Chapter 630: I’m so fooled

"What, are you interested in following me? You won't suffer any consequences if you work with me! In the future, you elves can migrate to the ancient war tree!" Roland's voice was like the devil from hell, full of inexplicable temptation.

"Hmm..." At this moment, Verway was shocked by the majesty of the ancient war tree and was in a trance. Whoever said it was what he said, so he nodded subconsciously at this moment.

"Pah!" Roland clapped his hands excitedly!

"Fernway kneels down and accepts the title! From now on you will be the Grand Duke of Lordaeron of the Kingdom of Lagrand!" Roland opened his mouth.

"...Hmm!" Before Vervey could react, Ormsk turned his head stiffly and looked at Roland with his eyes wide open. His eyes were full of galloping grass and mud horses. What the hell? Does this make him the Grand Duke of Lordaeron?

"It's not King Roland. What are you talking about?" Verve knelt down on one knee obediently. He looked up at Roland and suddenly realized that his perspective was wrong. Before he could react, Roland quickly drew out the Dragon-Slaying Sword and placed it on his shoulders. Clicked lightly.

"Hahaha! Get up, my Grand Duke!" Roland took back his dragon-slaying sword and opened his arms.

"???" Fanwei had a brainstorm, and you took advantage of me when I was unstable? By lying? By sneak attack? Don’t talk about martial ethics?

"..." Ormsk on the side was already covering his face, unable to look directly at Roland's face.

"Your Highness Roland, have you misunderstood..." Vervey stood up, patted the soil and smiled politely but not awkwardly.

"Huh? You just became loyal to me and now you want to commit treason?" Roland said calmly with a sideways glance.

"Pfft..." Ormsk beside him was already squatting on the ground and playing with ants, as if the ants were some rare treasure without even raising his head.

"..." The corners of Verve's eyes twitched, you seem to have that serious illness!

"Okay, from now on these ancient war trees will be taken care of by you elves. You can take them to settle down somewhere. I'll go back first!" Roland laughed and got on his horse to drive away.

"Wait..." Fan Wei quickly stretched out his hand.

"It's okay, you can let your tribe live in the ancient war tree. Although it's not as good as the magic well, it can at least enhance your life force!" Roland waved his head and ran away without looking back, leaving only his voice in the air. Drifting away.

"Your Highness! Wait for me!" Roland had already escaped by the time Ormsk reacted, leaving him shouting hoarsely.

"Your Highness, don't leave! Wait for me!"

"How can I live if your Highness is gone! Your Highness!"

"Your Highness, please give me back my horse!"

"My horse! My horse! Your Highness!"

Roland was galloping in front, and Ormsk was chasing after him. This place was at least ten miles away from Rapid City. It would be better to kill him than to let him "seat" on Route 11.

Roland, who had already disappeared without a trace, suddenly realized that something was wrong. After all, there was no one on the back of the abyss war horse that was running alongside him... Looking carefully, it turned out that Ormsk had tied the reins of the two horses together, so... …

Roland turned his head and looked deeply behind him, and couldn't help but mourn a few seconds of silence for Ormsk - and you, Ormsk, you are the real hero!

"Your Highness!" The soldiers at the city gate hurriedly greeted Roland at the city gate.

"Huh? His Majesty Ormsk's war horse? Where is His Majesty's people?" the soldier holding Roland's horse asked in confusion.

"He...he's exercising in the back!" Roland said without blushing.

"Weird!" The soldiers scratched their heads, wondering what a sixth-level hero could do to exercise. Shouldn't his physical fitness be top-notch? However, they didn’t understand the sixth-level world, so no one said much.

"I'm back!" Roland kicked open the door of the castle and said with a wanton smile. How could Roland not feel happy after prostituted three ancient war trees and deceived an elf?

"You're back? Where's Omsk?" Yun Feng raised his eyelids and then lowered his head and asked.

"I'm going to lose weight later!" Roland waved his hand.

at the same time……

"Huhuhu~" Ormsk panted heavily and came outside Swift Current City.

"Your Majesty? What's going on?" The soldiers saw Ormsk's embarrassed appearance and rushed to meet him, thinking that Ormsk was ambushed or something.

"Where is Your Highness?" Ormsk did not answer but paid attention to Roland's whereabouts. It was not that he was too careful but that Roland was too cheating. He walked back slowly before it was too late. Ever since Roland had learned a "shameful" lesson from the past, Ormsk never dared to let Roland out of his sight, so he could only run back all the way, and the fighting spirit in his body was almost drained. Once it's done, it can be regarded as a new record of running as fast as a horse.

"His Highness is back. We are still wondering why you didn't come back with His Highness!" the soldiers said in a flurry of words.

"It's okay!" Ormsk entered the city with a dark face. He couldn't tell the soldiers that his horse was taken away by a certain trap and he could only run back, right? Then he, a level 6 hero, has to lose face!

"Running back?" Yun Feng didn't even raise his eyelids, but just relied on the person's breath to tell that the person who came in was Omsk. The old god was sitting on the chair and reading a book.

"Huh? How do you know?" Omsk stumbled and looked at Yun Feng, who was sitting elegantly and dignifiedly on the chair, with a surprised expression.

"His Highness held your horse when he came back. When you came in, you were panting like an ox..." Yun Feng turned a page of the book and said calmly. Although Yun Feng did not leave home, he and Adolf Heinrich's mental strength But they are not idle, the mental power of one or two people has been scanning the rapids city and the surrounding area, in order to prevent the erosion of evil forces.

"..." Ormsk said nothing with a dark face but grabbed the water glass and drank it in one gulp.

"Your Excellency Verve suddenly went out just now. What happened?" Yun Feng did not say much about Ormsk's nonsense but changed the subject.

"The ancient war trees in the Lordaeron region came here. Lord Verway felt the huge vitality of the ancient war trees. After all, the connection between elves and ancient trees is quite mysterious!" Ormsk explained with a shrug.

"That's it!" Yun Feng nodded clearly. He also knew that the Grand Duchy of Lordaeron was a gathering place for elves in the former empire. It was not surprising that there was an ancient tree of war in it. However, this ancient tree of war has been through so much. It’s extraordinary to be able to find an heir to the empire after so many years!

"That thing is somewhat useful. It's good as a fortress, but it's a pity that we don't have elves to guard and operate it!" Yun Feng closed the book and rubbed his chin, thinking.

"That's another thing..." Ormsk said suddenly embarrassed.

"King Luolan... what did he do again?" Yun Feng paused and asked with some fear.

"He went to deceive the leader of the prairie elves, Verway, and then gave him the title of Grand Duke of Lordaeron while he was unprepared. Now Lord Verway is still struggling. After all, the ancient war tree is attractive to the elves. It's really big." Ormsk covered his face.

"You're lame for cheating..." Yun Feng shook his head and laughed. It was Roland who he knew was right - Roland, Elector of the Empire, King Romanian, King Raglan, Great Fool of Middle-earth, Painter of the Northern Territory, orchid!

"Almost." Ormsk said speechlessly. If there were other things with the arrogance of the elves, he would probably scold them. If it was the ancient war tree and other elven treasures, plus the prairie elves and the Lagrang Kingdom, it wouldn't be impossible. Thinking about it, Ormsk estimated that given Verve's character, Roland's deception should be stable.

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