The Lord of the Rings: Lords of Middle-earth

Chapter 615: The mall is blocked and the system is stuck with a bug?

"Adrasil, the son of Prince Amroth Angelimir and the future heir to the prince, has met King Roland!" Adrasil saluted Roland on horseback, caressing his chest.

Through Horfa's reminder and the eye-catching royal flag behind Roland, Adrasil easily identified Roland's identity.

"No gift! My friend who has come from afar! I am the King of Raglan, the lord of Rapid City and Lulong Fortress! Roland!" Roland returned the greeting while stroking his chest, and at the same time said a long and outrageous title. .

"Hello King Roland, I came here on my father's orders to hope that the two countries..." Adrasil was still young and could not hold his breath, so he opened his mouth to mention the purpose of this trip.

"This is not the place to talk. Please come with me to the castle!" Roland was not in a hurry and invited Adrasiel into the city for a detailed discussion.

"This is a gift that my father carefully prepared for you!" Adrasil respectfully handed over a gift list.

"Now that you've got it, thank Prince Angelimir, who you've never met before, for me, and wish him good health!" Roland took it and glanced at it casually before saying to Adrasil. After all, there was nothing outstanding about it, it was completely satisfactory. A gift list, although expensive, was not enough to move Roland.

Because Roland's system mall was suddenly blocked, he could no longer exchange money for wealth. Apart from being used as decorations, these expensive gems and gifts could only be used to see if they could be used for alchemy.

After several conversations, Roland also understood several pieces of information from what Adrasiel just said. First of all, the current Prince of Amroth, Angelimir, is very optimistic about forming an alliance with him, otherwise he would not send his son. At this time, Adrasil's attitude was very low, which was completely unlike the speaker of a powerful kingdom.

"Your Excellency Adrasil, may I ask what happened that made your father, Prince Angelimir, so urgently need to find allies?" Roland also said immediately after everyone sat down in the castle.

"Is it possible that you want to overthrow the regent's rule?" Roland's eyes widened. For a powerful aristocrat, if he was reduced to a situation where he needed to find allies abroad, his family was about to collapse or he was planning to do something big!

It was obvious that the Amroth family had not reached the point where they could no longer survive. It seemed that Prince Angelimir, who was ordinary in the history of Middle-earth, was planning to do something big. Roland asked himself, could he make the family just like this? The Duo nobles are in charge of the Amroth family, and it seems that there is nothing else to do except change the day...

"...Did you misunderstand something?" Adrasil twitched the corner of his mouth. He was really shocked by King Roland's head.

"Our Amroth family has been loyal for generations! You can't talk nonsense!" Adrasil waved his hands frantically and said.

"Well, that was my misunderstanding, but I really can't imagine the necessity for a prince family like you to find external allies..." Roland raised his eyebrows.

Now Roland's head is bigger than his body. He realizes that he may not be able to wait for the War of the Lord of the Rings and will start a battle for the throne with the human kingdom of Gondor in advance. Aragorn... If I take action, you will really fight Gondor. The king has no chance.

"You are really good at joking. Our Prince Amroth family will not do such unjust things. As for why we need allies, I will explain to you!" Adrasil looked at Roland with a dark face, very surprised. It's obvious that Roland's words made Adrasil very unhappy. After all, who can sit next to you and keep pointing at you and saying that you want to rebel? How can you give him a good look? If he hadn't been able to beat him, he would probably have gone there in the morning.

"Do you understand the situation in the south?" Adrasil suddenly asked Roland before telling the reason.

"Ha!" Roland sneered, then shook his head with a sneer.

"They are just a bunch of arrogant nobles! The short-term peace made them forget the sharpness of the enemy's sword! It also made them forget their own enemies!"

"Well said!" Adrasil slammed the table and threw the quilt out of the hands of Adolf Heinrich who was eating melon.

"Sorry!" Adolf Heinrich picked up the cup and slipped out.

"Since you understand the situation, I won't say any more. The corruption of the nobles is more terrifying than what you have seen. Except for a few powerful nobles in the kingdom, the other nobles are basically..." Adrasil sighed, with eyes in his eyes. A bit pessimistic.

"Are they all surrendering to themselves? Are they living in a state of intoxication? Are they even ignoring the constant temptations of the orcs?" Roland added next to him.

"Ah, yes, yes! That's it!" Roland said one sentence to Adrasil that came to his heart. This was exactly what he wanted to say.

"It's okay, Rohan is no better than you!" Roland patted him and comforted him.

"..." Adrasil showed a smile that was uglier than crying. He was truly worthy of being the King of the North, and his way of comforting him was so unique!

"My father felt that problems would arise sooner or later if this continued, so he wanted to find a way out for the kingdom!" Adrasiel said firmly.

"Well, because the nobles of the Kingdom of Rohan have also been ruined, and the increasing friction between the two countries, Prince Angelimir despises the people of Rohan or dare not count on them, so you should turn your attention To the North, the only place with abundant military virtue?" Roland's voice sounded playful.

"Yes!" Adrasil was also an honest person and nodded directly.

"Why does your father think that this time the Northern Territory will still go through the muddy waters like before? After all, this is your southern affairs, and the humans in the north still have too much to take care of themselves!" Roland said calmly.

Because in history, the lives of humans in the North were not that good, but in the final War of the Lord of the Rings, they still paid unimaginable blood and tears for the humans in Middle-earth! The world only knows that a few hobbits bravely braved Mount Doom in the War of the Ring, and fought to the death with an army of orcs under the White King of Rohan in Gondor. But how many people know that the real War of the Ring actually had two main battlefields? The twins of Gushan faced the overwhelming Dongyi people and fought to the end. The survivors of the Gushan expedition, King Ironfoot Dain and Bard's grandson King Brand, both died in the bloody battle at the Elub gate decades later...

"My father said you are the knights of the North!" Adrasil looked at Roland with sincere eyes.

"Poof!" Roland suddenly laughed. He picked up the silver wine glass and played with it. Then he held the hard wine glass with one hand and squeezed it into the shape of Roland.

Knights of the North...what a noble word. The original knights of the North would not have thought that since they went south, these people who stick to the North would carry this heavy life on their thin shoulders, right?

"I'm not Rohan! I'm also not a passionate knight. I'm the human king of the North! I have to consider the people of the North, and the words "Knights of the North" can't impress me." Roland looked at Adrasil calmly. , not at all indifferent to the "high hat" of the knights in the north. Rohan did not let down the High King of Gondor, but they let down the humans in the north.

"You also understand the reason why the lips are dead and the teeth are cold. After all, the north and the south are of the same origin." Adrasil said weakly after holding back for a long time.

"So this is the reason why while you are singing and dancing, I am still having fun with the orcs in the freezing north!" Roland's eyes flashed with coldness.

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