The Lord of the Rings: Lords of Middle-earth

Chapter 589 The Blessings of the Dragon God and the Emperors

Chapter 598 The Blessings of Dragon God and Emperors

"Huh?" Kurt keenly noticed a huge energy source coming out of his back, which shocked him instantly.

"Land!" Anthony Doss also noticed something strange about Roland's body on the dragon's saddle.

"Isn't it a corpse explosion caused by undead magic?" Kurt said with fear. After all, only the corpse explosion skill of a necromancer can emerge from a corpse with such terrifying energy.

"It shouldn't be!" Anthony Doss carefully untied Roland's body and laid it flat on the ground.

Because the body was wrapped in cloth, one person and one dragon could not see exactly what happened. Finally, Anthony Doss gritted his teeth and said, "I've offended His Highness!"

Anthony Doss reached out and opened Roland's shroud, and then discovered that the source of the energy source was located on the ring finger of his left hand and the index finger of his right hand.

"Holy Ring?" Anthony Doss was stunned. Obviously the Dragon Rider family is no stranger to this thing. The powerful Holy Ring is the ultimate goal pursued by every knight (after all, Paladins look at talent, and Dragon Knights look at fortune. The only one who can The only thing you can hope to get is the Holy Ring)

"This power makes my heart palpitate! What are they? The Lord of the Rings?" Kurt was stunned. Apparently the terrifying energy made him mistakenly think that what Roland was holding was the Lord of the Rings.

"The Holy Ring is the opposite of the Lord of the Rings! It is the ultimate pursuit of every knight with a righteous heart!" Anthony Doss shook his head. Although the conditions for obtaining the Holy Ring were also very harsh, at least there was hope.

"The source of this power seems to be related to our dragon clan..." Kurt felt it carefully and suddenly said, no wonder this thing is so familiar! It turns out to be the purest dragon origin!

"In fact, the birth of this thing is inextricably linked to your dragon clan..."

"I seem to have seen you somewhere!" Roland squinted his eyes and tried to see the true appearance of this figure, but obviously he could not make out anything except the blurry appearance.

"Haha! Little guy, it takes a lot of strength to look directly at me. You still don't have the ability to look directly at my existence..." The golden shadow teased.

"Wait... you are the Dragon God!" Roland squinted and saw a scaly claw, and finally guessed the true identity of the phantom in front of him! He is the Dragon God! No wonder he felt a strong sense of familiarity. After all, the aura of the golden shadow was grand and intimate. The recognition from the bloodline made him irresistible, as if they were blood relatives.

"Smart boy." Dragon God Remnant smiled heartily, obviously he was very happy that future generations could recognize him.

"You're not..." Roland narrowed his eyes and said hesitantly. After all, the following words were a bit disrespectful.

"Didn't I fall? Yes...I have fallen a long time ago. I am the first Dragon God in the world and the last Dragon God..." The Dragon God was obviously a little melancholy, but he was willing to chat with Roland. .

"Then what should I do..." Roland couldn't turn around. It turned out that the Laglan people really went to see the Dragon God after they died!

"Why did you see me?" Dragon God seemed to see Roland's concerns and doubts.

"It's a long story, but maybe it's your fate that you can see me..." The Dragon God shook his head. The harsh conditions for the two to meet made him smack his lips.

"First of all, you must be a pure-blood royal or royal family member of Raglan..." Dragon God began to tell.

"Huh?" Roland obviously didn't understand.

"Well...let's put it this way, your ancestors have my blood flowing..." Dragon God organized the language and told Roland in an easy-to-understand form.

"???" Roland was stunned, the descendant of the true dragon?

"The first Emperor Ragland is my son." The Dragon God's voice was full of ridicule.

Okay, now Roland understands! No wonder Lagrand is a country of dragons, no wonder the proud dragon clan would allow the birth of a large number of dragon knights. After a long time, they are a family, right? Doesn’t this mean that the Dragon Clan is my family? Well, it seems that the Laglan people really do this, at least the Dragonrider family does it one after another.

"Then you have to be a dragon knight!" The Dragon God's voice continued.

Well, Roland nodded, it was indeed harsh. The emperors of Laglan in the past generations could not guarantee that they could become a dragon knight. After all, the dragon knight contract could not force them, so they could only rely on themselves and the dragon to see each other.

"Then what?" Roland asked curiously.

"Finally, you have to possess the Holy Ring..." Dragon God said calmly.

"It seems that only the Human Emperor of Laglan can achieve this..." The black line on Roland's end shows that the conditions are indeed harsh. He must be pure blood, a dragon knight, and have a holy ring. Basically, the Human Emperor is the only one who meets this condition.

"So it's really a miracle that you can see me!" Dragon God Remnant Soul was happy. Holy rings are usually in the hands of electors, human emperors and top nobles. Those who can meet these three conditions Isn’t he the Human Emperor!

"The Holy Ring is an artifact I made back then. The nine Holy Rings correspond to the nine powers and spirits of the knights, but there is also a Dragon Rider Holy Ring on top of it! He can summon the power of the nine Holy Rings and lend it to himself. Use it, he is the one who can resurrect you..." Dragon God smiled and explained to Roland.

"Then I guess there's no chance..." Roland said a little discouraged.

"?" Dragon God was stunned.

"I only have the Ring of Glory and Mercy..." Roland said in frustration.

"Don't worry about the child, the emperors are with you!"

Before the Dragon God could speak, a golden figure walked out of the void.

"My child, go on bravely! The blood of the emperor flows in your body!"

Another golden figure emerged.

"Don't be afraid, the emperor will bless you!"

"A reckless death in battle is better than a cowardly survival..."

"The Dragon God and the Empire bless you!"

A total of thirty-one figures appeared in front of Roland's eyes. They exuded strong or weak auras, and the sacred golden light made Roland feel particularly comfortable and friendly.

"The junior King Romanian, King Lagrand, and the Elector of the Empire, Roland, have met all the emperors!" Roland caressed his chest in greeting. After all, there were thirty-one Lagrand emperors in front of him! Unlike the Dragon God who cannot see clearly, the faces of the emperors are clearly visible! Especially the iconic face of Emperor Karl was recognized by Roland at a glance.

"Go back, child, fate has brought us together... Your life should not be cut off, Lagrand's hope is still there, go back to the place that belongs to you, remember... living... only by living... can you have... everything... ..." The Dragon God's voice became louder and louder, but when Roland heard it, it was extremely unreal, as if it was drifting away...

Each Raglan emperor slowly melted, and finally turned into a ball of golden origin, and the invisible dragon god also gradually faded and disappeared...

"Wait!" Roland reached out and wanted to say something, but his consciousness became heavier and heavier, and then his vision went dark again.

At this moment, in the outside world, Anthony Doss was looking at the glowing holy ring in Roland's hand with confusion. While one person and one dragon were studying it, the light of the holy ring suddenly magnified. The dazzling light made Anthony Doss and Kurt couldn't help but retreat. Cover your eyes.

"Ah? What happened?" Kurt looked at Roland's body in horror.

At this moment, Roland was slowly decaying. To be precise, his body turned into a ball of golden light and disappeared. Soon a white skeleton appeared, and then fine golden lines climbed up his bones, and his bones began to glow. The originally broken right arm also approached the fracture and merged with the torso in the light...

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