The Lord of the Rings: Lords of Middle-earth

Chapter 618 Checking in to River Valley State

"I don't know..." Dvalin put down his cup and shook his head.

"It's weird..." Thorin was a bit dumbfounded, just like Roland came and went like a storm.

"Your Highness..." Ormsk looked at Roland with some confusion. Did you really just go for a drink because of your feelings? Just have a drink?

"It's okay, I just went to see if Thorin was doing well." Roland touched his nose without blushing, and said panicked without a beating heart.

"Then what's next?" Ormsk said with a toothache. Tell me, are you free?

"Next..." Roland smiled and looked at the four points of honor on the system panel, with a look of satisfaction in his eyes.

"Go to the River Valley State!" Roland smiled. Since Irube's historical location check-in can be successful, there is no reason why the River Valley State of Humanity's Northern Star should not give honor points.

"Okay!" Ormsk could only nod and follow Roland. Anyway, he was just a minister. He had fulfilled his duty by watching over him and not letting him seek death.

"Who is it?" The guards stationed on the city wall saw Roland and Ormsk dressed as knights at a glance, and they immediately roared to notify the guards below.

The guards below were also unambiguous. Although they knew that these two men were invincible, they still raised their spears and blocked the way of Roland and Ormsk.

"This is King Raglan! The Lord of Palembang, Lulong Fortress in Rapid City! King Roland! We want to see King Bard!" Ormsk looked at Roland and rode forward and said.

The guards looked carefully. Although Ormsk was not holding Roland's royal flag, Ormsk's outfit was considered famous in the North, and soon everyone started whispering.

"Excuse me, please wait a moment, we will report!" The guard did not behave like those in the novels about dogs looking down on others, but he handed them over in an honest manner.

"There's no rush." ​​Roland shook his head and was not in a hurry. After all, this is someone else's house, and as a guest, you still need to know the rules.

"Where is King Roland?" Soon Bard also galloped out on horseback.

"Hello! Bud!" Roland got off his horse and extended his hand to Bud.

"Hello! Roland!" Bard also immediately dismounted and hugged Roland. At this moment, the two parties were not communicating as kings but as old friends.

"How have you been these days?" Bud put his arm around Roland's shoulders and walked inside.

"So-so..." Roland said vaguely. After all, he couldn't tell Bard that he went out and died outside, right?

"Well, what's the matter?" Bud said seriously.

"Hey! Can't I come see you if you have nothing to do?" Roland grinned.

"You go to Ilubo for everything." Bard showed a bit of ridicule.

"Pfft! Who is slandering me!" Roland became anxious upon hearing this. This probably meant the same thing as not going to the Three Treasures Palace for anything.

"Are you using slander?" Bard said with shame. Who doesn't know that you, King Roland, are a well-known representative figure in Middle-earth who refuses to do anything without benefits?

"It's okay, I just came here to keep in touch!" Roland said sincerely. Although he did come here to collect wool, he couldn't tell Bard, right?

"Good guy! You're so quick in connecting with each other! My spies reported that you went to Gushan not even an hour ago... You went in and showed your face and then came back?" Bud smiled abstractly.

"Well, I went in for a drink and came back. Why don't I come to see you?" Roland also laughed and made a haha.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk! Logically speaking, there shouldn't be anything you can see in Dagushan and the River Valley State, the great enterprise of Roland's royal family!" Bard scratched his head, really wondering what Roland was doing with such a lightning speed.

"I'm just here to see an old friend! Who do you think I am? What can I do for you? For you to be ugly? For you to sleep without taking a shower?" Roland scolded with a smile.

"Fuck you! You're the only one who can't do anything right all day long!" Bard frowned.

"Would you like to stay for a meal today?" Bud asked, looking at the sky and then at Roland.

"It's noon? Excuse me for disturbing you!" Roland was not rude and nodded decisively, planning to eat.

"By the way, what time is it? Thorin doesn't plan to provide you with a meal?" Bard led Ormsk and Roland into the castle. Roland immediately saw that the food on the dining table had been eaten by Bard's wife. And most of the children were wiped out. They should have returned to their rooms to rest by now.

"Are you eating?" Roland said, looking at the remaining food on the plate at the main table.

"Otherwise? I didn't even bother to wipe my mouth..." Bud rolled his eyes.

"Come on, come on! Try this roast chicken! Guards! Let the kitchen add some dishes!" Bud said to Ormsk in a reasonable manner, and then ordered the servants in the castle.

"Hmm!" Roland grabbed the chicken wings without any courtesy and started to nibble on them. Although the dishes had already been served, the portioning system made them very clean. Roland was not picky, after all, these were precious grains.

"I guess you haven't eaten! From the time you went up the mountain to the time you came down...tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk."

Ormsk was also munching on bread and barbecue steaks, his heart filled with tears. King Roland suddenly wanted to leave, and Thorin couldn't stop him!

"Ding! Successfully checked in at the historical location! River Valley State! Reward Honor Point*1!"

Just as Roland was about to speak, the system's voice rang, and Roland immediately beamed. 5 points of honor can be exchanged for many good things.

"...Roland, are you okay? Don't show such an expression to me!" Bard was a little scared and looked at Roland who was smiling obscenely at him. He unconsciously shrank and moved a few centimeters away from Roland, but he was still small. This small action hurt Roland's heart greatly.

"..." The smile on Roland's face suddenly disappeared, and the joy of gaining honor points was not as painful as being regarded as a pervert.

"!" Soon the cook brought out several new dishes, and Bard immediately called for Roland to start.

"Thank you for the hospitality!" Roland burped and swayed toward the outside of the castle.

"Now I have reason to suspect that your cook is abusing you...are you not going to give you enough food?" Bard suddenly felt chills all over when he thought of Roland's fighting power just now, which was like a starving ghost reincarnated.

"Bah! What kind of abuse? That's because I shouldn't have bothered to eat in the morning!" Roland was about to shed tears of grief and anger as he spoke. He blamed himself for being impatient and almost starving himself when he ran down.

"..." Bud's brows twitched, and he suddenly realized that this thing didn't seem particularly reliable!

"Okay, don't give it away. I'll treat you well next time you come to Swift Current City!" Roland waved his hand. After he had successfully obtained honor points by having sex with others, there was no point in staying in River Valley State, so he and Bard After saying goodbye, we prepared to move to the next place.

"Your Highness, where are we going now?" Ormsk led the horse.

"Let's go! Go to Changhu Town!" Roland narrowed his eyes.

"What the hell?" Ormsk stumbled. Why did you blindly run to that ruin on the water?

"Let's go and have a look! I miss the days of slaying dragons there!" Roland put his hands behind his back with a nostalgic look, and just used any pretense to deceive Ormsk.

"Okay..." Ormsk said bravely.

Please give me monthly tickets for rewards. I have no rice to eat, bosses.

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