The Lord of the Rings: Lords of Middle-earth

Chapter 617: Searching for Honor Points

"Your Highness, where are you going?" Adolf Heinri hoped that Roland, who was preparing items, quickly stepped aside and stopped him.

You must know that the high-level and middle-level nobles of the entire kingdom know the news of Roland's death. This news was specially released by Nyx. The purpose is to warn everyone not to take the king out casually. The new members who heard about the series of causes and consequences Adolf Heinrich was stunned for a moment.

"Get out of the way!" Roland was in high spirits at the moment, so how could he be so easy to kill? He waved casually and walked around Adolf Heinrich.

"Duang!" Does it sound good? What sounds good is a good start!

Adolf Heinrich held up a six-pointed star formation in his hand, and a translucent light shield suddenly blocked Roland's progress.

"Gan?" Roland turned his head and glared angrily.

"I can't let you go unless you tell me, otherwise His Highness Nyx will plot against me..." Adolf Heinrich looked at Roland with a calm expression.

"I'm going to the Lonely Mountain to have a drink with Thorin! Can that be done?" Roland gritted his teeth.

"Of course, but just wait a moment!" Adolf Heinrich nodded with a smile, and then his powerful mental power emanated.

"Huh?" Yun Feng, who was outside the castle at the moment, raised his head and looked in the direction of the castle with a frown. The next second, the same powerful mental power swept back.

"Nothing." Adolf Heinrich's voice rang in Yun Feng's mind. Apparently he also realized that he had alarmed the wise man Yun Feng.

The collision between the two sixth-level spellcasters was fleeting, and then Adolf Heinrich's mental power found the sleeping Ormsk.

"His Royal Highness is going to Lonely Mountain, how about you accompany him?" Adolf Heinrich's voice sounded. After all, as a sixth-level hero, Ormsk's effect as a bodyguard is much better than that of the Dragon Cavalry General. He only planned to inform the Dragon Rider General if Ormsk was unwilling to go.

"Okay!" Ormsk responded. After all, he also has his own little Jiujiu, because the incident of the king's flag change last time caused a very awkward relationship between the noble generals who opposed Queen Nyx and Roland. Everyone is working hard. To mend the relationship, it was clear that Adolf Heinrich's words played into Omsk's hands.

"Your Highness, His Excellency Ormsk will accompany you!" Adolf Heinrich said gently to Roland.

"...Okay!" Roland didn't refuse after thinking for a while. After all, he was still frightened by the last accident. It would always be better to have a hero by his side.

"Big bad guy! Where are you running to again?" Smurf Elf's voice suddenly sounded.

"Damn! Dragons can scare people to death!" Roland looked at the mini dragon flying above his head and caressed his heart.

"You want to sneak out again? I'll tell Nyx!" The Smurf rolled his eyes a few times and suddenly said with a bad smile.

"..." Roland, I may not be a human, but you are a real dog!

"Roland! What are you doing!" Within three seconds, Nicks rushed over with the little snow leopard Snowball in his arms.

"Um, do you believe me when I say that I really plan to go to Lonely Mountain to have a drink with Thorin?" Roland said with a bitter look on his face.

Nyx did not speak but stared into Roland's eyes. Ormsk on the side was also holding his hands in front of him at the moment, looking at his nose, nose and mouth, and his mouth and heart, looking like he didn't know anything.

"Okay, let Ormsk accompany you, don't go too far, and come back early after playing!" Nyx smiled generously, which almost made Roland's heart melt.

Roland walked up and kissed Nyx, then rubbed her pretty face and left with Ormsk.

However, after walking two steps, Roland suddenly dodged back and flipped the flying Smurf several somersaults with a flick of his finger. Then he laughed and ran away. He had to do this bitch.

"Roland! You bastard!" The Smurf was stunned for a moment, but when she came to her senses and chased after her, there was no trace of Roland anywhere. She looked up at the sky, okay! Roland was flying happily on his big boy, while Ormsk was chasing him on the ground, dancing and gesturing to pedestrians on the road to avoid him.

