"Has Palembang been built?" Marcus asked after realizing it.

"Well, thanks to Mr. Lance and Mr. Verin Angus, they are very dedicated to their duties!" Yun Feng affirmed.

"Indeed they are indeed good!" Marcus nodded.

"So what do you mean, Your Highnesses?" Ormsk asked, looking at Roland and Nyx.

"I prefer to migrate less people..." Nyx pouted.

"Um... I plan to keep Palembang's population around 10,000..." Roland frowned. It was obvious that his wife had different opinions from him, but Roland was not a serious person, and he did not compromise with his wife. No, Roland dotes on Nyx very much anyway, and as long as it's not a matter of principle, Roland will usually let her go.

"Why?" Adolf Heinrich rubbed his chin and looked at Nicks, obviously wanting to know Nicks' reason.

"That way Galloping City can be more lively..." Nyx stuck out his tongue and lowered his head with a blush on his face. The flower-like moon-like youth is the time when girls like to play most. Originally Galliu City was deserted. The popularity of the city is full of vitality due to the injection of a large number of residents. Nyx does not want Rapid City to return to its previous state again, so he does not want a large number of people to migrate.

"Huh?" Roland raised his eyebrows, "Oh boy, so that's what you planned..." Roland never expected that Nyx's decision was due to the excitement, but after all, it was not a reasonable reason.

Thinking of this, Roland nodded and agreed with Nyx's idea. Although the starting point is a bit strange, the reason is indeed correct. After all, it is not good for Swiftliu City to be too deserted as it serves as the temporary capital...

"Otherwise, let's do this. From today onwards, all the refugees who join the kingdom will be arranged to go to Palembang. This will not affect the prosperity of Rapid City nor make Palembang too depressed... The most important thing is that there is no need to make arrangements The residents will have to work hard again." Yun Feng thought about it and came up with a solution. It happened that nearly 20,000 people poured into Rapid City during this period. The pressure on the city's functions nearly doubled in an instant. They still need time to sort out the city plan. , the newly arrived population will be placed in Palembang, which just kills two birds with one stone.

"It's not impossible!" Roland rubbed his chin. What Yun Feng said made sense. The main reason was that Roland, who had to move people again and waste money, couldn't bear it.

"That's it!" Roland shook his head.

"By the way, your Highness's people need to find something to do for them, right?" Adolf Heinrich suddenly said to Roland just as the party was about to end.

"?" Roland frowned and looked at Adolf Heinrich in confusion.

"It's like this. I walked around the city and found many laborers wandering around with nothing to do. I went to inquire and found out that they had just migrated here. They didn't have their own fields and couldn't find any work to make a living. We can only wait for relief from the castle..." Adolf Heinrich frowned and said to Roland. Obviously it was a pity that this part of the population was wasted.

"Huh?" Roland turned his gaze to Yun Feng again, his eyes full of doubts.

"They just came after the spring plowing. These people have no skills and can't do anything except farming." Yun Feng shrugged. The implication is that I have arranged for those who have some skills, and the rest As a pure farmer, I really can’t do anything.

"Let them continue to cultivate wasteland! Even if the spring plowing time has passed, you can still plant vegetables and so on!" Roland said without thinking. After all, vegetables can be grown all year round. If you can't plant some fruit trees, it's okay!

"Okay!" Yun Feng nodded. There are so many wastelands outside, so let them go out and work on the vegetable seeds. Anyway, it is better than leaving them idle.

"Well, by the way, tell them that all the wasteland they reclaimed belongs to them! How much wasteland they reclaim this year will equal the amount of farmland they will cultivate next year!" Roland raised his eyelids slightly and said calmly. The population in the north is sparse and there is no danger of land annexation. Roland naturally Randomly allocating those useless wastelands to the people for farming, even if the land annexation becomes serious in the future, it is not something Roland's generation will see.

"Your Highness!" Adolf Heinrich walked in with a slight salute.

"Yun...Adolf Heinrich! What's the matter?" Roland subconsciously wanted to call the old thief's name, but then he realized that the person who came was not Yun Feng.

"There is a magic communication from Lulong Fortress!" Adolf Heinrich said.

"What's the matter?" Roland raised his head and asked. Since the arrival of Adolf Heinrich, Yun Feng no longer manages the magic center of the castle, but Adolf Heinrich is stationed there.

"A mission is coming!" Adolf Heinrich looked into Roland's eyes.

"Which mission?" Roland sat up straight, his eyes full of interest. The news from Lulong Fortress must have come from the south! Gondor or Rohan?

"Gondor!" Adolf Heinrich lowered his head and said.

"Regent of Gondor's?" Roland raised his eyebrows, and he had to say that this aroused his interest.

"No, it's the envoy from Adrasil, the eldest son of Prince Amroth! There are 121 people in total!" Adolf Heinrich said, stroking his chest.

"121 people? He brought all the Swan Knights of Gondor?" Roland was stunned.

"No, there are only two ten-man teams, led by Knight Commander Holfa, and a hundred-man cavalry team!" Adolf Heinrich said.

"Okay, let them set off and come over!" Roland nodded. Unexpectedly, this time his old acquaintance Holfa also came.

The eldest son of the Prince of Gondor came in person, which made Roland feel important. Then he also smelled something unusual. The Regent of Gondor did not make any move, but the Prince's line actually took the lead in making friends with him. Could it be that Gondor Something went wrong internally? Roland can only ask about all this when Adrasil comes in person.

Roland was very interested in the future prince he was about to meet. After all, his son Imrahil was a famous presence in the War of the Ring. If he hadn't led the Swan Knights to attack the army of Mordor, the White King City would still be there. Not being able to hold on is still a different matter.

"Omsk?" Roland called softly.

"Your Highness, what are your orders?" Ormsk performed a knight's salute.

"Ha, gather the knights!" Roland seemed to have thought of something fun, and laughed out loud.

"Oh!" Ormsk nodded repeatedly.

"Prrr!" The gale horse snorted one after another, while Roland sat on the horse and looked at the sun on the top of the city. When the sun began to set, Roland suddenly sat upright.

"Let's go! Let's go meet the guests!" Roland cheered up and reached out to catch Doss who had just flown back. Apparently Roland opened the map hook and searched for traces of the Gondor mission through Doss, following them all the way.

"Fight!" Ormsk straightened up his lance. As a knight of the kingdom, he naturally had to show off his elegance. Although he was not sensitive to politics, it did not mean that he was throwing money away. Roland obviously wanted to show off to others. How could he not understand?

"Boom!" The sixth-level hero's breath burst out without reservation, and he ran directly to the outside of the city alongside Roland.

Soon the two cavalrymen met on the official road. Ormsk's black and white fighting spirit was particularly conspicuous, especially the fighting spirit fire rising into the sky, which made the entire Gondor mission twitch.

Brothers, it’s the sixteenth day of wandering. I’m going to give you a monthly ticket to reward you. The author is still squatting in an Internet cafe.

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