Chapter 599 The King Returns!

Soon the golden lines on the bones began to radiate golden light, and the light formed runes one after another surrounding his bones. As the runes flowed rapidly throughout his body, Kurt and Anthony Doss looked at each other.

"The situation is not right, let's step back!" Kurt pulled Anthony Doss back without any explanation.

"What is that?" Anthony Doss asked puzzled.

"I don't know...but I feel the breath and power of God..." Kurt said with some horror. After all, the disappearance of the gods in the world of the Lord of the Rings was a fatal blow to the Dragon Clan. It came from the Dragon God's betrayal of the gods. The Dragon Clan All the gods were pulled down from the altar! In the end, Ragnarok ushered in at the cost of the fall of the Dragon God, and the gods were either dead or sealed! Therefore, I am very disgusted with the divine dragon clan, and the secrets involved are very involved...

The Dragon Clan was originally under the rule of the Beast God, but how could the Dragon Clan, the darling of heaven and earth, be willing to surrender to the Beast God? They need their own god! After the dragons who tried to become gods were wiped out by the gods, by chance, the first true dragon god in the world was born! When the Dragon God's divine fire is ignited, the whole world is illuminated by the rich holy light! The throne of Wanlong Chaozong makes the gods sleepless and uneasy! The Dragon God is disliked by the gods of heaven and earth! He is a forbidden god who should not have been born! His power makes all the gods feel like they are sitting on pins and needles, like they have something stuck in their throats! The final dragon battle begins! Ten Thousand Dragons Slayer God! The aloof gods were pulled down from the altar by the Dragon Clan. Only then did other races have a chance to stand up, and the Dragon Clan also sat on the throne of the world. However, it didn't take long for the already severely weakened Dragon Clan to wait with the human elves, dwarves, etc. After a series of intelligent races restarted the war between humans and dragons, the defeated dragons retreated to Dragon Island and never came back to life...

It can only be said that the dragon clan wanted to make a wedding dress, but after the founding of Lagrand, the blood of the dragon god somehow appeared in the first Lagrand human emperor. With the appeal of the blood, Lagrand was very popular. It soon gained the support of the Dragon Clan and became a huge empire!

"Alive?" Kurt suddenly exclaimed. After all, Long Eye's vision is still very strong. Through the dazzling energy, he could clearly see a white body growing. Soon, flesh and bones covered Roland again. body of……

"Ah?" Anthony Doss was obviously stunned. That thing didn't look like resurrection magic. Why did it resurrect the king? But soon Anthony Doss became excited. After all, the dead king was not good for him or the entire kingdom.

"Stay away, don't interfere with him! He may have God's care and protection, triggering God's punishment is not something we can handle!" Kurt immediately hid further away, after all, he still knows his own weight, no All dragons can fight the gods!

"Oh oh oh..." Anthony Doss nodded repeatedly. He didn't want to be killed by the person he was about to be loyal to inadvertently. That would be a big loss!

"No...this power? Dragon God!!!" Suddenly Kurt was prostrate on the ground and crawled respectfully beside Roland. Apparently at this moment, Kurt told Anthony Doss that the Raglan royal family was flowing with Dragon God. I am completely convinced by his bloodline theory!

"The power of the Dragon God...this!" Kurt looked at Anthony Doss incoherently, his dragon eyes expanding and contracting crazily.

"I told you, we have a trace of the Dragon God's blood in our body..." Anthony Doss shrugged, obviously helpless. After all, he said that he had a trace of the Dragon God's blood in his body (all the Dragon Rider family are related to the royal family) ), Kurt didn't believe it, but now the whole dragon has doubts about life. After all, according to blood, the blood relationship between the cow-horse human and the dragon god in front of him is closer than himself! It’s so outrageous! Are humans more like dragons than dragons?

"It's quite... unexpected!" Kurt nodded.

"Ouch!" At this moment, Doss was shouting at a giant clawed bear in front of him in a forest. He spread his wings and opened his mouth as much as possible to show his large size, making the enemy feel afraid, but he didn't know that he was so big. The terrifying bloodline aura has already caused the two monsters in front of him to fight.

As he howled at the top of his lungs, the giant-clawed bear, which was half-dead from fright, covered its head and became incontinent. It curled up on the ground and whimpered. The pressure from its soul made it not even dare to think of overcoming. have……

"Ouch!" How could Doss understand this? Looking at the giant clawed bear still in front of him, he breathed out a breath of dragon's breath.

The giant-clawed bear, which was howling after being beaten by the dragon's breath, ran away from Doss's sight in a pissing mess. Only then did Doss spread his wings proudly, showing his victory.

This is also the reason why Roland dared to send Doss out casually. After all, no Warcraft dared to touch a golden dragon cub. If you dare to touch this taboo rule, you will bear the wrath of the entire dragon clan!

Soon the news of a stray golden young dragon spread in this forest, and soon a dragon-blooded monster came after smelling the smell.

"Roar!" A blade-winged earth dragon appeared. After driving away other creatures around it with a roar, it crawled respectfully in front of Doss and pledged its allegiance to the royal family. Doss was the bloodline that this earth dragon had seen in its life. The highest and only pure-blood dragon clan!

Doss looked at the dragon-like earth dragon in front of him with some curiosity. Its wings had degenerated into two guillotines on its sides. The thick and sharp wings could no longer drive it to fly, but in terms of blood, he was still in the middle. Yalong lineage.

"Roar!" Before Doss could take a closer look at it, there was another sharp dragon roar!

This time it was a wind-type flying dragon. As the most widely distributed true dragon species, the wind-type flying dragon was one of the few true dragons that ordinary people could see in their lifetime.

After it landed, it also crawled respectfully at Dos's feet, as if I was your most loyal dog. The wagging tail made it difficult for people to associate it with the dragon family.

Soon several flying dragons or sub-dragons gathered around Doss. Doss watched with satisfaction as more and more dragon species came. Suddenly his eyes lit up. He missed his knight. He wanted to take him with him. The little brother goes to save his knight!

"It's almost over!" Kurt whispered to Anthony Doss while looking at Roland who had already taken on a human form.

"What should I call him later?" Anthony Doss was rubbing his hands a little shyly at this moment. After all, it was the first time he saw a living king...

"?" Kurt looked at Anthony Doss in disbelief, this is your king! you ask me? I asked who to go?

"Ahem!" The golden light suddenly dissipated, and the next second Roland sat up directly, coughing hoarsely. Then he looked around vigilantly and met Anthony Doss's eyes the next second.

"..." Roland subconsciously reached out to retrieve the weapon behind him, but found nothing. Then he smiled awkwardly but politely.

"You are..." Roland, who knows the current affairs and is a talented person, clearly saw the thunder dragon Kurt behind Anthony Doss. In line with the principle of following the heart, he immediately changed into honorifics and prepared to negotiate. After all, he did not Know whether you are still in Middle-earth, or at what point in time you are.

"Your Highness! Welcome back from the darkness..." Anthony Doss knelt down on one knee with his sword and performed a knight's salute before Roland could speak. Kurt behind him also bowed his head politely.

"Thunder Dragon Kurt, I have seen the successor of the Dragon God's bloodline!" Kurt whispered.

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