"Ah, just like a child." Nyx looked at Roland's back lovingly.

"Just pamper him! You should shed tears next time he plays to death." Smurf said angrily.

"Soon I will stand with him and fight side by side. I will no longer be a burden to him!" Nyx said solemnly as he looked at the dragon knight who was going away.

"I hope so!" The Smurf swung its tail and landed on Nyx's shoulder, while Nyx stretched out a hand to hold it up, and a space door appeared on the Smurf's face. It was the Dragon Flute. The hidden dragonriding space.

Nyx actually became a Dragon Mage quietly! And her combat power has also reached the peak of the third level, and she may enter the ranks of the fourth level war mage at any time!

"Your Highness! Do you know what it means to watch the mountain and run to death? Let alone the dragon!" Ormsk panted. He pulled the reins and his eyes went straight. The more Roland flew, the harder it was for him to chase. He was afraid that Roland would disappear again if he didn't pay attention... Then he would really go crazy.

"Aren't you afraid of a female tyrannosaurus!" Roland shrugged and said indifferently, and Ormsk's mount, the abyss warhorse, also has a high-level monster with nightmare blood! How can one escape to death so easily?

"..." Ormsk didn't say anything and just followed Roland.

"Your horse!" Ormsk casually handed over the reins. After all, Roland was walking so fast that he didn't care about his horse. Ormsk took him and ran with him.

"Thank you!" Roland raised his eyebrows. Ormsk was really thoughtful, and he even knew how to take his horse with him.

"Where do you plan to go?" Ormsk asked nervously. He was ready to drag Roland back forcibly. After all, everyone's hearts were not in particularly good condition during this period and could no longer withstand the stimulation.

"Lonely Mountain! Didn't I tell you everything?" Roland frowned and looked at Ormsk in confusion. Is it difficult to understand what he said?

"???" Ormsk was stunned. He thought you were making excuses, but he didn't expect that you were really going to Gushan!

"Then... let's go." Ormsk said dully.

He knew that Roland was just planning to explore how to obtain honor points for the new system features, and didn't want to do anything fancy at all.

"Welcome, King Roland! Your arrival will make this place flourish! My friend! All dwarves welcome you!" Thorin leaned down and said to Roland.

"No need..." Roland was shocked by Thorin's numbness, so he immediately supported Thorin.

"Why are you here this time?" Thorin looked at Roland and Ormsk and asked in confusion.

"Have a glass of wine!" Roland said, looking at the system that had not yet been touched.

"The dwarves have enough wine and barbecue!" Thorin smiled heartily and hugged Roland and Ormsk inside.

"Boom! Boom!" Three glasses of beer were placed on the table.

"Celebrate our victory!" Thorin raised his cup and touched it with Roland before drinking it down.

"Ding! Successfully checked in at the historical location! The Kingdom of Irub under the Mountain! Awarded Honor Point*1!"

The sound of the system sounded after Roland poured the wine into his mouth.

"Ding! The historical treasure witness was successful! Aken Gemstone! Reward Honor Point*1!"

"Ding! The historical event was successfully witnessed! Enthusiastic Thorin! Reward 1 honor point!"

"Pfft!" Roland sprayed Omsk with a sip of wine.

"Huh? Doesn't the wine taste wrong?" Thorin's expression changed immediately. He took Roland's cup and took a sip.

"No problem?" Monk Solin Zhanger was confused and could only look at Roland who suddenly sprayed wine in confusion.

"Sorry! Sorry! I just remembered something!" Roland hurriedly wiped Ormsk's face while apologizing to Thorin.

"I have something else to do, so let's go first!" Roland drank the remaining wine in one gulp, and then pulled Ormsk and ran out under Thorin's surprised eyes.

"Strange...Why is King Roland so rough today?" Thorin shook his head.

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