that it was up to nothing good when he saw the look on Nicks's face and the words he was mumbling. He gritted his teeth and pointed his toes towards Yun Feng chased in the direction where he flew away.

Yesterday's supplement is back. Brothers, please reward me with monthly tickets... The author is starving to death... And remember to read the advertisement and reward Roland for resurrecting him.

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