The Lord of the Rings: Lords of Middle-earth

Chapter 623: The New Home of the Prairie Elf

Chapter 632 The New Home of the Prairie Elf

"Poof!" Countless vines surged crazily, making it difficult for the mammoth, which was charging like a mad cow, to move forward. The forest-like vines entangled the mammoth tightly, and after a while, the Haradhs and mammoths above turned into Turned into mummies.

"Hoo~" In Ormsk's shocked eyes, a huge blazing meteorite flew straight towards the ancient war tree in the sky.

"Ah? The Great Forbidden Curse has been summoned?" Ormsk's eyelids twitched. Did he kill the orcs too hard to attract people's attention? The high priest opposite was wielding the Great Forbidden Curse and aiming straight at it!

"Buzz!" The emerald-green vitality crazily overflowed from the ancient war tree's body, and a shield built purely from vitality protected it. As the roots of the ancient war tree took root, the power of the earth was also being absorbed. It absorbed it crazily, and a layer of khaki energy also appeared on its surface.

"Boom..." The bright aftermath of the Great Forbidden Curse swept across an area of ​​dozens of miles. Fortunately, there was basically no trace of Lagran's army here. Except for blowing away and tearing apart some orcs and Harads, it did not affect the imperial army. .

"Is it fake?" After the smoke cleared, Ormsk took a closer look, what a guy! Not to mention that the Ancient War Tree is as solid as a rock, it can only be said that it is as immovable as a mountain! Not to mention dead people, not even a single leaf was knocked down! In addition to the shield representing the power of the earth being broken, the vitality shield on the appearance of the ancient war tree was only dimmed.

"Is this weird?" As the illusion dissipated, Yun Feng appeared in front of Omsk and whispered.

"The Ancient Tree of War is originally a brand-new life born from the evolution of the Ancient Tree of Life over the years and the flames of war. It is essentially a ball of extremely huge vitality. The elves garrison on it are basically unkillable. The moving fortress is not for nothing! Yun Feng shook his head with a smile. There were not many ancient war trees in history, and there were even fewer cases of ancient war trees participating in the war. Therefore, the only legends about ancient war trees that spread in the world were left.

However, what Yun Feng did not tell Ormsk was that the ancient trees of war were also divided into different levels. Obviously, the ancient tree in the Principality of Lordaeron was already a perverted and enhanced version. The ancient tree of war that was more than 100 meters high was not these three. The ancient tree that is over thirty meters tall can be compared with it. The ancient war tree can withstand a forbidden curse without even moving, but the three ancient trees in the kingdom now should be in danger if they are hit by a forbidden curse.

Therefore, Yun Feng is also very clear about the positioning of these ancient war trees. It is nothing more than gathering some elves and throwing them up as a simple fortress to blow up a fish pond in the low-end game to clean up the miscellaneous soldiers. Forget about the battlefield in the high-end game, just in case. If you meet Tong Tiandai, you might be carried away by others... After all, in this magical land of Middle-earth, there is no shortage of divine beings who show up in seconds.

The matching mechanism of the Monster Room in Middle-earth is amazing. The enemy and we will always be matched with some strange things. Therefore, if you want to score in the Peak Tournament of Middle-earth, in addition to being strong enough, you also need to be stubborn! Wasn't a demigod as powerful as Sauron obediently practicing and developing in Dol Guldou for so many years?

"What are you going to do with those ancient war trees? Your Highness?" Yun Feng stood on the city wall and looked at the ancient war trees standing several miles away and asked Roland curiously.

"They will be used to take back Lagrand City. As for the rest... just stand up and use them as a fortress." Roland said with a bit of toothache. It's okay to fight against weak civilians. If he fights against the elite Oak army, Roland can still fight. I'm really afraid that the Ancient War Tree will be crushed to death by the Oaks! The orcs who pull the sword are not scary, but the ring spirits and high-level professionals who control the orcs are scary! As a slow-moving defense tower, those high-level professionals can kite these ancient war trees to death.

"That's good. It seems that you have your own ideas, so I won't say more!" Yun Feng nodded. It seems that Roland is not crazy enough to bring the ancient tree of war to find bad luck with the orcs.

"..." Roland twitched the corner of his mouth. Although he was sometimes unreliable, he would not commit suicide! Even if there is a Witch King of Angmar trapped in Gambarda Fortress, Dol Guldur now has the support of Sauron.

Roland is still fortunate that Sauron had just returned to Mordor during the last coalition operation to capture Dol Guldur, otherwise the humans, elves, and dwarves would have had to stay there!

"Then where do you plan to let them live now?" Yun Feng asked. They here naturally refer to the grassland elves. After all, it is impossible to live close to the ancient war trees in the city. (Originally, the grassland elves were scattered between Rapid City and Tuput Territory)

"Don't rush to distribute the territory to them. In the final analysis, the Grand Duke of Lordaeron is just a blank check. The blessing of the Ancient War Tree is the real benefit. Verway came here for the Ancient War Tree!" Roland thought for a while. , Verwei has not come to Roland to explain that he has already acquiesced in the title of Lordaeron's Grand Duke. If there is anything in the Kingdom of Lagrand that the elves can do, it is naturally these ancient trees of war. With the ancient trees of war, Baptized with life energy, these grassland elves are no longer so-called wild elves! Vervay naturally took a fancy to this and chose to remain silent!

"Yeah, but they need to have a fixed removal after all!" Yun Feng knocked on the table. He didn't know that the Ancient Tree of War was a masterpiece of the system, and the underlying logic was completely loyal to Roland. So he naturally had to think about Roland. If the elves had some secret method and abducted the ancient war tree in the middle of the night, it would be troublesome.

"Then let them settle at the edge of Tuput Forest!" Roland shook his head and smiled. He knew that Yun Feng was thinking about himself. It happened that elves and centaurs had a close relationship, so he simply threw them together with the beauty of adulthood, and then they fought. It’s time to recruit them as King Qin!

"Yeah, that's fine. Then I'll inform you..." Yun Feng nodded and said habitually, then patted his head.

"Forget it, I'll go find him!" Roland also saw Yun Feng's embarrassment. After all, it was only appropriate for Roland to talk about this matter. As a king's staff, Yun Feng must be a bit neglectful to tell these things to an archduke.

"King Roland... Your Highness!" Verve opened his mouth and said somewhat unaccustomedly. Although it seemed that he was loyal to Roland in a daze, it was actually the result of his own acquiescence. For the current grassland elves, they are attached to Lager. This may be the best choice for the Lang Kingdom...

"It's okay, no need to be polite. Yun Feng and I have discussed it and decided to let you settle next to Tuput Forest first. You can move there with the ancient war tree and your tribe at any time!" Roland said with a smile.

"Thank you for your kindness!" Verve's voice was smoother and more sincere this time. He knew that the kingdom really cared about the elves.

"It's okay. You can go to Yun Feng to get the materials and supplies. As long as they are within a reasonable range, he can give them to you!" Roland nodded.

"That's not necessary. The ancient war tree can build its own tree house, and we can live in it!" Verway thought about his hundreds of tribesmen, and he could get some tree houses and build two wooden houses under the tree. No need to go to such trouble.

"Okay, everything depends on your needs. I won't disturb you anymore. Go and settle down the clan members as soon as possible!" Roland patted Verve on the shoulder and comforted him.

Looking at Roland's turned back, Vervay, who was caressing Manicati, leaned quietly against the ancient war tree, smelling the fresh breath of life and staring at Roland's retreating back with peace of mind.

"Thank you...Roland!"

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