Chapter 596 Anthony Doss!

When the first ray of sunlight shone on the earth, in an unknown woodland in the Misty Mountains, there were still various impact craters, broken trees, and upturned land...

Roland was lying quietly on the ground in a field of dead leaves. His godless eyes had long lost their light, and his body was cold and stiff. The Holy Shield Arial was wrapped around his left arm, even if it was as strong as the Holy Shield. He was able to protect him... Wanlong Fanchang, who was leaning to the side, tilted to one side. The Dragon-Slaying Sword on his chest was still emitting a dazzling cold light. His broken right arm fell several meters away. The whole scene looked sad and miserable... …

No one knew that the famous King of Lagrand Kingdom in Middle-earth died in this battle. Just as he came to Middle-earth quietly, he left quietly...

Before Roland was about to die, a window popped up in the system, but he had no time to pay attention to it. All he could think about was the smile of Nyx.

"Crack!" There was a sound of a heavy object falling to the ground.

"Roar!" A deep dragon roar drove away the beasts entrenched around it.

"Is this here? Kurt?" A young man whispered solemnly. He had black hair and black eyes like Ajax, and his appearance was at least five points similar to Ajax. His black hair and eyes were The Lagrand Empire is an extremely rare bloodline, which means that the blood of the royal family flows in the opponent's body! (The Dragonrider family has royal blood inheritance. After all, there are many intermarriages among nobles.) The thorny rose emblem on the chest also shows his identity.

"It seems we are too late..." Anthony Doss looked at the dead Roland with sad eyes.

"A brave holy dragon knight!" Anthony Doss's dragon Thunder Dragon Kurt looked at the stiff Roland in awe! Every dragon knight who died in battle lived up to the name of a hero.

"Where's his dragon?" Kurt suddenly remembered that Roland's dragon was not with him.

"Maybe he escaped..." Doss looked at the tragic battlefield.

"Impossible! The Dragon Clan will not give up their knights and escape for their lives! This is a violation of the Dragon Rider Contract! It is a witness to betrayal of the Dragon God!" Kurt roared like a cat with exploded fur.

"Yes, yes! My fault!" Doss didn't argue with him.

"Now that we have met... let's bury him! This is the only thing I can do for him!" Doss sighed, drew out his sword and leaned on the ground, knelt on one knee and put his right hand on his chest to form a complex and elegant figure. Aristocratic etiquette.

"Rest in peace, knight! If I meet your murderer, I will definitely avenge you!" Doss closed his eyes carefully and felt it, remembering the fighting spirit energy left in Roland's body by Dogg and Langedo.

"Haha! Two dark bastards!" Doss said sadly.

"It's a sacrifice... His blood has burned out!" Kurt took Roland's severed arm in his mouth. It was not difficult to guess what Roland had gone through during his lifetime with the shriveled body without a trace of energy.

"Oh... bury him...!" Doss was stunned before he finished speaking.

"What's wrong?" Kurt was stunned. He and Doss met at the top of the Far North. Obviously, he didn't understand why his knight looked at the body of another dragon knight in a daze. (The memory given by the system, Kurt is not the dragon on Dragon Island)

"..." Doss didn't care to offend the corpse. He quickly pulled away the fallen leaves on Roland's corpse, revealing the complete pattern of the male dragon armor on the chest, with a flying dragon clearly visible on it.

"Plop!" Doss fell to the ground and rubbed his eyes in disbelief.

"What's wrong?" Kurt's body was filled with dragon power. Apparently he thought his knight had discovered something was wrong.

"It's... it's... him!... He is... the... elect... emperor... prince! The empire's elector!!!" Doss pointed at the coat of arms on Roland's chest crazily and said in pain.

"Ah!" Doss collapsed and cried bitterly on Roland's body. He never expected that the fluctuation of the dragon battle he felt was the last battle of an imperial elector! If he had arrived earlier...

"Who! Who is it! Who dares to kill the elector of the empire!" Doss's eyes were red and he drew his sword and roared madly.

"Calm down! Did you forget that you told me that your empire has been destroyed? We are here to find your sister! What elector?" Kurt held down the somewhat crazy Doss and asked.

"That's right! It's the Archduke's dragon armor! It's the coat of arms of King Romanian...the last king's blood...oooo! He's the king!" Doss collapsed and cried. The coat of arms on Roland's chest and the dragon on his body The armor and the crown on the helmet have pointed out to Doss a terrible fact... This is the king that his sister is looking for to follow! Hope for the revival of the empire!

"..." Kurt was stunned, King? Whose decent king dies alone? (Bahrain: I feel presumptuous and full of malice...) Where are the personal guards around the king? Where did everyone die?

Thinking of this, Kurt ignored Doss, who was still crying bitterly, and just flapped his wings and flew up, patrolling the sky, not knowing what he was looking for.

"It's a pity! It seems that this king is alone! I found no other traces of the battle!" Kurt said to Doss after falling.

"..." Doss, who was kneeling on the ground, didn't know what he was thinking. He just stared at Roland's body in confusion.

"Aren't you looking for your sister? Is she loyal to this king?" Kurt asked doubtfully.

"Yes, she said that Ragland has established a country again, and she is going to return to restore the glory of the Anthony family..." Doss sobbed. It was obvious that Roland's death was difficult for him to accept.

"There may be a problem with this matter!" Kurt thought for a moment and said.

"How could a king and a dragon knight be killed alone in the wild? This is the Misty Mountains, right? There seems to be no trace of the human kingdom! And his dragon is not with him... Could this be a conspiracy... "Kote is a young dragon. His two thousand years of life have made him well-informed, and he occasionally knows something about political intrigue.

"Impossible..." Doss also stopped crying and began to think about the possibility of Kurt's words, but he quickly shook his head. After all, there was not much blood left for the king, and there were not many of the blood of the Grand Duke, let alone A person with the blood of the Elector!

"Impossible! He is the elector!" Doss shook his head decisively and said to Kurt.

"Elector?" Kurt was stunned. Apparently he didn't know much about human titles.

"They are the heirs who have the right to inherit the throne of the emperor! They are usually called electors!" Doss briefly explained. In fact, the real meaning of electors refers to those who are qualified when the royal bloodline is severed and the emperor is re-elected. The elected kings are called electors! The king of the Romanian royal family is obviously the highest ranked among the electors, so the Romanian king is also called the elector!

"We don't know what happened now. Maybe your country has fallen into civil strife... Everything must be considered according to the worst-case scenario... Let's go find your sister first and understand the situation!" Kurt shook his head. , he is well aware of the darkness of human nature and the unpredictable nature of the human heart! No one knew if someone had planned to kill the king.

Roland probably couldn't even imagine that he was so cold that he died. Some people suspected that his death was a conspiracy theory... In fact, it was just a careless attack by a reckless novice dragon knight.

"Wait until I bring His Highness's body!" Doss's eyes narrowed and he nodded to his dragon. Obviously he wanted to get to the bottom of it!

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