The Lord of the Rings: Lords of Middle-earth

Chapter 598: Ten Thousand Dragons and Brahma Sings and Dragons Dance and Ten Thousand Emperors!

Chapter 607: Ten Thousand Dragons Sing and Dance Dragons and Ten Thousand Emperors!

"The power of the artifact is not that easy to control! Do you really think you can completely hold this dragon gun?" Osbaiya was a little confused.

Before Roland could speak, he quietly tapped Roland's chest. The next second, a bright shield-shaped ring flew out of his soul body, and then another shield-shaped ring flew out! The last golden shield was also involved.

"..." Roland's pupils shrank, Damn! Deprived of the artifact! This man can actually deprive himself of control over the artifact from the soul level! I'm so tired!

"What? Surprised?" Osbaiya suddenly smiled evilly, as if he had seen through Roland's thoughts.

"Don't forget that I am a god! My life level and soul power are many levels higher than yours! It's very easy to take away your control at the artifact level!" Osbaiya smiled.

"By the way, your consciousness and thoughts are also transparent in front of me!" Osbaiya reminded.

"..." Roland was speechless. You said you were already a big shot, so why bother with the juniors when you have nothing to do?

"Have you ever understood the interference between artifacts? It is not necessarily a good thing for one person to master too many artifacts. If you cannot balance their power, then they will interfere with the operation of your power and seriously reduce your combat effectiveness!"

"I don't think I have this problem..." Roland said awkwardly. After all, three of the four artifacts were given by the system. Why should he be afraid of this after cheating himself?

"Huh? Something's wrong, kid!" Osbaiya was suddenly startled, and then said in surprise.

"You died once? But there are no traces of resurrection magic on your soul... How did you do it? That's not right!" Osbaiya said in surprise.

"Ah! You still have God's blessing on you? Wait? What are these thirty-one Emperor's Marks?" Osbaiya's voice could no longer be calm. If Roland was lucky enough to receive God's blessing, what would he do? I understand, but the imprint of these 31 Human Emperors in my soul is terrifying! The mark of the thirty-one human emperors means that when you go out, you will be protected by the thirty-one human emperors...

"Uh..." Before Roland could interrupt, Osbaiya shouted again.

"Oh my God! The Dragon God! Your blessing is the Dragon God's blessing?" Osbaiya screamed.

"Okay! You are indeed the most suitable user of this dragon gun!" Osbaiya's soul waved his hands and said as if he was defeated.

"Thank you for your recognition!" Roland bowed quickly.

"Don't thank me. It's your chance to get this gun. I just unblocked the power that originally belonged to you and gave it back to you!" Osbaiya shook his head.

"Child, the power of this gun is different from the gentleness of those three artifacts... I have experienced too many killings to make the power of this gun ferocious and domineering. Of course, you should be fine. After all, he cannot shake those blessings on you. "!" Osbaiya shook his head with emotion. The reason why he kept sealing the true power of Wanlong Fan Chan was that he was afraid that the user would inadvertently be directly obliterated by this uncontrollable power. After all, the attacks of the artifact were all Straight to the soul.

However, Roland, a person with a lot of buffs, obviously does not have such a problem. There is no way Wanlong Fanshang's divine power level can surpass the Dragon God!

"I'm ready!" Roland nodded.

"I feel the utter hatred in you... Just like me back then, I can't dissuade you, just like I can't dissuade myself. But kid, I hope you remember! The real power always comes from yourself. Only by sticking to your heart will you not be eroded by external things!" Osbaiya looked at Roland and said seriously. In Roland, he saw his former self, so familiar and so sad...

"Go on, never let down the person who loves you and the one you love..." Osbaia's voice began to drift, and the sound became farther and farther, echoing in Roland's ears as if it came from the horizon.

"Your Majesty, can I still see you?" Roland suddenly felt a little uncomfortable and said towards the increasingly thin remnant soul of Osbaia.

"I am him...he is me!" Osbaiya pointed at it with a smile, meaning that his remnant soul has merged with Wanlong Fanchan!

"Buzz!" Wanlong Fanchang suddenly trembled, and a breath from the ancient times filled the air.

"Brush!" Roland opened his eyes. Only then did he realize that although he had been talking to Osbaia's remnant soul for a long time, only a moment had passed in reality.

"Hey! What happened! Why are you in a daze? I can't hold on anymore!" Doss's voice sounded in Roland's heart.

"Sorry for waiting!" Roland apologized.

"Let's end this feud!" Roland patted Doss on the back.

"Roar!" Doss roared knowingly, leading Roland to join the team fight!

"Buzz!" Roland raised the Ten Thousand Dragons Mantra in his hand and used his best strength to drive the Ten Thousand Dragons Mantra in his hand. The terrifying suction force directly drained the dragon power from his body! Then he followed the dragon knight contract and began to extract Doss's dragon power!

"Plop!" Doss, who was passing by at low altitude, suddenly shivered and shrank to the length of his arms. The power sitting on the dragon's back also held Wanlong Fanshang and fell from the sky and made a face stop! After rolling a few times to release the impact, Roland gritted his teeth as he looked at the gold and silver dragon gun that had completely lit up in his hand!

"Death!" He faced the Orc King alone who had just been repelled by Dos Anthony!

"Boom!" The battle ax flew Roland straight away.

The half-orc king twisted his neck and made a squeaking sound, while looking at Roland with a scrutinizing gaze: "King to king! It's fair!"

After saying this to Roland with a ferocious smile, it immediately pounced forward with an ax raised. After all, Roland was not riding a dragon at the moment and was only a fourth-level paladin! In his mind, defeating the kidnapped human king for chips might allow them to escape!

Because it wanted to kidnap Roland and did not attack with the strongest attack, it was also afraid that it would hit Roland to death with an axe!

"Huh!" Roland subconsciously waved Wanlong Fanshang to block. Wanlong Fansang drew a beautiful arc, and the next second the dragon roared!

"Aang! Aang! Aang!" The voice of thousands of giant dragons sounded like chanting from the dragon gun. The fine lines exuded the light of gold and silver. Roland instantly felt full of power when he was in it!

"Bah!" Roland subconsciously swung his gun to block it, but heard a splitting sound. He followed the sound and looked around. The Orc King who had just charged ferociously was staring blankly at the ax handle with only half left in his hand.

"Roar!" A wild dragon roar resounded throughout the world, and the dragon patterns on the Ten Thousand Dragons Chant flew out one after another! These dragon shadows began to circle around Roland's body. At this moment, Roland seemed to be covered with a layer of golden floating armor.

"Plop!" The Orc King suddenly fell to the ground.

Roland, who was nervously confronting him, was stunned. At this moment, only the lower body of the sixth-level sword master in front of him was still standing, and his arms and upper body fell to the ground. This terrifying scene made Roland's pupils shrink! It turned out that the unintentional swing just killed the sword master instantly!

Only then did Roland understand what Osbaia's so-called powerful power was! That blow actually instantly wiped out a sixth-level person, even if that sixth-level person didn't fight in the strongest posture...

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