The Lord of the Rings: Lords of Middle-earth

Chapter 597 Ten Thousand Dragons Sing!

"Damn it! I feel like my power is starting to drain away!" Doss's voice suddenly sounded in Roland's heart. Roland narrowed his eyes, obviously very surprised.

"This is embarrassing..." Roland said helplessly. Obviously, these dragons and Dos Anthony, the dragon knight, cannot keep the mainstay of these orcs. Roland hopes for complete revenge rather than leaving hidden dangers in the future! Now that the Orc Kingdom in the Misty Mountains has decided to go to war! Then Roland will give him war! If they hadn't been far away from the Lagrand Kingdom, Roland would have really planned to bring his army over and enter the mountains to encircle and suppress them!

As for the Raglan forces in the Misty Mountains, Roland has not considered it. After all, it is not certain who will destroy whom when Apophis Breo's small force enters the Orc Kingdom!

"I want to kill these sixth-level ones!" Roland and Doss exchanged in their hearts. If they hadn't been lucky, they would have been completely killed by these bastards!

"I want to kill them too! But it's difficult for us to do this with our current strength!" Doss regretted while attacking. His strength had begun to drain away. This was because the strength lent to him by the ancestors' spirits was about to be exhausted. a precursor!

"If you really want to kill them, find a way to release the power of the dragon gun in your hand!" Doss glanced at the Ten Thousand Dragons Sing in Roland's hand!

There is a saying that Osbaiya would probably cry to death if he knew that the divine weapon Ten Thousand Dragons Chant was being swung around like a fire stick in Roland's hands. The dragon knight's exclusive artifact that so many people dream of actually played the important role of a stick in Roland's hands. !

In fact, Roland has not unblocked the correct usage of the Ten Thousand Dragons Chanting, or in other words, the Wanlong Chanting has not fully recognized Roland. You must know that the Ten Thousand Dragons Chanting is an artifact of Middle-earth! And Arial and the Holy Rings are all artifacts of the Lord of the Rings world! The system automatically helps Roland identify the artifact as its owner. Only then can Roland unleash the true power of the artifact! The Wanlong Fansang is a local artifact and the system cannot interfere with it, so the task of conquering the artifact needs to be completed by Roland himself!

"What should I do?" Roland looked at this golden dragon gun. The fine patterns on it seemed to tell the greatness and majesty of the dragon clan!

"I don't know! This is the Dragon Knight's artifact! You can only understand it by yourself!" Doss shook his head.

"You can try to communicate with him! The artifact has a spirit!" Doss's voice sounded in Roland's heart.

"I'll give it a try!" Roland nodded. He pulled Doss out of the battle circle, leaving the battlefield to the others. Anyway, they couldn't achieve any results for a while. The dragons who were originally suppressing the orcs were fighting. As time goes by, our injuries become more and more serious! The war of attrition led to the gradual equalization of the combat effectiveness of both sides. Facts have proved that the sixth level is indeed not something that those high-level Warcraft and Super Warcraft can easily shake!

"I..." Roland sank his consciousness into the Ten Thousand Dragons Chanting, but in the next second, Roland felt that his consciousness was empty! Then his eyes went white...

"This is..." In a silver-white space, Roland slowly floated in the empty space.

"What's going on? Where is this?" Roland said in panic. He didn't know how to communicate with an artifact to communicate with him through time!

"Little guy? Are you a dragon knight?" A loud voice sounded in Roland's ears.

"Huh?" Roland was obviously very nervous.

"The breath of the dragon knight contract? It's such an ancient contract! I thought there were no dragon knights anymore!" The voice was erratic, as if it was near my ears and far away.

But Roland still has to say that you are really good at reading people! If I hadn’t come to Middle-earth, there would really be no dragon knights here...

"Yes, sir, I am a dragon knight!" Roland could only say humbly. He tried various methods but could not drag his consciousness out of this space!

"Well, honesty is a virtue that a dragon knight should have... What is your dragon? No!" Apparently the owner of the voice didn't know what he had discovered, and his voice became anxious.

"Your dragon..." As the owner of the voice murmured, a complex golden magic circle appeared in Roland's consciousness.

Roland took a closer look... Damn it! My dragon riding contract? Can this thing be extracted? Doesn't that mean that this person has very high attainments in soul power... No! This means that this person can forcefully deprive him of his dragon riding contract! After all, the contract can be ripped out of the soul. Is it difficult to undo it?

"You...who are you?"

"who are you?"

The owner of the voice and Roland suddenly said in unison.

"Your Excellency, please speak first!"

"You speak first!"

The two of them said at the same time with a tacit understanding again.

"What kind of dragon is your dragon?" Roland did not speak this time, but the owner of this space asked anxiously.

"I am a Golden Dragon Knight... If I am not wrong, I should call you... uncle?" Roland said shamelessly. After all, thinking about what he has done and the original owner of this gun, it is really strange. It is not difficult to guess the identity of this person... After all, the remnant soul of the Dragon God has been preserved. This person... seems to be a god too!

"Do you know me?" The voice was hesitant.

"Dragon Rider Commander—Osbaia? Guardian of the North?" Roland asked tentatively.

"Hey! This guy has some sense!" Apparently the owner of the voice was indeed Osbaiya.

"Hello, Quasi-Dragon Rider Commander!" Roland said respectfully. It's hard not to be respectful! This man is the master who ignited the divine fire and condensed his divine personality through sacrifice! If the dragon power in his body hadn't had time to be converted into divine power, he launched an attack that consumed the divine power and died, otherwise he would be the only true god in Middle-earth!

"By the way, what does your dragon have to do with me?" Osbaiya obviously felt the throbbing of the connection between Dos's bloodline and his own bloodline in the dragon rider contract!

"He is the son of your partner Meier!" Roland shrugged and said truthfully.

"Is my old friend okay?" Osbaiya obviously didn't know that his dragon had already died with him. At this moment, he thought that the silver dragon Meier was still alive. After all, he thought that those Fire Demon Tens were still alive when the True God struck. There is no life coming from death.

"Uh...he died fighting with you..." Roland's mouth twitched, but he still told Osbaia the cruel truth.

"Dragon God! How could it be..." Osbaiya asked in confusion.

"That blow did not completely kill those Balrogs. In the end, your companions died together with them! Only this child was left... I picked him up and hatched it accidentally after a thousand years!" Roland gave a rough description in one breath.

Osbaia was obviously stunned. There was too much information in just a few sentences. It was obvious that the dead soul of the true god needed to slow down.

"Alas..." Osbaia's thousand words finally turned into a sigh.

"Have you really decided? Ten Thousand Dragons Singing is both power and responsibility... If you let it go, it will be a disaster!" Osbaiya suddenly appeared in front of Roland and startled Roland. This silver illusory figure carried a terrifying pressure. Even if nothing was revealed, it still made Roland's hair stand on his head! This is suppression from the life level! God’s suppression of man!

"I've decided! I have a goal and a reason to keep fighting!" Roland looked at Osbaia and said sincerely. This was the first time he looked directly at the true God! Even though it was just a remnant soul, it still made his pupils sore and his eyes burning.

"Alas..." Osbaiya sighed softly.

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