The Lord of the Rings: Lords of Middle-earth

Chapter 620: Fan Erwei was shocked

Chapter 629 Fan Erwei was shocked

"Your Highness...this thing?" Ormsk looked at the constantly moving giant tree in front of him and fell into deep thought.

The 30-meter-tall ancient war tree is as tall as a ten-story building. Its body is covered with hard rocky bark. Countless branches extend from its trunk, and its crown covers an area of ​​tens of thousands of square meters! Cast a shadow directly on the ground! Several thick roots under the tree trunk rolled up the soil and moved this behemoth Shanshan! Three ancient war trees walked side by side, and a strong sense of oppression suddenly hit their faces. Even Ormsk, a level six hero, couldn't help but tighten his grip on his spear. The suffocating figure made him frown.

"Hello! Venerable!" The leader of the ancient war tree suddenly opened his eyes, grinned his big dry mouth and said suddenly.

"Gan!" Ormsk suddenly waved his spear and subconsciously stood in front of Roland. Apparently, the ancient war tree triggered his automatic defense mechanism.

"Something's wrong!" Ormsk narrowed his eyes. Logically speaking, he would not make conditioned reflex actions easily.

"Pa!" Looking at Ormsk who was deep in thought, Roland patted his shoulder and frightened Ormsk to the point where he almost flew up.

"Don't be surprised, it's normal to trigger your sensory alertness! They are ancient war trees, and they have their own sonic attacks!" Roland smiled.

Although the Ancient War Tree controlled its sound waves to have no lethality when speaking, the energy of the sound waves still washed through Ormsk's body. As a sixth-level hero, Ormsk's body instinctively showed protective reflexes. After all, his body had never experienced this kind of sound wave baptism before.

"The ancient tree of war? This is not from the elves..." Ormsk looked at Roland in surprise and pointed at Roland with a confused look on his face. The title "Venerable" is only used by the elves for people with extremely high status in the clan, and As one of the three treasures of the elves, the Ancient War Tree naturally has the same habits as the elves.

"They can be regarded as forces of the empire..." Roland squinted his eyes and thought about the introduction of these ancient war trees, and finally gave a reasonable explanation to Ormsk.

"These ancient trees of war are the guardians of Lordaeron, and they are trekking here to find us!" Roland thought about the introduction of the system. After all, the system is not something fabricated out of thin air, but a reasonable explanation of creation. For example, this Several ancient war trees are the guardians of the Lordaeron half-elves. However, there are no Lordaeron half-elves in this Middle-earth, but this does not prevent Roland from making a rational explanation.

"Lordaeron?" Ormsk suddenly realized that he knew about Lordaeron. After all, the kingdom still has 50 Lordaeron half-elf rangers. The Principality of Lordaeron was once a powerful border barrier for the empire. Lordaeron The Grand Duke was loyal to the Emperor and guarded the eastern part of the Rune region for the Emperor. It once became the frontline of the empire's border. The powerful Lordaeron rangers and the slightly more sophisticated Lordaeron knights fought with the Dongyi people in the woodlands for several days. Hundreds of years of desperate struggle, and the ancient war tree of Lordaeron became famous all over the world.

"It's not easy for you to come all the way!" Ormsk's mouth twitched. No one was lucky enough to meet the ancient war tree that came all the way out of Rapid City.

While Ormsk was still lamenting their good luck, Roland chuckled secretly. How could there be so many coincidences? But it's all just routines and calculations.

"Hey! King Roland! Your Excellency Ormsk!" If Cao Cao is here, Cao Cao will be here! While Roland and Ormsk were talking, Verve also appeared in front of everyone with a few jumps.

"Hello, Valve!" Roland smiled and waved, but he was thinking about how to trick this boy into working for him.

"Eh? Why are you here, kid?" Ormsk was very surprised by Verve's appearance. After all, it was well known that this Elf King was either huddled with the centaurs or in the City of Rapids. In terms of the level of death, he was no less than Se. Landui and Eovia, this makes everyone guess whether the Elf King has some otaku attributes in him? (Don’t say that! The long life of elves makes all elf kings very homey... Which elf king do you think has ever come out for a walk?)

"I feel the familiar breath of life! I am a descendant of the goddess of nature!" Verve said excitedly.

"Eh? Why are there three such tall trees here... Damn it! Ancient trees of war! Ah~" As soon as Verwey raised his head, he was stunned by the surging life energy in front of him. At first glance: such surging vitality and nature energy! Second glance: This tree looks so familiar! Third eye: Longevity! Ancient tree of war!

"Uh-huh! Our heritage!" Roland blinked and pointedly pointed out. Halfway through the words, he acted like a "demon" and let Verway figure out the rest.

"How is it possible..." Fanwei said in despair, these are three ancient war trees! Not to mention that grassland elves never have this thing in their lives, even star elves and woodland elves don't have this thing!

You must know that the magic well is the eternal source of elves' power, the ancient tree of life is the producer of the source, and the ancient tree of war is the barrier to all of this! The Ancient Tree of Life will restore the consumption of the magic well, while the Ancient Tree of War requires the Ancient Tree of Life to condense the water of life through time and form an armor like rock skin to cover the body, and finally the whole body will be covered with "the water of life condensed" The Ancient Tree of Life with "bark" armor will no longer produce water of life, and will have a new name - Ancient Tree of War!

The Ancient War Tree is the mobile fortress of the elves. It is almost difficult to completely kill an Ancient War Tree. Even if it is besieged by the Dragon Clan, it will take a long time! The only drawback is that the fire resistance is slightly lower, but it can't be burned casually. After all, the whole body is covered with armor made of solid life force! You may not be able to recover as quickly as others with the Ancient War Tree... What's even more disgusting is that the elves with full natural affinity are almost immortal standing on the Ancient War Tree. Unless the Elf defenders on the Ancient War Tree are instantly wiped out, otherwise They will let you know what it means: ancient trees control ancient trees, ancient trees control elves, elves control ancient trees, ancient trees control elves... Well, the vitality that is so dense that it becomes solid makes the elf soldiers above unable to kill at all. As long as they can still You can resurrect with full health in the next second after you take a breath.

Who in the family understands? The elves on the opposite side opened their blood pool on their faces! Moreover, the attack power of this blood pool can reach six levels in an instant!

The real Middle-earth version of Tree Realm is here! The ancient war tree's attack method is very simple. It is nothing more than shooting out the vines and then wrapping them around... ah no! It is entangled with vines, directly sucking the life force of the trapped person! Although it is difficult to catch people, once you are caught, hey! Then you will suffer the same consequences!

"Why do you have a future with me?" Roland proudly pointed to the three ancient war trees that were subservient to him. To be honest, when he saw this thing with six honors and three trees, Roland thought it was a bug. After all, the value of the ancient war trees was It is much stronger than a sixth-level unit. As a result, three ancient war trees are not as expensive as the most rubbish sixth-level professional... But in the end, Roland probably figured out why they are so cheap, because this thing has a shortcoming. Essentially, it is just a slow-moving defensive fortress, and its output mainly relies on the elf soldiers stationed above... The problem is that Roland has no pure-blood elf soldiers!

"Uh-huh!" Fan Erwei looked at the ancient war tree and nodded involuntarily.

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